Blood Elves

He’s under the impression that the Blood elves don’t like the High elves at all, despite welcoming them to the Sunwell, y’know something they didn’t need to do. He also inferred that the Sunwell Sentinels standing around the Sunwell were only there to hound the high elves… which is laughable. I swear sometime I can’t even tell if he believes half the things he comes up with.


Denial…it’s not just a river in Egypt. :wink:

I think several proponents actually do believe their own agitprop.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone on an online forum who made me wanna pluck out eyelashes and eyebrows but the annoyance that is Enekie has certainly done just that.


Yeah, he seems to get very threatened whenever I mention high elves and blood elves getting along. I wonder why that is.


The elves didn’t want to be their allies that was always clear.
It is why they left in WC2


This is correct


Not at all surprised, honestly. If you check in my response I was arguing with a pro alliance helfer earlier who literally said they refuse to read the books because “I prefer not to tain my knowledge with dubiously canon sources” and proceeded to tell me that they knew more about the lore than Blizzard employees LOL.


This is not correct. They didn’t “Forsake” the high elf name, the adopted the name “Blood Elves” after their entire civilization was crushed by the Scourge. ANd Kael’thas was the prince of Quel’thalas, not the governor. He just refused to be crowned king. They were also basically forced out of the Alliance, because Garithos was going to, you know, execute them all.


I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. High elves did go to Dalaran. If a fact makes sense or not is …not something I talked about. Also don’t see why you bring Night Elves intot his at all.

Good thing I didn’t say this.


Quel’Thalas left the Alliance. “high elves as a whole” didn’t. That’s denying people’s existance. They exist, they are Alliance, they’ve been so since Second War up to date.

Sure, once again, let’s decide who matters and who doesn’t…beacuse.


Wont both belves and helves eyes eventually turn gold. I assumed thats why Arator’s eyes went from fel green in legion to gold?


They left the alliance before that, dude.


No there’s no misunderstanding - Alliance just want playable blood elves, but they cant have them :slight_smile:


Highest authority if it serves you better.

Ok, lets not use forsake, lets say their, ahem, highest authority, decided that “…we are no longer high elves…” and that from that day onward they would be Blood Elves instead.

Quel’Thalas had long before left the Alliance, being this their own decision. Kael’thas and a group of his followers joined togheter with Garithos during an emergency.


Seriously I wish all blood elves eyes changed according to the magic they use. I meant class-wise.

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…Before…Quel’Thalas left ? …once again i fail to understand what you mean.

They joined for the second war, and most of them left as soon as it was over, while some decided to stay and have been around ever since.


I’m aware, I’ve mentioned the timeline in other threads, and this one. Quel’thalas left the Alliance officially after the Orcs were defeated in the 2nd war. However, they still supported the Alliance forces and worked with them on several fronts, especially the elves that were aligned with Dalaran.

After the actions of Garithos in WC3, the Blood Elves cut all ties with the Alliance and turned hostile. The ones who stayed behind were the ones that lived / worked in Dalaran and the Alliance kingdoms, and basically became stranded when Quel’thalas was raised and the remainder of the survivors followed Kael’thas to Outland. So they had to assimilate.

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That is the silver covenant not the high elf population.

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That is playing semantics for the sake of being obtuse, not because you have an actual point to argue. The story states the high elves left, and above and beyond the super majority did indeed leave. To deny such a statement is purely for the sake of your own bias.


It’s… complicated and very, very divisive. I’ll try to explain it as best I can as I understand it.

The Kingdom of Quel’Thalas was a member state of the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War and withdrew from it after the war was over. Most of the High Elves returned home, but some chose to remain with the Alliance often because they rejected the isolationist culture of Quel’Thalas. During the Third War, the independent Kingdom of Quel’Thalas fell to the Scourge Invasion and its Prince, Kael’Thas Sunstrider, returned from Dalaran to piece his people back together and declares them Sin’Dorei in honor of the fallen.

At this point, Quel’Dorei (High Elf) changing to Sin’Dorei (Blood Elf) is just a change to the ethonym referring to them as a people.

Kael’Thas joins the Remnants of the Alliance lead by Othmar Garithos, a racist human that tries to get them killed on suicide missions and later imprisons and orders their execution for working with the Naga. Naturally, after they escape, the Blood Elves allegiance with the Alliance Resistance is dissolved.

So, Blood Elves are literally High Elves with a different ethnonym. They are still the same common people and belong to the same political entity, the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas. Though few in number and not without exceptions, the remaining high elves are members of the Alliance often residing in Dalaran.

Personally, I don’t support them as player characters since they are insufficiently distinct from Blood Elves and would be injurious to the faction exclusivity that sets WoW apart from other MMOs on the market. I prefer that Blizz develops fun, engaging content that adds to its strengths rather than subtract.

I also think Blizzard hit the mark with Void Elves in so far as they are a high elf adjacent race that still looks and feels unique. The clumsiness of the attending lore is not without fault, but it, in my opinion, has the potential to open the doors to the best plot lines yet. What will become of their tampering with the void, how will that tie into Elune and with the three lies?


They are addicted. Hence the wretched.

Magical addiction is an affliction suffered by the [Highborne] and to a greater extent by their descendants. Banished from [Kalimdor] for their refusal to give up arcane magic, the Highborne founded their own kingdom, within which they unleashed their magical wonders. After 7,000 years of being suffused by the power of the [Sunwell], their people — known as the [high elves], then as the [blood elves] — developed an innate, seemingly incurable addiction to its arcane energies. When the Sunwell was destroyed, their source of arcane power was torn away, and the elves were left with a weakening, sometimes fatal, hunger for magic in its place