Blood Elves

Its like asking for the horde to get humans because some pirates in tirgarde sound are allied with the horde.


I know this already, I’m not sure which comment you’re responding to.

The only wretched high elf wise is due to overusage of mana tapping.
The wretched for nightborne are due to a lack of mana

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Not all the High Elves were in the path of Arthas invasion of Quel’Thalas, in fact a good chunk of them were in other areas of Quel’Thalas and in other areas of the Eastern Kingdoms. Most became Blood Elves, as they threw out their High Elf brethren from Silvermoon.

High Elves remained blue eyed and with the Alliance, Blood Elves eyes turned green and eventually joined the Horde. With the sunwell purified, Blood Elves are Blood Elves in name only, and their eyes have become golden.

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This was retconned

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that’s my point, they didn’t help Lordaeron and so many belf players seem to think the Alliance should’ve saved them from the Scourge… it’s laughable.

You mean…besides everything in lore saying so right?

You rang? /10chars

The 90% figure only applies to the High Elves that were in the Kingdom of Quel’thalas at the time of then Death Knight Arthas Menethil’s march. It has never applied to the High Elves who lived in other Kingdoms at the time of his march. So the whole numbers of just how many High Elves that remain that never took up the name Blood Elf is unknown. More over and as a note the name Blood Elf is only applicable to the survivors of the fallen Kingdom of Quel’Thalas who sided with Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider and not the entire "race’ known as High Elf .

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Do tell me your head cannon Bruhflake.

Can’t believe I’m replying to a known anti troll.

Here we go.

Yes they did.

If you want proof, you didn’t play WC3.

High Elves are connected to the Sunwell, which is owned by the Horde. It’s canon that even those who attempted to disassociate from it can still feel it, like those in the lodge Lor’themar rode to in that short story.


On today’s episode of “It’s totally not a thinly veiled High Elf thread”…


On another episode of “Dratha doesn’t know how to mute threads that make her clutch her pearls.”

You even read the OP? This is obviously about High Elves.

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I read the OP.

It’s low hanging fruit that they expected Pro High Elfers to grab at because their main thread has been effectively scrubbed.

Congrats on getting baited.


And the Sunwell instantly cures Fel corruption? That why all blood elves still have green eyes besides the cannon Paladin and priest blood elves who have yellow eyes because the sunwell is now half light?

If you want different cannon eyes, Blood elves will all gain yellow eyes if blizzard cares to continue to expand that lore, blue eyes meant arcane power which is what the High elves have/had.

At most you’re trading in Fel corruption for Light corruption, on top of Arcane does not overide your Fel corruption. It’s not the pure arcane font it used to be. So again, you have no reason to gain blue eyes again unless blizzards decides to cave to the crybabies and butchers their own lore.

I should have elaborated. I’m saying, why fight against the faction who owns your birthright?

High Elves should belong to the Horde.

Only one who steams over hearing the word High Elves is you homies, I love watching the discussion between the better discussers.

“Baited” lol what’s it like being a neckbeard?

Oh yeah?


I don’t get it. Perhaps you should respond with a reason as to why High Elves should fight against those who own what’s attached to them directly.

If you’re saying “yikes” as a way to state that I’m going against a popular opinion, the popular opinion is in fact that more people don’t want high elves added compared to those who do, which makes your attempt at social pressure invalid.

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No I just figured you knew since it’s been discussed as nauseam, but yeah sure.

High elves don’t really have as much of a “life or death” attachment to the sunwell anymore besides Alleria who’s been gone for most of Warcrafts history. They’ve been fine surviving by using magical artifacts to keep themselves sustained, but if you mean why don’t they drop their long time friends and allies to go back to a font of power that is owned by their enemy now, I think I just answered that, they let go of the sunwell back when most of Quel’thalas dipped out of the Eastern kingdoms issues to begin with and stayed with their allies to fight the first horde.

So short answer I guess is it’s less about “our birth right” and more about “loyalty to our long time allies”.

Besides I hear Lorthemar allows pilgrimages or something :man_shrugging:, if they need to go see the sunwell that bad.