Blood elves used to be cooler

Silence, gnome. All I wanted was to keep the identity we had. That shouldn’t have been a tall order. But somehow blizz got it in their stupid heads to ruin the Blood Elves.


/Cracks whip and breathes fire

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Melfs? :laughing:


I’m cool!

Because some did? We did already go over this, and nothing you stated made me feel it was contradicted or outdated.

Because some did? But we can clearly discern from the story that the majority however did not. Especially now.

These summarizations always reduced, even the Blood elf narrator calls the Sunwell a found of holy energy, and neglects to mention that it’s also half arcane.

They were never nearly as cool as High and Void Elves. They lost their “cool” the moment they decided to live in Mud Hut Land aka Orgrimmar.

I agree with you on everything except this part, more or less. The pride of the BE for me was broken and correctly the most villainous among them are those who preserved them, the rest of the survivors lived as in a nationalist post-apocalypse people, worrying only about them as a race/nation, using any means necessary to survive coming to getting rid of the problematic elements of their society including the nobility. Distrustful gray people living in a city of bright colors, a pride that is only a facade and hides a much more pragmatic mentality.

You will not find a direct line of dialogue that says “Quel’thalas demanded the extermination of the Orcs” they weren’t opposing it either.

But, the tensions between the Alliance of Lordaeron before the Third War was primarily fueled by the taxes which had been instituted in order to maintain the Internment Camps. Eliminating the Orcs was a popular idea among the Alliance of Lordaeron–but Terenes Menethil wouldn’t do it.

Ah yes. They chose to emphasize that simply because some did. As if some don’t anymore. Garbage. Try something else.

Tell me, what is one of the very first quests you receive as a blood elf? Thirst Unending, where you’re sent to siphon arcane magic from nearby Mana wyrms. Can you give me any quests or mention of siphoning Fel in the entire quest experience? Better yet, does the Narrator mention the Fel at all when you make a Blood elf? Doesn’t he point out that the elves who didn’t wish to draw from the Sunwell did so because they did not wish to give up the arcane powers they had procured? Where is any mention of the Fel?

Not even the Wretched siphoned Fel, as we could clearly see the difference between Wretched who did (The ones Kael’thas relegated to servant roles and were allowed to gorge on the Fel) as they had glowing green eyes and fel crystals, and yet all the wretched in the Silvermoon Ruins had blue eyes from siphoning too much arcane magic. Not even Felendren, (Why any Blood elf player would name their character after a mockery of the race is beyond me.) the wretched you’re sent to kill who was said to be the worst offender of siphoning magic dared siphon the Fel.

You call my sources dodgy, and yet your only argument is a single line from the race summary page? Try again, indeed.

That is exactly what I was looking for.

Who proposed this and when, and who was present in this meeting?

Between the end of the second war and the third war 14 years have passed. Quel’Thalas left the alliance shortly after the war ended.

My source is more current. Far more valid than the argument from ignorance fallacy you just shamelessly threw at me.

I’m done with you. You’re not equipped to discuss this sort of thing, clearly.

Blood elves are definitely cooler than void elves. They’re probably the nost palatable elf in the game, after the wailing and gnashing of teeth following The War of Thrones spoiled night elves for me.

Did they go too hard, too soon on the redemption arc? Yes. Maybe. As someone that plays a lot of draenei (and zero elves) I used to sort of envy that their story had a resolution at all. I didn’t imagine the Draenei would ever see their story concluded because that would mean the defeat of The Legion and I didn’t think Blizzard would commit to that in a million years.

Now, in the fullness of time, it was worth the wait.

No they didn’t

Not sure it can be both “Maybe” AND “It was worth the wait for the Draenei.”

No good reason it wouldn’t have been worth the wait for the Blood Elves too.

I am glad you at least just said yes first.

Fact is the Blood Elves had more going for them before their rushed redemption than the Draenei had before Legion, so it’s understandible why you were envious of change.

However, the reality is the comparison isn’t great. Draenei had next to no build up to their current state in TBC. Blood Elves had tons. Actual game content and development that led to their current state. There was over a decade of waiting to play the Blood Elves. The mana hungry, fel-corrupted, ruthless, simply edgy Blood Elves. You couldn’t be waiting for the Blood elves all that time and not expect that to be what you’d get because of the fanon, fanart, official concept art, the rpg, and the glimpses we got in vanilla.

No one was waiting around for years for the exiled light worshipping eredar.

Bottom line? There is no maybe. The original blood elf fans got screwed. And it is completely unacceptable.

Void elves are just blood elves that went “Hey, what about the void? that looks pretty cool.” Aside from that? They’re the same.

Do you mean you like their colors more? Like that they don’t turn into goofy blueberry elves? Because nothing else is really different.

I mean, in a sense I actually agree. I hate the Void Elves. They don’t have their own compelling development leading to their introduction into the story like the Blood Elves did. They just sorta poofed into existence im the middle of the story.

Issue is, blood elves are barely any better because all that development that was there was sorta wasted by rushing a redemption arc that put them right back where they started as High Elves.

If you just don’t like edgy elves… go hug your chandeliers, you retconned space goat abomination.

Blood elves

You mean, no they weren’t? Because I was there. I was one among many who made complaint threads. They were indeed cooler to many lol. Everyone else was going to play them either way because “pretty elf! Looks good in armor! HORDE PALADINS!”

I approve. Bring forth the melfs.

Your source doesn’t discredit other sources. No one said Blood elves didn’t siphon Fel, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t something that was hidden from the public.

You’re done because that’s all you had lol

Of course a clueless dishonest waste of my time would say that.

Except it’s true, unless you wanna actually cite something else?

Nope, and nope. Troll response btw. Literal bait lol.