Blood elf, tauren or zandalari paladin?

They simply said they are paladins not druids.

You are cherry picking

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are you okay?
do you need too lie down?
do you need too eat somethin?

Are you ok? Do you?

pretty sure yer the one whose confused…
i mean you are accusing tovi of sayin what that person did not even say, the opposite actually.

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No I didn’t. Quote it.

That’s not what you said. You just said I believed some nonsense and it was hilarious. You didn’t explain any of this until now and you expected me to understand what the hell you were talking about?

Where does it say in game or any where that Sunwalkers are Druids? I can’t find anything and I’ve looked. My Sunwalker is my second favorite alt so I’ve been reading whatever I can get my hands on about them. There’s not much.

Yes they are. The Paladin trainers in Thunderbluff talks about the Sun’s Light every time you click on them. Our mount says: “imbued with holy magic.”

A Spirit Walker is a Shaman. You mean Seer.

I never said that. Quote me.

What’s clear is you have a lot of opinions.

Not a single mention of them not worshiping the sun.

Simply said they are not druids.

Link me the part where they said they dont worship the sun and then we will talk

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Ok, I got better things to do than argue over pretend video game lore that changes on a dime anyway.

EXACTLY. JHC at least someone got it.

go eat a snickers, yer different when hungry.

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That’s disappointing. Why couldn’t it have been via an ancient artifact or tablet a bluffwalker or disgruntled druid unearthed about an ancient order of sun druids Sunwalkers? It seems like blizzard doesn’t even try sometimes.

Seriously, I originally got my powers from sucking the life essence out of a sentient wind chime slash God we shackled and tortured. That’s a way better background story.

In other words you can’t show me any sun druid proof. Here’s your ball, have a safe trip home.

I linked it to you already. They are sun worshippers and Mother Earth Worshippers. They are literally formed in the lore as an opposite to NE druids. They are day druids. Go read up on it sometime.

That link doesn’t say they’re sun druids. Got any other links?

OH I see, this is all over semantics. Ok.

Blood elf obviously

… you’re saying I’m wrong and that they are definitely Druids so yeah semantics are pretty freaking important when you’re trying to prove a point.

Holy hell can you all focus!!!? I need to know if Zandalari is worth the race change from my beastmode Tauren or not! I dont care about lore!

The Prelates literally lost their power when Rezan died, but then Blizzard said “Oh, players really want them, lets pretend that didn’t happen” for 8.1.5.

Blood elf - if you wanna be more, shall we say, classic.
Tauren - Don’t, their models are weird.
Zandalari - If you wanna be an extremely badass Warrior of the Loa with tribal aesthetics.

if wanting to slow level I’d do z troll. that way you get the heritage unlock done for life.

Want to boost a blood elf and such later…their armour not bound by this slow grind need.

this why I made my first paladin run a lightforged one. If I want another one later I can boost them. the first one however gets an heritage armour unlocked.