Blood Elves

Actually, if you played Warcraft 2 or Warcraft 3, there WERE Goblin units that were a part of the Orcish Horde. They only started to be Neutral to all, starting in Vanilla WoW.

Oh, I thought you were saying that the Alliance did betray Quel’thalas, but that other person didn’t think so. My mistake.

In 2, yes. But not in 3. In 3, only the goblin units you hired were on your side.

If you had chosen the Orc faction, in Warcraft 3, you would’ve noticed Goblin units, able to be made. So, YES! In BOTH Warcraft 2 AND Warcraft 3, they WERE allied with the Horde. There was only ONE non-allied Goblin Hero unit, and that was the Goblin Tinker. All other Goblin units made, were part of the Orcish Horde. I know this, because I have played both Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3.

So have I, and I don’t recall ever being able to make goblin units in the WC3 orc campaign. The only ones I recall ever having access to, are the ones hired from this guy.

htt ps://wo w.gamepedia.c om/Neeloc_Greedyfingers

Wait, what do you mean by this? I’m not all caught up on all the retcons yet.

Basically he learned about the massacre after it already happened so by the time he returned to Quel’thalas, he found out the High elves there decided to call themselves Sin’dorei so he kind of just rolled with it.

And I’ve been questioned about this so many times because some won’t believe me, I’ve even memorized the page number in Chronicles Vol. 3. Page 88.

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That’s some nice fan-fiction. Kael’thas begged for a frontline mission, got one, then betrayed his commander. Not to mention the elves could have avoided this entire thing by simply helping Lordaeron against the plague and scourge.

How so? He completed the mission entirely, his survival came because of the naga, he never betrayed Garithos at that point.

Afterwards, this happened

The observatories repaired by the Alliance Remnants discovered that an undead strike force was coming from the west. Garithos returned to the front and left Kael’thas awaiting orders. Then, an Emissary sent by Garithos informed Kael’thas that he had to engage the strike force from the west, but also recalled all foot soldiers, cavalry and support teams to the front, leaving Kael with only his blood elven troops.[9] Garithos had hoped that the elves would fall before the Scourge, and no longer be his problem;[14] the missions given to Kael’s greatly reduced force were intended to be suicidal, impossible for the elves to complete.[15]

Garithos defeated the undead in the front with the forces he had amassed. However, Kael would have surely been defeated had he not accepted another offer from Vashj and her naga to aid in the destruction of the western Scourge forces.[9]

At no point did he betray Garithos, he did as ordered but was sent to die anyway. He was forced to seek assistance for survival.

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Interesting take, but completely innacurate.

“When shall we leave for the front?”. Not only he didn’t ask for it specifically, he simply questoined when it was happening, but Garithos made them wait.

This too.

Also, you get a conjured mana cookie for showing some skin.


Id take off the belt but that costs extra cookies.

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I think void elves are more interesting anyway, that said I think Alleria’s appearance alone makes it silly that void elves don’t have blue eye and normal skin tone options, blonde hair, etc…

Only thing I can think of is just to keep from ‘taking’ a horde race.

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Betrayed his commander? Are we talking about the racist, xenophobic commander who was intentionally trying to kill him and his people? And for what? Accepting help from the Naga against the Scourge?


Starts furiously conjuring a mountain of mana cookies.

They never explicitly said it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point they use the fact that she uses a void Naaru for her transformation as the reason why she kept her looks.

To me it kind of feels like they had some concerns with changing a long standing character too much, but this is just me.

Nope. Forsaken are just dead humans, a living human just has more skin and non-glowing eyes. And better posture.

Hey I’d be just as upset as any Alliance player that would be upset about it.
Even if the Nathanos model was available to us (which is essentially a red eyed human DK model) I would hate it.
It was just a hypothetical scenario of a really popular race of one side becoming playable on the opposite side.

And Forsaken are not just “dead humans”, they have a lot more going on for them than that. High elves wish they had the amount of differences compared to Blood elves that Forsaken have compared to Humans.

We need more unique races like Junker-gnomes and Sethrak, we don’t need even more elves just with blue eyes and some bodged together woodsy look. That’s what the Nelves are for.


Shhhh, kinsgnome!
Let the lunkies argue and fight each other!
Our time is coming, and soon.
Oh yes soon; they will feel the first cold bite around their lumpy ankles…


Are people really trying to defend Garithos now? Really? What is it with this topic that people find the need to pretend that Blood Elves are the most evil thing in the world when pragmatically they were looking out for their people? Are people just conviniently forgetting that Garithos intended the Blood Elves to die, or…

sigh The more I see these arguments, and the more high horses that trot along, the more I shake my head. If anything, the High Elves on the Alliance are bitter traitors. They killed tons of innocent Blood Elves in the purge of Dalaran no less. Watch now as people try to justify that.

But nah, nothing wrong with killing off tons of Dragonhawks to prevent the Blood Elves from fleeing to safety while they were cut down…

(My point is, no one is perfect, pure, or in the right. both Thalassian elf groups, factions, whatever you want to call them have done some terrible things and we need to stop pretending otherwise and wearing rose colored glasses. Yes I’m aware of the irony of my glasses comment.)


The purge of dalaran was a few blood elves. The NPCs dying was a bug, only a handfull who tried to fight the Kirin Tor were slain.