Blue (and Purple/Pink) Void elf eyes!

Yeah I’m sorry about the mechagnomes that was definitely by far the dumbest thing blizz has ever gave a faction.

But no Alliance don’t need blood elves because of that they need a cool AR like Sethrak Vrykrul Ethreals Naga something cool to makeup for that

Like the human beards ya know? Doesn’t have to be as big or anything but like them.

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nope, guess again, they are still void elves, not high elves. If it looks like a duck, quake like a duck, smells like a duck, it must be a duck.

There has been arguements and discussions on how to make a new model just for high elves to prevent confusion. I am too lazy to put it here though lol

Sure if it’s a completely different model than blood elves then go for it

I couldn’t care less about them lore wise but if they have a new model then all those role players that want them for lore wise can have them

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I still think the void elves would of been better “received” as a “compromise” if they actually wrote decent background , story, lore concepts or even made them come from high elf wayfarers instead of blood elf, but they decided to be cheap with it.

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Yup, after all zandalari trolls and darkspear trolls is good examples on how to do it right, same race, different appearances after all.

The biggest hurt was the fact it wasn’t seeded. Not just the story alone.

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Now hold on, you think THATS the worst thing Blizzard has done for the Alliance over the years?
I could go down the list but its late, at the end of the day Horde players would lose nothing at all. It really comes down to “I dont want them to have that” which is just a greedy mindset for a VIDEO GAME thats already bleeding subs from an out of date faction divide.

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Yup exactly so it definitely can be done

Well too bad they are already playable but not on your faction sorry if you like the race so much but can’t play them in your main faction

And in a year when your queue time is 30 mins long, you come back to this thread.

It’ll happen when the time is right. Just not right now. Too much demand for them to ignore forever now that allied races is a thing. personally I want vrykul or even furbolgs for the allaince before high elves.

I want Man’ari (Eredar) but sadly I don’t think I can hold high hopes for that one

I would keep your hopes, since there is an interactable one in dalaran that is part of the rogues story in legion. I bet there can be a faction of them that went against the legion and wants to go back to mortal life.

“If there is a will, there is a way.” after all.

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Yeah that’s true Well I sure hope it does happen : )

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besides it would make sense if you think about it, the opposite of BC, horde get’s eredar, alliance get’s high elves. They can make it an anniversary event of it.


That sounds good to me!

That’s a good trade for Eredar lol

Doesn’t matter to me which faction got them but I can do that!

I hope they add iris to the purple option too.

I went to go check and velves are deleted from the alpha like the worgen have been for months! :frowning:

At this point, I’d be fine if they just gave normalized skin tones, could be pale idk one that at least looks decent and not just blue or purple, some different hair maybe less voidy then pure black and pure white hair colors with some others mixed in for variety.

Not saying I wouldn’t want high elves as their own thing, but I’m fine with either option, however, I do wish to be an elf paladin on alliance.

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But why would they do that? Why would they go for a paradigm shift that completely backtracks their conception of the Void Elves?

What’s the evidence for this fear? Why do you believe that this could at all happen?

Cause to me, it’s just highly improbable.

Occam’s razor and all. What’s more likely?

-High Elves join the Void Elves. It changes the whole concept of Void Elves, making Void just a small part of their culture, with more Void Elves wielding the light and being Void Elves in name only.


-High Elves join the Void Elves. They become Void Elves, but maybe they get to look less blue. Void Elves continue to be based around Void and its understanding.

I just don’t understand why you and other people believe that adding HE’s to the BE’s would utterly hinder the void aspect of them. It’s simply not the likelier scenario. Why would they so profoundly walk back the race they created on the first place?

And if they had so little faith on the concept itself that they did, it would literally mean they saw them as a mistake and saw no other way to develop them. Or at least you believe that’s probable at all, cause I certainly don’t see an scenario where VE’s become “VE’s in name only because of High Elves joining” as likely. At all.

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