So this is a super silly topic bc beauty is subjective and in the eye of the beholder but for giggles here we go.
So many blood elves … can’t talk about that one imposter that should have never been implemented on the alliance are, ugh have that “resting face” and I like some meat personally.
Truly tho, even tho female night elf only have one good looking face (#8) I think they’re so much prettier.
The thighs, booty, face markings, nose, is so much prettier and sexier.
Why do you like a blood elf or night elf better?
Not to mention SM is so amazing as a racial.
Also, dear WoW, please work on female NE hands and feet. K Thanks.
Man that was a sick joke to parents whoever came up with Elf on the shelf 🫠
Male Nigh Elves should look super badass. They’re basically taller elves with more muscles. Sadly the in-game model looks super dumb.
Blood Elves are the best!
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Tell me why tho. Why are they to you?
Night Elves are the best elves, because we were the first elves in wow… All other elves are posers.
I can fit a whole blood elf in one of my thighs.
but on a serious answer their lore is better their zones are better looking even though they are older zones their looks are better they have the best classes with one expecption druids(which if they had no one would play any other race on horde) blood elves are smarter they are superior in magic they live the same length as night elves but unlike night elves who are ugly blood elves are perfect they adapt to the magic they use ( yes night elves do to) and no they are not all mana adicts pleanty of them arnt. they have the sunwell which is quite litterally a combination of the naaru core of m’uuru they have the nether energy kael brought from nether storm in adition to it having water from the original well of eternity and several leylines feeding it.
Someone is gonna argue we come from trolls. My counter is we evolved into something way better looking
They’re isosceles triangles with legs.
Absolutely… we can wear shoes…
“Wiggles Toes”
Blood elves the greater of the two because of our hair, sunny disposition, end we’re the champs at dance offs.
Thank you for your response.
I hope to never see a day where blood elf can be druids.
I play both. I just always secretly liked night elf females more but I was horde and “ne stinky”. XD
I love the children of the stars.
The first cinematic with that beautiful night elf female is forever in my mind 
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i have a night elf druid btw lol but i would switch it to a belf if they could be druids.
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Knock off britney spears dance vs
come on man.