Blood elves used to be cooler

Definitely paraphrasing to save time and make it funny. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No one in GD wants pages of lore to read. :laughing:

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Let me tell you a little story about a small race on Azeroth called the Trolls

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This isn’t accurate.

Blood Elves became Wretched by overdosing, not a lack of it.

Mana Tap made them hunger more and more for mana when overused, it was even mentioned in the old quest for it.

But yeah, I enjoyed the “Masters of Magic” type with Spellbreakers and Blood Mages who would take what they wanted/needed.

Now they are basically Humans and their Paladins act like Human Paladins.

I kinda agree with this.

BC happened too fast and went through too much material/characters at once. It would have made more sense in the long run to draw these stories out a bit.

Provided it made sense to do that at the time. But we are starting to feel the effects of over and done Expac design a while ago. I guess that’s why they are going into sagas.


Kind of their own fault.

Quel’thalas withdrew from the Alliance made during the Second War because they supported the extermination of the Orc people, instead of them being kept as PoW in the interment camps. This is also why many other kingdoms including Gilneas withdrew from the same Alliance.

Then when the events of the Third War began, Quel’thalas refused to send full support to Lordaeron
even though the Plague threatened their borders. They (Quel’thalas) was too arrogant and sure of its magical defenses being impregnable.


For the record Blood Elves were never cool.

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Says the Mechagnome. :rofl:


Totally not. The mana addicts thing was just withdrawal but well got fixed like 15 years ago
 if it somehow got corrupted again with, oh I don’t know, the void!?, we’re gonna be back in withdrawal and it won’t be pretty.

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I think I’ve made a thread with exactly the same title at some point over the years. Because yeah, they’ve never been as cool as they were during TBC. Their hunger and depravity on full display. It was most prominent in their version of paladins, the blood knights. They made such a point in all the quest text that they were taking whatever power they wanted because they were the ones with the will to do so. The paladin class quests involved you going into the chamber where they held M’uru and siphoning their energy. They let you be a part of their villain story! It was awesome.

Now they’re basically just humans but pointier.


I have not noticed any reduction in my arrogance.

My cool settings are on ultra. I cannot be denied. Assimilate assimilate assimilate.

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I always felt there was a massive disconnect between TFT and TBC. I still feel like the raid designers were like “We need a boss for this raid” and decided to kill off Illdian because they needed a big named character to build hype.

It worked, of course, but still.


I see I’ve found my people.

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Silence diaper gnome. Silence.

im not going to hear anything from a void elf

It was a bit more complicated than that. You had to USE the energy. You couldn’t just hang on to it. That was the point. You could consume as much energy as you wanted as long as you didn’t just sorta hoard it inside yourself. Even that isn’t certain because we saw Kael absorb copious amounts of raw arcane energy harvested from the Nether, and he certainly didn’t turn into a Wretched.

I suspect there was a mental aspect to it. If you simply let your addiction completely take over your rational mind I speculate that played a part in the physical transformation. And the longer you abstain from feeding, the harder it is to avoid that.

We do know that on Quel’danas the Wretched there had to consume sufficient energy to return to a more normal Elven appearance, and the Elves had to consume regularly to avoid transforming. This may have been due to Fel and Arcane working differently, but we really have no concrete evidence to say for sure.

My guess it was a blade’s edge situation. You needed to consume magic energy to avoid becoming wretched, but also couldn’t focus on gluttonously consuming too much without using it. The end result of doing either was madness and constant pain, as the hunger grows in either case.

Evil is
 such a subjective term. I’d say they were simply more ruthless and less hung up on the morality of what they had to do to survive comfortably.

Oh? Wouldn’t you say you deal with matters regarding addiction later when dealing with the Sanctums, and the Wretched in the harbor?


Except the void elf is right. I hate Blizzard for even making void elves a thing, and hate how dull their justification for existing is, but the fact is the Blood Elves are BORING now. Aside from a couple rare exceptions we’ve seen in-game such as in BFA, there is little about them that differentiates them from the very vanilla portrayal of high elves. Void Elves might be traitors and posers, but their philosophy is more Blood Elven than most canonical Blood Elves currently are.


It was kind of weird when they introduced 2 new races that had conflict with each other and then completely resolved that conflict by the end of the expansion by those 2 races allying together.

And that conflict was never brought up or addressed again. The only time those 2 races interact anymore is as allies, while both remaining on separate factions through 2 major faction wars.

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Blood elf vampires weren’t as cool as you think they are

/Shows the old mana draining bite scars

It happened before, and it can happen again

You’re right
 they were even cooler.

Also, my cousin already told you she was SORRY! You said biting was okay, and she got a bit carried away! So what?!

She took all my mana! I was a shriveled husk until I drank something!

One of the things that I have always thought about when considering the “new” Sunwell, is that it is Holy because it uses the power of a sacrificed Naaru. But Naaru naturally cycle to Void eventually. The whole Sunwell thing is new ground to tread, but there’s nothing that we know of that would prevent the powers from going Void all by itself, simply because it is based on a Naaru.