Blood Elves

Should one faction get to dictate the needs of the other?

Would there be a point?

It really boils down to two things:

  1. Elves are historically kind, pure, good guys. So people want them on the typical “good guy faction” with Humans and Dwarves. Warcraft flips the script on racial tropes in games. Blood Elves have a dark side, especially with magic practices. The BC cinematic is all that is needed to show that off.

  2. “We used to have it and we want it back” syndrome from the Alliance. Some 17 real years ago before the Scourge destroyed Quel’thalas, the High Elves were friendly with the Alliance.

Alleria went through the Dark Portal with the Sons of Lothar to fight back the Fel Horde and ended up fighting the Legion. Vereesa stayed aligned to the Alliance through Dalaran and came to hate the Horde after Garrosh played a role in her husband’s death. And Sylvanas was the one who died defending her home from a corrupted human prince, and Kael’thas almost died at the hands of a Grand Marshal who declared him a traitor for not dying under orders and taking the last of his elves along with him.

The Alliance treated the High Elves like garbage since the end of WC2, unfotunately Blizzard kept enough in game as Alliance NPCs that people still feel entitled to the race, and nothing but sating their demands will be good enough, even though current game lore and gameplay say otherwise.

I really blame the devs for this. Originally they said “Alliance High Elves are so rare that some rumor they don’t exist at all” to Wrath where it became “Here is a High Elf Alliance rep faction” and then again to “Here are some major Alliance High Elf NPCs and a splinter race of High Elves to play” so through this 10 year long game of give-a-mouse-a-cookie, Alliance want WC2 era High Elves as a player race. Even though the High Elf kingdom, zones, leaders, and player model exist on the Horde.


You realize this goes both ways, right?


So the faction that is not receiving the race shouldn’t be a consideration?

Of course. To make High elves playable, and avoid the gameplay issues Ion mentioned when he explained the problems with adding them to the Alliance. Why should the Alliance have any more claim to the High elves than the Horde?


But, you already received similar pixels.


Didn’t you say the Horde already had High Elves? What would be the problem with the Alliance having them, too?

Exactly. And if the Alliance received similar pixels to the Goblins, but they had rabbit ears, you’d be fine with that.

Your position is: “It’s just pixels, we shouldn’t bother.”

My position is: “It’s just pixels, so why not?”

I suppose then the question would be whether or not the addition of those pixels detracts from something else, like new content. Personally, I doubt it, since we’re already not getting much.

The alliance do have them, roll a void elf


They do have High elves, the void elves. So why does the Alliance have more claim to the High elves than the Horde?


This actually makes a lot of sense. Now that fel is no longer an issue, Well issues resolved, etc, it would make a lot of sense for a broader reconciliation and I’m sure it would not be hard to write a scenario where a homecoming works from a lore perspective.

It’s also a tidy way to deal with the situation.


If Void Elves were High Elves, why are they called Void Elves?

Oh I see evasion it’s out of cooldown again.

But really, why should the Alliance get that anyway? It’s so wrong that you think the needs of one side trumps the needs of the other. Tch tch tch.


For the same reason the high elves who remained in Quel’thalas call themselves Blood Elves. Although you never answered my question, why do the Alliance have any more claim over the High elves than the Horde?


Why shouldn’t they?

Because they are recognized faction already in game, Silver Covenant. Which they are against the horde.

The distinction of Blood Elf and High Elf is political. Even the name has the same origin, Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei are both names for the Highborne from before the Sundering. Blood elves generally have green (or golden now) eyes, and high elves generally have the traditional blue eyes, but that’s not a requirement. Particularly, there’s blue eyed blood elf NPCs like Thalen Songweaver I think his name was, the guy who blew up Theramore. Basically, they are blood elves or high elves depending on what they themselves claim to be.

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That’s a fair point.

Would a skin change that lets Void Elves become pale and blue-eyed bother you?

Especially considering that relations have improved over recent years between the High and Blood Elves. They coexist peacefully at the Sunwell together, and even Auric Sunchaser says that all Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei should come together behind Silvermoon once again. Plus with the void potentially threatening the Sunwell and the Thalassian way of life I can certainly see the High elves wanting to return back home, closer to their well.