Blue (and Purple/Pink) Void elf eyes!

Hey Fyre, you can finally play your blue eyed Blood Elf. You must be thrilled!

Stop spamming this. Void elves will be void elves, not high elves. There is already 2 other threads of this made in the hour, use them!

Keep dreaming For your blood elves on alliance

But we already have them via void-elves, so we must now request our high elves!

Those blue eyes are the closest you will get your never gonna get the exact same as blood elves

Does not have to be with the blood elf model, we want the lore.

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Meanwhile, Blood Elves get Void Elf facial options…
What a joke.

Yeah liar like 99% of the high elf beggars want them because they wanna play Blood elves on Alliance there verrrrrrry few people who actually want them because they like them lore wise


I can tell you never played on a RP server.


Not really lol

Trust me on this, LOTS of people want it for lore reasons. A good 70% of Void Elves I see set there RP profile as High Elf.


I can also tell you never had a discussion to any of the forum posters on the high elf threads…

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Yeah I Ignore the high elf threads cus they are stupid they have been nonstop since BC I don’t need to waste my time reading more of them

So what would you lose if Alliance had a High Elf looking Void Elf model to play as?


I dunno why it surprise anyone they are swapping stuff between void elves and blood elves. It is literally the same model, so any customization they make for one is a quick retint away from being on the other.

We wouldn’t lose anything but it wouldn’t be fair if Alliance got the most popular Horde race and Horde didn’t get anything in return give us horde humans if that’s the case

I mean these are coming…but I was hoping for bit longer.

major amount of lore of a race that should be playable for many.

Congrats alliance! You are getting your high elves after all! These void elves having blue eyes will end all the crying about wanting blood elves on the alliance. The void elves and the blood elves after all are high elves!

…You mean like giving the Horde an actual new race for an allied race and giving the Alliance diaper Gnomes?
Do we REALLY wana get into the “fair” debate?
Shall we also look the the Horde Night Elf- oh I am sorry “”“Nightborn”""?