Holy crap I remember the name slayerfalcon… think i still have some old screenshots around with that character in em.
I was Kilee the huntard back then!
Holy crap I remember the name slayerfalcon… think i still have some old screenshots around with that character in em.
I was Kilee the huntard back then!
When I get back on later ill drop my btag… cant remember what it is atm.
Mines up on my “Here’s my info” post, higher up in the thread. Jayde#1452
Edited my first post with my btag, sent you a friend req.
Found Fury of War’s old Vanilla promo on YouTube. Epic!!
Anyone know of some other good videos on YouTube from Vanilla Bloodhoof server?
Did you play as a Human Warrior named Timz?
I played as a Dwarf Warrior named Bloodcrier, I hung out with a Timz with my brother Human Rogue Flamerogue for a little while.
Omnia the leet Shadow priest???
Server: Bloodhoof
Character: Oomfufu
Class: Warlock
Race: Gnome
Guild: dont remember.
I was pretty active toward the end of Vanilla and throughout BC. I’m looking to get in touch with Steihl, Sherrifpie, Stephpie, and others whose names escape at the moment.
Server- BloodHoof
Character- Killo
Class- Mage
Race- Gnome
Guild- Revolution
Looking to play on the eastern server Pagle. Add me on btag- Cyroziv #1709
I’m down. Killo- gnome mage. Cyroziv #1709
Yes, I had a human warrior named Timz.
Name reservations are tonight…what server are we choosing, guys? Mankrik? Pagle?
My guild is currently split between Atiesh and Mankrik, so I guess I’m reserving on both. Looks like we’re flipping to Alliance, as well.
Server: Bloodhoof
Character Name: Khaylan
Class: Hunter
Race: Night Elf
Guild: Sovereign Alliance
Still chilling on Bloodhoof, now as Khayne NE Demon Hunter.
Fancybeast, I’m just taking a chance on Mankrik server since its the first normal server alphabetically on the list.
However, a few others on this forum list have mentioned Pagle server.
Although I dont remember you (Sorry)… I was in the same guild! That’s awesome!!
Server: Bloodhoof
Character: Darnastel
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Guild: Phoenix Rising
Oh man, it has been too long my dude.
Server: Bloodhoof
Character Name: Truan/Atrexis
Class: Mage/Rogue
Race: Human
Guild: ??? Revolution??? I can’t remember what I was in Pre-BC
wtf am I saying though ofc you remember Jaegs
Server: Bloodhoof
Character Name: Killgannon
Class: Warlock
Race: Human
Guild: Revolution
I bounced back and forth between FFXI and WoW for most of Vanilla, but spent the last few months or so PvPing and raiding with Revo. I don’t think I started raiding until Naxx was already out (or maybe a few months before it came out) and gave up on the PvP grind soon after I got the mount Would love to play with some Revo folks again!
Played in a few due to reasons : Cairdeas, KoF,
Looking forward to see you all who are going to Pagle!
Good afternoon all,
I was and still remain to be Risho, protection warrior on Bloodhoof.
My guilds were only: The Blood Kings, Shadow Ops, Edge of Insanity, and Subtera.
I plan on going back to World of Warcraft Classic. I do hope I hear from some of my old friends from the past.
Thank you all,