I have both but like my Belf more. I like the starting area, their story, their music.
Despite the fact that I mostly play blood elves (bc I’m a Hordie), the blood elf females are almost like… too skinny. Even though the models for the female aspects and Sylvanas are supposed to be blood elves, they look so much better because theyre a little curvier and thicker.
Night elf models are my favorite. If they were Horde or if I liked Alliance better, I’d be doing pretty much exclusive NEs. One thing I don’t get tho is the hate on their face options. I like most of them /shrug
If it was Void Elves vs Night Elves, it’d be closer.
Blood Elves are awesome and all that, but in WoW they’re humans with pointy ears and look too much like High elves, so…
Night Elves > Blood Elves. Male Night Elves have some problems in the model, though, but with the right mog, they can look sick.
Dance: Night Elf (Especially female) by a LONG shot.
Casting: Belf male > Nelf male. Can’t get over the headache of doom. Belf Female = Nelf female. Nelf female look strong casting, belf female look adorable dancing while casting.
Nelf female can kick your behind, Belf female cannot.
Nelf female are more athletic and flexible. Many advantages on that.
Front flip > Side flip. Like… Anyone can do a side flip.
Lore: Despite the damage thge Nelf have taken, I still think their lore is superior.
Presence: Tyrande would grab Lorthemar and destroy him. Malfurion would grab Lorthemar and Thalyssra and destroy them as well.
What else am I missing?
At the end of the day it is:
Night Elves > Void Elves > Nightborne > Blood Elves > High Elves > Orcs.
Yep, that’s why I love belves. Their story and starting area are chef’s kiss
NElf ears go the wrong way, you’re basically just trolls with dental work.
Both are cute and I like their wines.
Both are overplayed and annoying to see running around.
Blue elf /thread
As long as there is vodka in the jello, I’m down.
Yes, I agree. I made a female Blood Elf Warrior once thinking it’d be “cute” having such a skinny character wielding huge weapons, but I kinda found it annoying.
Plus I really dislike their combat vocalizations.
I only play males and have you seen night elf males?
Ugly old men with giant ears and awful hair.
Females look great but the males… just no
Say that to my face pretty boy.
Male belfs and velfs are catastrophically abhorrent
Male nelfs are silly goofy
Fem nelfs and belfs are both gorgeous, but since nelfs have strayed less far than belfs from our glorious troll heritage, fem nelf wins.
We are truly elves. You guys are basically grasshoppers with long ears and bosoms.
Blood elves are far superior. Theres a reason the evolution stopped with us as you cant beat perfection
Which Blood elf is the same age as Tyrande? OG Azshara laughs at Blood elf mages.
I personally like both, my reasoning for “Blood elf” is simply because I don’t like void elves, and their artifical customizations of “High Elf” appearance. I would rather have High elves/“blood elves” as a uni-faction race like panderans.
High elves are shorter but not goblin or gnome short. They are proportioned about the same as Night elves, but that proportion changes with height, giving a ‘thicker’ appearance. Night elves can get away with their skin hues because they are actually different from High Elves. I find the facial features of both to be quite exceptional, but I also prefer blue eyes, it is my favorite color, as opposed to Green. The irony here is IRL I have green eyes.
Night elves have whatever the wrist equivalent of cankles is. Nightborne > Nelves.
I mean, if we are being technical, Trolls turned into Night elves, and Night elves had a division over magic/nature, leading to the transformation of High elves. Seeing as this is the case lore wise, we couldn’t exist without Night elves, or trolls.