Blood Knight Lore

Not overly fond of how it evolved into basically regular paladins + sunwell.

The origins were solid though, very unique form of paladin.


I think Blood Knight lore is stupid for the following reasons:

  • They get attacked by the Scourge. It kills a bunch of people.
  • Paladins “the Light abandoned us!” No, it didn’t. The Scourge is just strong. The Light does not always win. See: Illidan.
  • Now that they’re all emo-mad at the Light, they need a new source for some reason. If they didn’t like the Light, turned their back on it, why are they trying to find it again…?
  • Kidnap a naaru, start sucking it dry.
  • Said naaru turns into an evil being (M’uru.) So to regain what they freely gave up, they tortured and corrupted an innocent being.
  • All is forgiven because everyone loves butt elves!

Now let’s all insult Sunwalkers because they dared to get their powers from a god and hurt no one in the process of doing that.


As if its not going to just be another automotan like Elune turned out to be. >.>

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Wut? When did they say Elune was a robot?

Technically they haven’t, I’m mostly poking fun at the sister of the Winter Queen who was made in ZM as a sort of Automotan/souled construct?

Just a weird story.

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I mean, butts and elves are both pretty great. But yeah, Blizz has hardly ever been really good at writing. It’s just more obvious now than it was then.


Oh haha don’t do that to me. The story is so bad now that it sounds like something they would do.

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Most of the Blood Elf lore, including the Blood Knight lore, was created in TBC to get them to somehow fit on the Horde. But it was also all destroyed by the end of that very same expansion. Blood Elves have basically become “Alliance for those who want to play on the Horde.”

I gave information and more than one passage. You want to not believe it, I honestly don’t care. Nothing was “proven wrong,” none of it even matters, because everything was changed. If you can’t just say, “huh, that’s interesting, I don’t remember any of that,” and then move on with your life… that’s a you problem, not mine. You’re the one that keeps acting condescending and harping on it.

I’ll do us both a favor: “Huh, that’s interesting that no one remembers it. Oh well, it’s unimportant now. Moving on.”

Your darkness is with us now.

Come to me, I’ll return you to that darkness. :smiley:


Your passage didn’t give a solid answer to your claim, it definitely shows where you made the assumption.

There is no where this is stated.

You’re also claiming this changed in Legion yet they were a major force in WOD as well.

Not pressed just pointing out it was an assumption on your part that later ended up wrong.

I didn’t say you were and I also don’t feel I am again just pointing out everything you’ve provided hasn’t explicitly reinforced your claim, I definitely see where you made the assumption based on what you’ve provided though.

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Blizz might do all they can to take my Blood Knight tabard away but I’mma still have it equipped.

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Are you sure you’re not misremembering a few people being pendatic about lore like roleplayers tend to do sometimes. I was on the server since launch to WoD. And I don’t remember this being the big thing you are making it out to be. Hell even in Mists of Pandaria there was already representation of blood knight NPCS, pretty sure Cata as well but I cannot be sure on that one.


People tend to misremember a lot in an argument in order to prop up their otherwise non issue.

Fact is, Blood Knights were not abolished at the end of BC, Liadrin just joined forces with the Draenei briefly to make the Shattered Sun Offensive. After that was all resolved, she’s always been all about that Blood Knight life.


I really don’t think it’s a huge deal, the commentary on bringing it up as an interesting point in the past people may have tried to argue is interesting but past that it would have since been proven wrong and certainly isn’t proof that Blood Knights get reconned back into existence after being disbanded (as they weren’t disbanded)

I started in TBC and loved their lore. I’m glad the Sunwell was restored and all but I still play my warlock like the mana addict fel fiend that he is. :man_shrugging:

He just missed the memo that everything is alright now because he’s been elsewhere creating chaos.


To be fair, all Warlocks miss the memo on this.


that’s what you say but then you all come crawling for the lock rocks and the summons :sunglasses:

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And then I forget to use them.

yea that hits too hard right there. tale as old as time.

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