Bloody tired

Well in good news, I’m never around sick people. However at my job we had 25 positive cases. 4 people in the hospital for over a month and 1 death. Needless to say I am so over all this.

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What leaders? We haven’t had leaders in years.

They would sacrifice us all for another term in office.


Really dude?

They’re still leading us, it’s just that they’re leading us off a cliff.


i’m not having boredom issues, i’m having anger issues :stuck_out_tongue:

anger at people who keep complaining that they can’t do frivolous things due to restrictions.

anger at people who feed off conspiracies.

and especially anger at people who tell me to “educate myself”.
(my condition is unique enough, that i had to “educate myself” to an extent where i could help train the infectious disease doctors… i resented it at first, but eventually decided that if i could help specialists learn to catch other patients symptoms early, it would be worth it to think others weren’t subjected to the same mistakes)


I own an old, fat, half blind, diabetic pomeranian.



I’ve been dealing with the anger too. And the army of dumb doctors. And the halfway coaching them myself over how to fix me. Best part is when they don’t listen and run the same tests only to say I tHiNk SoMeThInG’S WrOnG.

Freaking exhausting.

my last 2 surgeries… i told them if they sent me home after the first without extra precautions, that the surgical wound would get infected because my body wouldn’t be able to fight hard enough to repair the wound on its own.

they laughed and sent me home anyway.

a week later, i was back in emergency having the wound debrided under nitrous, plus uber IV antis, and booked in for more surgery to remove infected tissue and repair the disaster i told them was going to happen.

…but they convince themselves that they know best… :laughing:


I just hope my generation will not have to go through the same

-a Gen Z

Yeah depression sucks. Losing motivation to do the things you want to do really sucks. Antidepressants and therapy help me, not all days but most days. Days I forget to take my meds I get emotionally disregulated much easier and it’s much harder for me to get back in control. I hope you find that spark again, my advice is to try and get it back while you still remember who you were before, it gets harder as time goes on. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, it’s not fun and you have my empathy


Or the weird times where I DO take my meds. Forget I took them. Then end up double dosing.

Granted this was fun when I was on vicodin for my chronic pain ( not on it anymore ). Not so much for my other medication


Yeah a double dose of Vicodin sounds fun lol, other double doses not so much. the meds I used to be on would give you the womps if you accidentally took to much or if you tried to switch meds, lasted weeks when I switched to what I have now

Achieving moksha is very very very very very very Hard.

That’s so dangerous. In such situation you should just not take it. Side effects can be bad.

Had to google that term. Yeah never had that. Had brain zaps tho. THAT sucked.

My current doctor weened me off the heavy pain killers I was on like the vicodin / morphine. I do like I’m not quite so foggy headed now but sometimes I do miss that “Clint Eastwood” vibe.

You know. “I ain’t happy. I’m feeling glad. I got sunshine in a bag.”

If it’s any concern. I live with my Mom and she’s a nurse. I’m not entirely alone. I’m also not on the mega heavy stuff like a few years ago. Nowadays I’m just on gabapentin since my chronic pain is nerve pain. Along with zoloft and anti anxiety meds.

If I double dose my buspiron I just get mega sleepy

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Take care friend :slight_smile:

just don’t be so reckless.

Oh hey, that’s me.

Right now.

My sympathies. Anytime I had them I had to try and not move my eyeballs like a dang owl. Because the “zap” would happen if I moved my eyeballs even a little

It made sleeping annoying because our eyeballs move when we’re asleep.

Stop watching the news. You’ll quickly realize how little of it has any real impact on your life. Become more involved in your local community, clubs, volunteering, etc. Spend more time with family. We’ve all been hoodwinked by media (of all sorts) into thinking certain things matter, when they really don’t.

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I love that song, if I accidentally double dose on my antidepressants, I get a lot of energy, which is much better than the womps. I looked up brain zaps and I think those are the same things as the womps, I just know it as womps because the facility I was in when it was happening had a lot of drug users in there who were dealing with the same brain zap thing and we just called it the womps because of how similar they said it felt to the sensation you get when doing illicit things with whip cream