Blood Elves

That would be a Ren’dorei, a exiled Sin’dorei not a Quel’dorei.

Because why…


Because High Elves as they exist now are Alliance Aligned.

Blood Elves are their own separate thing now as are Void Elves.

Purge of Dalaran…

Tsk tsk, I asked first sweety. For someone who demands answers you seem pretty adamant on avoiding answering any of mine. What gives the Alliance any right over the High elves over the Horde?


Close enough, dorei = dorei

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…and? Those statements don’t conflict. The Horde’s interests aren’t at all bothered by the addition of High Elves to the Alliance–because, as we agree, it’s just pixels. And if it makes people happy and isn’t harmful, there’s no reason not to do it.


That’s been answered multiple times, though? Are you unaware of what the Silver Covenant is?

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I fully agree. Blizzard should put an end to this once and for all where the remaining High Elves choose to re-align with Silvermoon. Alleria stays behind to stoke tension and the remaining Alliance High Elf holdouts join up with the Ren’dorie and convert.

The “Alliance High Elves” are caught in a perpetual tug-of-war with the Horde Sin’dorei on one end, and the Alliance Ren’dorei on the other.

We need a content patch where the two butt heads and the rest of the elves choose a side to empty out that pool of “undecided” elves. Especially since we know for a fact that void energy is a threat to the Sunwell, which both Blood Elves and High Elves hold more sacred than anything. That could be a uniting factor. As the Void Elves try to recruit from the existing High Elf population, they get apprehensive about the Void and flee back to Silvermoon. Problem solved.

Now that the Sunwell has been restored, and all Elves pull energy from it, Fel is no longer being used and there is no difference between blood elves and high elves again, except faction alignment.


they have green eyes because they fed on fel energies for magical substance.

high elves stayed with the alliance and mostly kept to there arcane feeding, most likely due too a mix of people salvaging magic for them and other mages helping them get pass there magical addiction.

but other than that, idc, an elf is an elf these days.

So, you will make me bring it up again so you can ignore it again, hm?

There are concerns when it comes to High elves. Just because they’re just pixels that for some reason, despite being “just pixels” you seem to want real bad, people has concerns about them

Why what one side wants should trump the concerns of the other (and may I add, not even everyone on your own side wants them either).

This was retconned. Was proximity, they never fed on fel.


They are also largely neutral.

Which was Jaina’s decision, and a feud that was squashed in Mists.

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I like it. It’s a far tidier (as in a lot less blood) solution than the one I proposed yesterday and proposed many moons ago in the old forums; that one surefire way to deal with the constant demands would be to give the High Elves an amazing and heroic send-off where they are killed in battle - wiping out almost every one other than some widows and orphans.

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But what if the lore was changed to support it?


someone is getting a smack upside the head…

It’s a tough question, I’ll concede. And I know things have been heated between us in the past, but I do sincerely appreciate the dialogue here.

Personally, I think the solution would be better fit by giving both Blood Elves and Void Elves a High Elf “skin,” as it were, making them fit a similar niche as Pandaren since–as Softsong points out–there’s reasonable enough lore on both sides that either side could have one or the other.

Those are sort of trends, but it’s not what makes a blood elf a blood elf or a high elf a high elf. Most Gilneans are worgen but not all Gilenans are worgen and not all worgen are Gilneans. Same happens with blood elves and high elves regarding their eye color.

No they aren’t.

Literally every namable group is an Alliance faction or Quest Hub.

There are a few neutral ones but that’s true with every race.


Even if Jaina ordered it they where still more than happy to carry it out. With some added torture and murder.

8.2 shows the Blood Elves still hate the Silver Covenant over it.

I hope that ain’t me or the last few brain cells I have will be gone.

If this was a thing back in TBC, it could be possible. However, the “Tushui” of the High elves (a.k.a. blood elves) have been playable for 13 years and unlike Pandaren, they didn’t even hint to the “Houjin” of them being a thing.
Pandaren were designed to be neutral, so the impact of seeing them on both sides it’s different than suddenly making a race that is a core part of one side neutral.


A valid concern, I agree. Though, if I may be so bold, the lore is kind of…ridiculously fluid these days. I see no reason why that couldn’t be used to the advantage of all.

She’s correct. While some blood elves fed on fel magic, most considered the idea abhorrent. This was always in the lore and I thinkit was in the WotLK-MoP-ish era that the devs decided most BEs never went that far. Playable BEs are those who stayed in Quel’thalas, rather than follow Kael to Outland. There seems to be two ideas about blood elf green eyes, it’s either caused by proximity to fel magic, or it’s caused by mana tapping, even if it’s not used on something that has fel energy. Or both. Actually mana tapping fel magic will give you green eyes but it’s not the only way that can happen.

I’m kind of in favor of pandarizing BEs, give BEs blue eyes as an option and make them choose a faction at the start of the game, maybe a couple extra pale skin tone options. Racial name depends on the faction. The problem is we’d have to give something new to the Horde, and then the Alliance would complain about that, that they get a rehashed BE race while horde get a whole new race. Unless we Pandarized one of the alliance races too, but which one? I guess Horde could get San’layn so they also get a rehashed BE race?