Blue (and Purple/Pink) Void elf eyes!

This is… disgusting.

(Commentary): Except as we’ve seen, major paradigm shifts aren’t impossible. Blood Elves used to be heavily Fel reliant, until the Sunwell was restored and their use of fel was retconed and written off as a cosmetic effect. It’s quite possible that at some point Void Elves would be Void Elves in name only, with the practice of the void being this very minor thing a tiny fraction of their population does because they were the original Void Elves before all the High Elves were put under the umbrella of their race and took over the race. There’d be more, “Void Elves,” wielding the light than the void at that point. Why? Because narratively the race moved beyond it when all the High Elves joined.

Odd choice of words.

Not really.

Yeah it is. Why “disgusting”?

Would’ve loved both of those. Gilgoblins and ankoan would’ve made much better (and debatebly much cooler) of a pair than vulpera and mechagnomes. Would’ve loved sethrak too, still want them for Horde.

Would be cool and I’d like them, just not my top priority.

Doubt we’ll get them in SL but I want them at some point. Taunka are my most wanted race along with forest trolls.

They’d make no sense. If high elves are ever playable they shouldn’t have the same racials, heritage, and voicelines and void elves. As for having the same racials as blood elves, that’s debatable in terms of lore. When it comes to gameplay though they shouldn’t.


I need the purplepink eyes.

I need it.


Kind of like lightforged death knights, right?

Is it tough. Its like saying Void Elf and people that cant make decision in life. Haha we used to be alliance but we didnt liked Human treating us so we left to be wirth the Hordie. Oh no they arent as sweet as we tough lets tap into void and predent to be friend with alliance once again. We will return as the glorious HE we once were. With thier homeless haircut

This aint no compromise. Its just a bad way to make people stop.
They said they wouldnt add blue eyes on BE yet they are datamined too. and now people act as if adding blue eyes on VE make them HE once again

They don’t make sense either. They only reason they can be DKs is because every other race can be so it’s unfair to not let them be DKs.

Yet they got the Monk treament with Goblin and Worgen. So I dont see why they got DK

Inserts high elves at home meme.


Let’s not use a even worse example to justify our biased desires.

It’s used often here and i don’t care for it.

And for the record, all un-conventional Paladin we have still worship devoted religions that are some interpretation of light.

not void and paladins are PURE LIGHT.

Yeah that’s why I refuse to believe we can’t have new combos because they “don’t make sense”. Half the things in this game don’t make sense any more lol

I never said we should get void elf paladins, I specifically said they’d be cool, and that’s it.

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I see that, i just don’t care for saying something else is worse so this could/should happen.

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Some race combo classes make no sense, others make barely any. Lightforged DKs are one of the ones that make no sense, and void elf paladins would be another. Void elves are infused with void, the opposite of the light, and paladins are conduits of the light. That’s like being alive and undead at the same time.

I guess it is kind of pink, now that you mention it.


U talk about 1 dude not 1 race tough

Sort of like undead paladins, which people also ask for all the time.

Personally I sort of wish they’d just add race/class combos of everything and get it over with, but I’m fully aware they never will. It’s cool to imagine though.


These would be really bad for lore but not as bad as void elf paladins.

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