Blood elves used to be cooler

Unfortunately, there is some evidence to suggest this is not the case. Any Blood Elf that has been regularly using the nuwell have likely been mostly cured of their addiction.

This is why I hate the end of TBC so much.

Well Males Blood Elves are eye candy, it’s hard for them to be so beautiful and cute at the same time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The elves were never cool

/Snaps fingers

Hey! His eyes are up there, Missy!

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You’re not my dad!!!

What?! I can’t even… I…

We… are not… CUTE!!!

How dare you?!

/flips hair with utmost rancor!!

My people are being objectified!!

How does this keep happening?!?!

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/Narrows eyes


Blood elves didn’t really rely on Fel magic to satiate their magical withdrawal, they siphoned arcane magic from living creatures, this was the source of contention between the other races, as they likened it to vampirism. Some elves did use Fel magic, like the Warlocks, but this was said to be hidden from the public as they would be appalled to learn that any of their people would feed on such a corruptive source of magic.

The green crystals were designed and intended to power their structures, and constructs since they were previously powered by the destroyed Sunwell. Once the Sunwell was restored however, these crystals were redundant, as was any reliance on the fel.

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then why tf did we feed you guys a naaru?

waste of a perfectly good windchime.

I mean… elves can never be cool. But it made more sense for edgy vampiric elves to be on the horde than non-edgy light worshipping elves.



/Ropes in

Later is now.

Oh yeah!

Made my first blood elf recently and yeah, immediately went for the classic green eyes and floating fel orbs on the mage ensemble. Their whole aesthetic and vibe was so much cooler. I loved them as a parallel when I played draenei.

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May I ask what exactly you like about Runeleaf’s post? She’s basically advocating against everything you and I advocate for.

Against the very premise of this thread.

You are obviously allowed to like what you like, I’m just curious…

Honestly I think it’s just rushing lore in general that’s a big lore mistake for WoW.

Take N’Zoth for example

He’s done loads of damage whilst imprisoned.
Cunning, patient & tactical …

In BFA he becomes free and goes all out in a huge flex then gets knocked out in the very expansion he was released. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

:face_exhaling: Sorely disappointing.
Many others along with myself were hoping for a void expansion where C’Thun, Yoggy-boi and N’Zoth all emerge in a greater glory than we’ve ever seen — But then they kamehameha’d N’Zoth and made a retcon statement how the rest are super-dead, despite having originally said Yogg-Saron was “just defeated, not killed” …

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I like the old Belves better too, but I was hoping to see a hipster Ariel meme in the OP.

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This is only based on an interpretation of dodgy, possibly outdated lore… and in-game npc’s contradict this. But you and I have already discussed that though…


“the people of Quel’Thalas sated their magical thirst for a time with demonic fel energies.”

I may have a mortgage, vet bills, and chaperone the occasional school trip, but I’m still cool.


Is there an actual source to suppor this?
Official sources state that Quel’Thalas left the Alliance because pettiness of humans over territorial claim and the lack of support from the alliance to Quel’Thalas.

Nevertheless, the Alliance ultimately won the Second War, and most of the vanquished orcs were rounded up and put into internment camps. In the war’s aftermath, the cost of rebuilding was significant, particularly when added to the cost of maintaining the internment camps. Without a common enemy, the human nations began bickering over territorial claims. The high elves began to doubt the value of the Alliance. Humanity seemed to need the high elves, but had little to offer in return, especially now that many Alliance resources went toward maintaining the internment camps.

At last Anasterian rescinded the high elves’ allegiance to the Alliance. He stated that the humans’ poor leadership had been directly responsible for the burned forests in the borderlands of Quel’Thalas.

King Terenas Menethil argued that nothing of Quel’Thalas would have survived if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who gave their lives to defend it. Despite his attempts at reestablishing diplomatic relations, however, the elves opted to remain independent of the crumbling Alliance. Their departure triggered the additional secession of the Gilneas and Stromgarde nations.