Blood elves used to be cooler

Blue eyed blood elf abomination sighted!

That Belves didnā€™t suck fel. It was just exposure to it.

This is adorable

Yes. Totally.


Itā€™s not a Badfinger is it?

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What can I sayā€¦ the frost is strong in this one.

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Finally, something I can support

Hot elf moms.


Ah. You donā€™t like the idea of them feeding on fel? Or you just agree with the canonicity of the statement?

I obviously would prefer if just as many fed on fel as those that didnā€™t, and am quite happy the official website seems to imply that may be the case, but there was definitely lore that stated at one point that many did not know. Whether theyā€™d be horrifiedā€¦? Thatā€™s down to interpretation of the text of a no longer existing webpageā€¦

You ofc are more into blood elves actually feeding on blood, as I recallā€¦ completely reasonable. Iā€™d prefer if they moved on to felblood. Far more power that way c:

Mmm, I see.

What the fel did they even say?!

Did they say blue eyed belves get an extra finger?!

Truly blue eyed belves are worse than I imagined!

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She was commenting on how AI typically likes to take some, uh, artistic liberties with things like digits - fingers. In that image, you can see an extra finger :scream:

AI is under the influence of the Void. Itā€™s obvious.

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The Old God Cā€™hat Geeā€™p Tea calls to us

Itā€™s just that in canon player characters did not feed off of fel. I donā€™t have a problem with followers of Kael having done it, the Felblood. Iā€™ve been pushing for Felblood customizations.

Yeah with there being no real numbers I think you could just fill in whatever you prefer there. I donā€™t think Blizz will ever go back and say exactly.

I just want Blood Mages and stuff to be more featured and of course for them to figure out the Sanā€™layn into the picture and not have resorted to killing them off.

Yea and then they gave this race to the alliance while adding a darkfallen skin to both. Further homogenizing the race as they also use the male skeleton for dracthyrs visage form.

All uniqueness or flavor or anything for this race is totally flushed down the toilet as they plan to allow the alliance to march into Silvermoon and the horde is expected to just smile and be fine with it. All while adding more unnecessary class options like velf paladins when they should never even exist in the first place.

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Yeaā€¦ I kinda always wished they had given us an optional quest where we at least tap a fel crystalā€¦ oh well.

Blood Mages not getting more screen time has always been a crime.

So was them teasing us with Sanā€™layn trying to join the Horde, only to get killed by the Alliance. I would play a Sanā€™layn.

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No they solved it bc alliance heavily out numbered horde. They thought to solve this by adding an aestheticly pleasing race to the horde.

Blood elvs became more than over 50% of horde population with ability to be paladins.

You elf nerds will never be satisfied.

True. 1 night elf will never be enough for me.

Iā€™ll always need more, more, and MORE.

And blood elves with certain hair colors will always be accepted.

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