And they’ve served their purpose. Now they just clutter up the forest.
At least we have something to hug and I eat more than a crouton.
now now that’s not true. night elves don’t clutter up the forest anymore
I believe it’s still smouldering.
Only because night elves shunned magic after their queen went bananas and caused a butterfly effect that ripped apart the world.
Blood elves are only magically adept because they descend from the former night elven elite.
Night elves kinda cheated because they were immortal for a bit, but even then blood elves tend to live shorter lifespans. An old nelf would be upwards of 12,000 years if not older, whereas the oldest thalassian elf that comes to mind was Anasterian, who was in the neighborhood of 5,000 years old at most and considered quite old (not geriatric, but still notably old). Dath’remar Sunstrider was likely not noticeably older than Tyrande and Malfurion, yet he has multiple generations succeeding him while they remain alive and seemingly in their prime.
Now they aren’t for… reasons, but they still need something at all times. Magic/mana/arcane whatnot was literally everywhere, in their food, their environment, the air. They were born into generational addiction that would cause their minds and bodies to decay when severed.
Night elves weren’t/aren’t afflicted since only the highborne were excessively exposed to magic, and after the well imploded they simply went underground, before leaving altogether and becoming the high elves.
Hahahahaha. I’m outta likes. Let me switch toons
I wish Val’kyr were a playable race. Sexiest woman/body in game imo.
A glyph for a priest when you bite the dust isn’t enough.
One day
I still love my NE cousins
new lore they dont die from old age any elf race thats why i said what i did they retconned them living less long love the retcon to that. it is because their biology was changed forever. infact several dalaran high elves lived during the war of the ancients even some of the ones during the 2nd war but like most of the population they died in the scourge invasion.
somewhat the devolving is more common for elves who relied more on it such as elderly and young infant elves those like the rangers who like aleria not so much. infact aleria was seperated from the sunwell for over thousand years in the twisting nether it was also stated that her and the elves are immortal that is just one aspect ( immortality in wow means differnt things they dont die from old age(like the draenei)) alot of older lore has changed since tbc and people dont keep up with it.
I dunno. I always felt the nelves looked a little “gummy” in terms of body proportions that makes them have this claymaytion sort of feel, and it unnerves me.
I think their leaf accesories are gorgeous though.
Belf female models are okay? Their shoulders have issues with a lot of mogs.
I think male belves blow male nelves out of the water though. The male nelf waist is horrifying.
I just laughed at your last sentence. Thank you for the smile
I’m outta likes.
That is too funny
I got bored at work one day.
Job well done
There isn’t a marshmallow emoji
i guess i’d have to go nelf. i’ve mained both races at some point but the biggest issue between the 2 would be that belf just got that typical elf style to me. arrogant and beauty. it’s lore to me isn’t amazing compared to nelf one but only reason why i mained belf back then was because it’s racial was BiS at the time and for mog looks outside of that really not much else to keep me around.
if i had to pick a race just to play purely on looks i’d probably pick a dwarf/gnome.
Wow. Good on ya mate.
Blood Elf Males > Night Elf Males (Please fix night elf male bodies)
Night Elf Females > Blood Elf Females (Cheap Floozies, the lot of them and as common as locusts)