Male blood elves look better. The void elf haters on the forum are annoying but it isn’t just blood elves who are haters
Between female blood elves and female night elves, I don’t have a strong opinion on which looks better but I think I prefer female night elf casting animations
I opened WoW specifically to refute this. I scrolled through the faces and found the one that looks good. It was #8. By setting out to prove you wrong, I only confirmed your statement.
I mean, they’re both about the same attractiveness level to me. I think they each have wildly different things going for them.
I would probably lean towards Night Elves if faction was not an issue, but to maximize beauty, I’d take a blood elf and give her the exact proportions of a Pandaren.
Blood Elf. They’re just too cool for school. They do the skater jump, they flourish their weapons, they make sure their stance is impeccable. Night Elves are cool and all, but they feel more serious and low-key, which ain’t me. I’m all about being larger than life, and blood elves capture that vibe better for me.
BE Men are physically more appealing towards me, but personality-wise repulsive [Depending on the person, some BE men’s personalities are top notch. Good old Regent Lord can get it.]
Kaldorei Men unless with very specific customizations are not really that appealing to me but personality wise I adore them.
I enjoy both how BE women and NE women look like. Though as a Night Elf main I would lean more towards them for females.
That’s the only thing I like about my race, too. XD
I don’t dislike blood elves at all. I just don’t like playing blood elves. It doesn’t feel like me. Feels like the type of character a kid would play for 30 minutes a night after homework.
My rule of thumb is generally: the further you get away from human, the more I like playing the race.
I enjoy playing night elves more than blood elves because the height and blue/purple skin give them an Avatar vibe, but I prefer playing Worgen, Pandaren, or Vulpera over any elf because they feel even less human.
I have complicated feelings on playing Forsaken. On the one hand, “Cool! Zombies!”
Disagree. The lore has been mutilated. The relationship with the moon godess and druidic wild gods was more interesting than “we have a magic geyser.”
Again this is some bad design on Blizzard’s part. Teldrassil may have been burned in part to redesign this lazy build of a tree dwelling race. Imagine if the city part was in the crown but there were small leveling areas all along the trunk where branches sprouted out. And from each branch you could see out across Azeroth and how high up you were.
Also I loved pre Cataclysm Ashenvale and Darkshore. They had a really nice unspoiled forest feel, while the High Elven lands feel more like an overly maintained garden.
Also false. The Night Elf mages are all direct from the original mages of Azeroth. The High Elves are just what’s left of those who had enough training to become addicted, but not enough independence to just leave their druidic superiors.
NOW… Until the events of Archimonde and the world tree, Night Elves were linked to it and essentially immortals.
Blahblahblah still addicts just on a different drug.
I personally prefer Blood Elves but I have seen more than a few absolutely gorgeous Night Elves, plus I’m totally jealous of wide range of their customizations so to pick one over the other would be a crime.
the lore is okay, it’s not greater than Night Elves – but it’s decent. The zone I gotta admit is pretty but the lack of flying has always killed it for me.
I wouldn’t say the looks are better, I say Blood Elves have the better female faces, but a lot of the hairstyles can look like wigs because they weren’t properly applied to the head. [See the Styled for females and look UP] They don’t have much better classes then Night Elves tbh.
Blood elves are essentially Highborne that became more human-appearing because they were away from the Well of Eternity. The Highborne were also the cause of the War of the Ancients. Night Elves also live for THOUSANDS of years, while Blood Elves live somewhere in the hundreds. A Night Elves first 300 years [Before they become an adult] is spent on learning. Therefore outright making Kaldorei smarter. Depending on the type of magic. Yes. [Arcane being the outright first one / Mages as Kaldorei shunned the Highborne for using magic. Along with Warlock Magic] Druidsim? Elune’s Light? Definitely not.
This would make Blood Elves a mary sue, yes they are physically appealing but they are VERY flawed characters, and their personalities are hideous.
They are actually mana/arcane addicts for the most part. The only one that wouldn’t be are Undead, Demon Hunters, and Paladins/Priests [who use a source of the light.] I do believe now that they have a new Sunwell they are being sustained again but lorewise cannot confirm this.
Night Elf males have weird body proportions and their heads jut forward like they are permanently stuck trying to get a better look at something far away. They also only have a single face option that doesn’t suck if you aren’t using the new Darkfallen customization. That at least lets you get different face shapes/expressions without the wrinkly old man faces. They could stand to get some more good looking hair styles, but the SL customization pass helped in that regard.
Night Elf females are lovely. They have good proportions, a nice variety of skin and hair colors, a nice selection of hairstyles, and a some nice accessory options. Big thumbs up from me here.
Night elf casting animations kinda suck and could use a revamp.
Blood Elf males (and their Void Elf counterparts) are the best looking males in the game IMO. They have good body proportions, a decent selection of face options, lots of nice looking hairstyles, and a wide array of skin and hair colors. The Darkfallen customizations only adds to the greatness. If I had any criticism for them it’s that they didn’t get their facial hair broken up into separate sections, and they need more options in that area. I’d also like to see the Blood Elf jewelry made unisex so they at least have the option to use it if desired.
Blood Elf females (and their Void Elf counterparts) are pretty, if a tad on the skinny side. Like the males they have a decent selection of face options, lots of nice looking hairstyles, and a wide array of skin and hair colors.
Blood Elves overall got shortchanged with their customization pass IMO. I’d like to see them get more options and a check box to hide hair adornments that are currently baked into the hairstyles (the female tiara style and the male circlet style in particular).
It’s hard to say which I’d choose over the other. It really depends on the class and concept I’m going with. Even if Blood Elves could be Druids (hopefully coming soon!), I’d probably still choose a Night Elf Druid. In particular I’m rather fond of my female Night Elf Druid. For a mage I’d be more inclined to go with a Blood Elf of either sex. Priest I could go with Night Elf female or a Blood Elf of either sex. Male Night Elf anything is just very far removed from my aesthetic appeal due to the above mentioned issues.
Night Elves were cool in their peak era prior to the Sundering. They had dope architecture and an awesome culture. But they ditched it ALL and went to the trees? Whaaaaaat!? I mean they had a few remnants of their architecture here & there they used - but most of it was eh ~
After the events with Teldrassil + Shadowlands, I kinda gotta partially agree with Fandral Staghelm — Tyrande is a poor leader for her people.
I’d LOVE for Azshara to get a redemption ark of wanting the best of her people and restore various ancient Kal’dorei-Empire temples throughout Azeroth to their former glory with like a Bronze-Dragonflight artifact, and announce it as an echoing apology to her people ‘with more gifts to come’.
With the history of what’s passed, along with the ‘gifts’ Azshara bestowed, have Malfurion restore the arcane orders but watch over them personally, and have their race start to rise up to frightening heights of power and status once more.
On the subject of the thread, as it stands though —
Blood Elves win % without a doubt.
Jeeze, that needs updating badly. It’s like Bigfoot had a baby with Godzilla and it stepped into a pool of fel-waters, then splashed their hands in them. lol