Blood Elves and Void Elves are both high elves, but some high elves are neither blood or void, and also not playable. It isn’t rocket science. Now you can pretend to be an original high elf if you want.
Yeah this about sums it up. It’s like squares and rectangles. “All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.”
All blood/void elves are high elves but not all high elves are blood/void elves.
void elves are ‘high’ elves in the political sense only. biologically they are no longer a blood elf
If the Fel had more of an impact on the Blood Elves, meaning more than just an eye color change, it would be easier to make the argument that they’re different races in the same way the Mag’har and “Generic” Orcs are.
And for some, it did. Those, however, all stuck with Kael’thas and Illidan and there’s been no evidence that any significant population of them survived. These Elves changed color, grew fangs, winglets, horns, and scales.
I guess an already magically saturated race like the Thalassians needed a bigger dose of Fel for it to have as much of an effect as it did on the more au natural Orcs.
This community’s obsession’s with elves is unhealthy
No, they’re still blood elves. Just with blue eyes.
Thats not accurate. Like at all.
At this point it’s easier to think of it as eastern kingdom elves and kalimdor elves
Eastern kingdom elves
High elves
Blood elves
Void elves
Fel elves
Kalimdor elves
Night elves
Are we getting new races, to play?..
or just new races to interact with?
Alliance got Voidy Goth High Elves
Horde got Fugly snobby Night Elves
It’s a fair trade, eh? Have a donut
Do they still?
I’m still waiting for a NELF Paladin, or something comparable to a Paladin, maybe with light- born nature magic,plate armor, and melee weapons…15+ years now…Oh well, lol.
Where’d you get this from? Void Elves can look identical to Blood Elves? They’re both literally the exact same race. Blizzard confirmed they’re HEs when they addressed their new skin tones
yep…because they used the same physical frames/postures and animations…
But they are all literally the same race.
Like 20 years ago they all lived together in the same city. Many of them would have grown up together. They don’t need different models because they are all the same race.
Some animation changes might be nice but how they move their hands doesnt really matter
Blood Elves were always High Elves? Only a small faction of High Elves were Alliance, The Silver Covenant. They were never large enough to warrant a full Race option. Somehow and even smaller subset of High Elves/Blood Elves who followed Umbric to study the Void are though!
Basically High/Blood Elves should of been a Neutral Race back in TBC with Alliance getting Broken and Horde getting Mok’nathal.
I think we can all agree that every elf is a filthy abomination of the true troll race.
Blood Elves have always been High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves.
Blood Elves should have actually had blue eyes since Wrath because of the cleansed Sunwell during BC
good point
It’s what fun looks like… crazy I know.