Blue (and Purple/Pink) Void elf eyes!

Oh yes, I know it’s a data mine and may only be available to NPCs. But there are like 7 options, so that would be weird to only have void elf NPCs using them. I think this is legit and a great first step to giving void elves some of that high elf flavor Ion said was possible if we were nice. So be nice!

And there’s purple too!


I would rather just have High Elves.


According to Stiven from wowhead, this ones have player ID appearence so its looks like they finally made it :wink:

Blizz said in Blizzcon they are looking to add some kind of high elf compromise with the Void elfs, thats nice.

edit: The only one from this datamined group that seens to be for NPC only is the purple one, the others according to Stiven is Player ID customisation.


Why does Horde get every single allied race they ask for, but Alliance must settle for compromises?


i love you btw


I don’t disagree. They could go down the Panderan path and make them available both sides, with all the options. You;d then have to pick a Alliance race to do the same.

I love Thalassians because of Alleria, and solely because of Alleria. So the fact she leads the void elves makes them tolerable for me. And if they add in some high elf looks, all the better.


Hope this makes the HE crowd happy.


Am I hallucinating or are there two of these exact same threads going simultaneously… Weird.

Congratulations on your victory for and/or against having high elves. (I teasing a little bit, but I really can’t tell for what side this is a victory for based on conversations)

I kinda get the feeling they want to add it but they have no idea how to do it without heavy backlash from both horde and alliance.

The ideal would it be the official high elfs but alas, better something than nothing.

Because we’re not asking for carbon copies of playable races the other faction already has.


We asked for Outland mag’har for years but had to settle with AU Draenor mag’har. Not the same level as void elves instead of high elves but we didn’t get 100% everything of what we asked for either.

It won’t.

That’s probably a part of it.


horde asks for things that are actually possible


Good 'ol Blizz, still trying to use bandaids for gaping wounds.

Would be neat. But that would make too many people angry.

For some reason? Never saw new races as a bad thing myself, but that’s just me.

Panderan didn’t really cause any problem. I don’t think every race should be both sides, but clearly high/blood elfs are both still very much in the lore and very much on both sides.

To make things fair they’d have to make a current Alliance race available to the Horde.


well its official this is now an alliance high elf thread(makes surprised pikachu face)

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Until it’s on the customization page in game I’m not going give any credit any of this business that’s being datamined.

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To be honest… Meh?

Cool that they will get to have options with their eyes, but… Ingame there won’t be barely any difference from what we have now.

I only really eyed this because it means that they are willing to do at least - some - updates to ARs.

thats smart. ARs were confirmed to not be getting anything already and wowhead has already bungled applying textures to every model


Horde doesnt ask for carbon copies of alliance races. Horde usually asks for things within a understandable margin. Horde doesn’t go out of their way to bash alliance for every little bias thing that happens to them like the alliance does. When Horde give feedback majority of the time its constructive and well detailed to where alliance hits the table and demands specific thing without a detailed explanation.