Bloodhoof Alliance Reconnections

Name: Blooddrop
Guild: Unity
Reconnect Character: Firis (Ferris?) You were a Night Elf Hunter and I was a Dwarf Hunter named Blooddrop, we played all the way until late bc together. we got duelist in arena season 1, and always had a blast.

Name: Ondori Dwarf Hunter
Guild: Revolution, Fury of War

No life back in vanilla with the PVP revo boys and some raiding in revo/fow.

Name: Lionheartex, Human Paladin. Super active on Bloodhoof right up until halfway through Ulduar before I transferred to oceanic.

Guilds: Mental Atrophy, NightMare, Chaos Alliance

Names I used to hang out with;
Paluris, Raeleh and Dorven, Shoshanna, Athalas, Dantex, Whitesonicex - plenty more too, especially the Mental Atrophy squad.

Sadly I won’t get to join a lot of you - being an Australian, I will likely be rolling on Arugal. As horde this time!


Name: Akroma, Human Paladin

Guilds: Black Exodus/Exodus

Others I played with: Tika, Lhith, Ttech, Ancela, Teakan, Mykil, Metul, Galvatron, Thurgood, Darkcyd, Sauvignon, Zyber, Tashir, Whispwalker,Tornwynn/Centermass


Name: Dnazz, Human Paladin

Guild: Whatever guild the legendary dwarf warrior Combat used to run. He was the man and I’d gladly heal him through MC, AQ, and BWL all over again. Let’s do this!


Hello, I played a Night Elf Prot Warrior named Shadowpearl. I was in a couple guilds.

omg i remember your name from 14 years ago. I don’t know you but I know your name. My name was Roidz and Comodios back at that time.

Hello my name was Roidz back in the day in Vanilla on Bloodhoof server. I used to play in the I AM clan with Jacared, Ainur, Lunchbox, Herbetc, Fuego, Crazymaniac, Darkpsycho, and others from back in the day. hmu if you remember me :slight_smile:*

Tillis whats up man… It’s Lauger

Guild: Cross of Vengeance Moved to Eitrigg
toon: Lauger Nelf Rogue

I was a Night Elf Warrior. Same name, Antheladen. Started playing on release day. I’d love to reconnect with some of the people that I used to play with!

Wow. So many familiar faces from over a decade ago.

Ran with Corinth during beta and somehow we ended up on the same server where we immediately hooked up with Luso, Ivanbeast, Timothy, Hebe and some others that escape my memory.

All of us were doing that ‘rush to 60’ thing. Was a blast. Most of the sub 40 instances were server firsts for us, alliance side anyway. I forgte what guild we formed. We ended up in Musa and some in Fury of War. Then there was a move to Eitrigg…

Server: Bloodhoof
Character Name: Daltigoth/Xombi
Class: Paladin/Priest
Race: Human/Night Elf
Guild: Paene Heroicus / Musa / FoW

Ahh this is fun!!

Name: Kilee
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guilds: Black Brigade, Hooded Nomads

Names I played with: Uh!! Vanimae, Grater, Helma, Brantric, Joerak, Escapay, We sent you so much Troll Sweat. Maevista(still friends with this nerd)

Still on Bloodhoof! But I’m Horde now, and Kaerei the Paladin.

Real ID: Jayde#1452
Discord: Kaerei#4428

My guild and I are still deciding on server, either Atiesh or Mankrik, and I think we’re rolling horde, but I’ll find out more later.

Hit me up, nerds!!!

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Fury of War
Still on Bloodhoof after 15 years


I saw you the other day and couldn’t believe that you were still playing! You’ve been here forever, man.

Server: Bloodhoof
Character Name: Jeanette
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Guild: Shadow Ops, Revolution

I still have the same character that was on the farm team and still carry that GM title.


So everyone here, i think we should make Pagle the new bloodhoof! for whoever is planning on playing classic. i posted this horde side too so we can recreate og bloodhoof as best we can!

So everyone here, i think we should make Pagle the new bloodhoof! for whoever is planning on playing classic. i posted this horde side too so we can recreate og bloodhoof as best we can!

I’m currently running the Atiesh Discord, but I’m in Pagel and Mankrik’s Discords as well. Pagel is looking to be more heavy Alliance with Mankrik being heavy Horde. My guild (Altoholics Anonymous) and friends haven’t quite decided where we’re going to land yet. The fight is over Atiesh and Mankrik, atm.

Human Warlock Timay

Was in Dark nemesis briefly, Really early days of Dark twilight. Many other guilds as well. I think even CoV at some point.

Edit: Timzy#1683
Add me if you know me. :smiley:

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Bloodhoof… alliance… human warlock Timay. Was in Dark nemesis briefly, Really early days of Dark twilight. Many other guilds as well. I think even CoV at some point. sorry for lack of formatting i am on my phone and its not letting me space things out

You and I did Dire Maul runs a decent amount of times! I can not remember one of my other friend’s names, but we also had Slayerfalcon, then my cousin Johnator and his sister and dad. We hung out in vent a lot

Holy crap I remember the name slayerfalcon… think i still have some old screenshots around with that character in em.