I’d say the exact same thing. You said my zandalar comparison didn’t work well and then explained the attacks and mop and etc, being that none of that related to said comparison or at least it was not against my previous point. Basically as if I was talking about apples and you said I was wrong because pears are not like what I said.
That would be you. I never looked to argue. My first post was an answer exclusively to the OP. Then someone else who wasn’t even you OR the OP argued “for the sake of arguing” against what I said. So I answered that third party. Once again someone who was not involved in the argument, this time you, argued against my post. Even if, let’s say, you didn’t argue against my post for the sake of arguing, I most certainly wasn’t the one who started the argument.
And I do thank you for so emphatically writing ALL in CAPS further proving my point. The previous poster didn’t say “High elves left”, he said “as a whole” high elves left. Didn’t I like the phrasing? yes, that’s true. My liking or disliking over the subject is however unimportant. If what he wrote is right or wrong is the point.
Oh I would love to know the answer to this one. There was no issue, someone decided to argue against me, I answered him, you decided to argue against my answer to someone else’s arguing…maybe you have the answer?
I agree, it’s not. High elves did indeed leave the alliance after the second war. From the moment he added “as a whole” , and may I add, not by chance but to actually argue against my previous post, the statement was wrong.
It does exactly that when he adds “as a whole”.
As previously said, this would be you and the first person who argued against me to begin with.
And, hey you may argue with me on this too but personally I consider “mis-information” when you say that a group of people “as a whole” did soemthing. Were I not to know I’d believe none of said group of people was excluded of doing said something.