Blood Elves

So from my understanding, Arthas wiped out 90% of the high elves. Afterwards, the remaining High Elves renamed themselves blood elves as a tribute to the near genocide exacted upon their race by Arthas. Eventually they ended up with green eyes from using fel magic to compensate for their magic addiction that was sated through their sunwell or w/e before it was destroyed. At some point, after feeling betrayed by the alliance, they end up with the Horde.

So with all that being said, unless im missing something or just misunderstanding something, the blood elves are the exact same high elves that have always existed but now have green eyes and a new name as tribute by the remaining HE’s to the fallen HE’s.

So the question I would like to discuss based on all that I just established, unless im misunderstanding something or am wrong, blood elves are just high elves who through historical circumstances ended up where they are now. So why is there a big demand for ones that have blue eyes? Would it have made a difference if these elves still had blue eyes but still called themselves blood elves to tribute their fallen? Or if they had green eyes but still called themselves high elves?

This is a genuine curiousity so lets try to be civil please.


look up the reason they have green eyes and you will understand the difference.

but like yeah pretty much…

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No misunderstand friend, that is exactly it.


I understand why they have green eyes. I mentioned that they relied on fel to sate their mana addiction. I also added the question of whether blue eye blood elves would have mattered.


They are the same high elves, yeah.

Folks just want the ones that stuck with the alliance and exist in the various lodges around the eastern kingdoms to be playable.

Pretty sure there is a small high elf presence in some of the cities too.


You play a Goblin.

Before Cataclysm, Goblins were a neutral race that didn’t take part in war or politics. How would you feel if they’d been given to the Alliance?

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If only 90% survived after Arthas tho, and the majority became the green eye’d high elves, would it be justifiable to make a high elf race for alliance given the likely lowly populated ones that did not become the green eye’d blood elves? Wouldnt it make more sense to give blood elves a blue eye’d option given they dont rely on fel anymore?


Their eyes are not green due to their magical addiction, they’re green because of the Fel crystals they used to rebuild and maintain their city against the Scourge. They weren’t even feeding off these crystals (Well, most weren’t.) it was proximity to the crystals that turned their eyes green, like a sort of fel radiation. If it weren’t for that, it would have only made sense for the Warlocks to have green eyes, as they were the only blood elves to resort to draining demons and fel artifacts.


It makes sense to me considering how diverse and spread out they are as a race. They arent united like the HE’s are.

So if the Goblins became an Alliance race, despite their historic ties to the Horde, you’d be okay with that?

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I would agree with you if they hadn’t given alliance void elves–an even smaller branch of the original high elves.


I could be wrong but i think it was just one cartel closely tied to horde right?


In Warcraft 2, Goblins as a monolith supported the Horde. In Warcraft 3, they went neutral. The Bilgewater Cartel was invented out of thin air to give the Horde a new race.

If the Bilgewater Cartel went to the Alliance and the Horde just didn’t have a Goblin race at all, would you be fine with that?


Hmm depends, did my faction try to commit mass-genocide of the goblins at some point?


Blood Elves are High Elves,

Only difference are their Fel green eyes due to siphoning from Fel stones to date not only their magical withdrawals/addiction but to sustain their very existence. After all, Elves are highly susceptible from magic withdrawals as it deteriorated their form and beyond. This has no effect on the rest of the mortal races thoug

Blood Elves still retain their pale/white skin that was evident in High Elves. So truly there isn’t any difference at all other than their eyes.

PS: Blood Elves that were heavily mutated are the ones that pushed themselves heavily into the Fel like Kael’Thas and those from Quel’thalas raid BC.

Void Elves were mutated very little in their hair, blue hue skin and “Blue eyes”. Other than that they’re technically High Elves that were Blood Elves to which they returned to the alliance.

Night Elves and Nightborne are far differently in physiology and other traits than their mutated cousins as themselves were also mutated from Trolls.

At the end…they really are “trolls” just beautified and graceful due to Arcane, but nevertheless Trolls indeed they are.

this debate has gone over 5 years I kid you not. The perseverance of players advocating for High Elves still persists,



If it made sense, but something happened between the alliance and blood elves that created the divide to the horde right? I cant remember the exact details but they were betrayed by the alliance werent they?

To add, the High Elves officially left the Alliance of Lordaeron after the Second War, and even when working with them it was only to fulfill an old oath, they werent exactly fans of the other races but they kept to their word.

Fast forward to after Arthas wrecks everyone’s day, the Alliance of Lordaeron is dissolved and Kael’thas has to do what he can to secure his people, eventually finding the ramshackle Alliance Resistance led by the human supremacist Garithos who uses the other races as cannon fodder and pack mules but has it out for the Elves in particular who he blamed his father’s death on. He tried to send Kael’thas and his troops to their death multiple times and when they took help from naga to not only survive but see the mission through, Garithos threw him in prison in Dalaran. He later escaped though had to fight the forces of Dalaran to do so.

By this point Sylvanas had regained control of herself and freed the Forsaken, she had died a hero of the High/Blood Elves but she did yet more when she double crossed Garithos (who planned to do the same to her) and killed him, further getting revenge for the Blood Elves and then sent aid to help in the Ghostlands and Silvermoon.

When the Forsaken joined the Horde it was a natural next step that Sylvanas’ allies that still respected her as a hero would side with the Horde as well. This is ontop of the still fresh and deep wound that Garithos created in the Blood Elves’ view of the Humans, even though there was a new and different Alliance by then.


Not really? They were betrayed by Lordaeron, which is now the Forsaken, but they keep working with them.

But you’re dodging the question. If the Alliance got Goblins, would you be fine with that?


Tyrande did’t help Kael’thas escape though, the Naga did. And the Alliance saw what Garithos was doing and did nothing about it, heck some of the remaining Dalaran forces even attempted to enforce Garithos’ execution order by fighting the Blood Elves during their escape. This is why Rommoth hates the Kirin Tor/Dalaran, because he knows they knew about Garithos’ unjust ruling and weren’t willing to do anything to stop him.


They were also betrayed by the Kirin Tor/Dalaran, and even try to fight Kael’thas during his escape. The High Elves also blamed the Alliance for Arthas’ attack on Quel’thalas evidenced by in-game text in the city center.