Server: Bloodhoof
Character Name: Amauriel
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guild: Bitsmack
The guild was a combination of my college friends and a few friends of friends. I’ve lost touch with a lot of them so if you are someone I used to hang out with, say hi!
Wow look at all these nerds!
Welcome back! All your outdoor bosses belong to me!
Server: Bloodhoof
Character: Nightmate
Class: Warlock
Race: Gnome
Guild: Phoenix Rising
Hey Koud, been awhile , you coming back to classic?
Haven’t seen any of those guys around in a long time.
Server: Bloodhoof
Character Name: Xneo
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Guild: Superus Spiritus
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evilash (lower case “e”) / Oldirtyb
Blood Angels / Superus Spiritus / WSG WOLF PACK
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Server: Bloodhoof
Character: Fenrix
Class: Rogue
Race: Gnome
Guild: Forsaken Spirits/Eternal Trinity
Looking for any old FS/ET guildies, and of course my Horde friends in Funkytown!
awwwwww snap! i recognize that name! my little gnome buddy!
carn!!! dunno if you remember me as this name or as my warrior diplomat!
Tillis! another name i recognize, so many old school people lol
Server: Bloodhoof
Character: Denten
Class: Warrior
Race: Draenei
Created the character right at the start of BC
Would actually love to find my old Boys and Girls club councilor that played with me and helped me level this first toon. I don’t remember a lot but he had a shaman(?) that was named some variation of Captain Crunch. Nate if you are out there thanks for all the fun man. -Tallon
Server: Bloodhoof
Character: Tslaav
Class: Rogue
Race: Night Elf
Guild: AMC?, Phoenix Rising (for a short time), another couple I can’t remember
Started playing about 6 months after vanilla started up. Raided through everything vanilla and was just starting Naxx when BC came out and then we jumped to Area51 I think? Ran with Something Wicked and then NotInTheFace up until Cat and left WoW during Mists.
Of course I remember diplomat, epic.
now I remember my priest name. Been a while. Cladriah#1483
add me on Bnet - Zack#1239
I was warangel - gnome rogue and my brother was darkoverseer- Human mage GrandMarshal first .
NE Huntard
Here’s to hoping some of the old heads, Kelvar, Spider, Glorius, Trugs, Helo, Duns, Kelgoth, etc, all come back and get the band back together!
Seito - NE Rogue (this same guy)
Belzac - NE Hunter
Various guilds but usually hung out with Cereal
Hope to see Musa, FoW, CoV, etc again!
Hey all , i use to play a night elf hunter named Mentirosa, last guild I was in was Dawn of insurrection. I was on Bloodhoof til the beginning of tbc. Holler at me if you knew me peace.
Alright fellow Bloodhoof kin! The realm list just came out today. (I would have linked the post from Wowhead, but its not letting me).
No Bloodhoof server.
I’m thinking “Mankrik” realm because its the first of the two Eastern timezones on the PvE (Normal) realm list.
Is anyone opposed to grouping up on Mankrik realm?
Hey man, do you remember Dezarae , Ghostface, Blooddrop or Vagaboundz? we were the family that played with the guild Unity for a long time, Glorius my boy hahaha brings back memories