Blue (and Purple/Pink) Void elf eyes!

Looks nice. Hopefully they go a step further and get some regular skin tones too.


Quite probably my friend

(Cautionary): You should read, ‘If you give a Mouse a Cookie.’

It literally adds no high elf flavor whatsoever tho?

I mean good for VE’s getting more choices, but it literally does nothing on the HE front.


I did, when I was like 5. I don’t think anything is wrong with more customization options though. Can’t have too many.


May the light make it so!


The Shadow Queen likes what she sees.


I get the feeling they’re adding these to justify the inevitable blue eyes on Blood Elves. Alliance getting second hands as usual.

Can’t wait to change my eye color to purple :heart_eyes:


(Commentary): Typically, I’m in agreement. It’s just that adding customization to Void Elves to make them look more like High Elves is going to be a one-way street to just removing Void Elves as a race.

  • “If you give the players blue eyes, they’ll ask for fair skin.”
  • “If you give the players fair skin, they’ll ask for fair hair.”
  • “If you give the players fair hair, they’ll ask for Paladins, Druids, and Shamans.”
  • “If you give the players Paladins, Druids, and Shamans, they’ll ask for reskinned and renamed racials.”
  • “If you give the players reskinned and renamed racials, they’ll ask for NPCs to call them High Elves.”
  • “If you let players be called High Elves by NPCs, they’ll want a new Heritage Armor.”
  • “If you give the players a new Heritage Armor, they’ll want a new mount.”
  • “If you give the players a new mount, they’ll want a new base.”
  • “If you give the players a new base, they’ll want you to change the race’s name officially to High Elf, and at that point, you might as well.”

Well, it is not an uncommon opinion that Void Elves are a High Elf “substitute.” Needless to say, the demand for genuine HE still exists. If this is true It will pretty much put the nail in the coffin for HE.

These have already been asked for anyway lol

Frankly all they have to do is add the skin and maybe hair (they should get more hair options either way).

Void elf paladins would be sick though.


oh well then get rid of them if we get Helfs

That doesn’t seem like a logical conclusion. And not just because Void Elves barely have a cultural identity to usurp.


The purple is getting overlooked!


(Commentary): I certainly was applying a degree of hyperbole there for entertainment’s sake, but at the same time, if Blizzard signals that Void Elves are going to be the Alliance’s High Elves, I can’t help but feel that those looking for High Elves are going to do everything in their power to turn Void Elves into High Elves. I wouldn’t be surprised to see calls for Umbric to die and Vereesa to become the leader of the race, for the Void Elves who come from Quel’Thalas to suddenly make up less than 1% of the Void Elf race’s numbers, to change dialogue and flavor text, etc… The issue is Void Elves don’t have a culture to usurp, so it’d be far too easy to just write over them and make them non-existent. It’d probably be a process that’d take over a decade, but if people who wanted to play their Alliance High Elves have waited this long and kept asking, I don’t doubt for a minute that in ten year’s time they’ll still be here asking to continue making changes to make Void Elves into their High Elves.

Void elves should have been more like Alleria to start with, normal skintone then turn all void just like she does.


Where is my Sethrak and Gil goblins then?

And Forsaken elves?

Or Taunka and Yaungol?


Which while possible, would be just some player’s ideas where the group should go, which is, frankly, immaterial to the way Blizzard’s writing would lead them to go.

Fanon interpretations or “should be’s” really don’t matter at all regarding what the story is actually about.

Even if Void Elves get HE customization, they would still be a culture centered around the study and understanding of the Void, so whatever HE’s that join them would also adopt that phylosophy.

Merging some high elves into Void Elves doesn’t water down Void Elves, it waters down whatever concept of high elven culture anyone has. If you think HE’s are light worshiping, joining them with the VE’s removes that. If you think HE’s refuse to dabble on forbidden forces, same.

I get that VE’s pretty much only have a distinct aesthetic at this point, but even if underused, their Void themes are intrinsic to their nature. Even the most High Elf looking VE, Alleria, is thematically a Void Elf with a void elven outlook and philosophy, which to many is anathema to their vision of High Elves.

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Imagine if we had had actually degrees of Voidness lol. Very void, or light on void like Alleria -maybe making the “skin” tones more desaturated or having a purple undertone, as well as the purple-ish tone around the eyes.

But that would make the VE’s more than just blue, too much range!