Blood elf, tauren or zandalari paladin?

What are you talking about? Are you ok?

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Nothing like avoiding good points lol
Yeah I would love to see Stompypotato. He’s awesome.

Paladin bubble + Regenerating.


Oh yeah, I guess you don’t understand things unless someone breaks it down into a lot of quote boxes, eh?

Yeah, turns out they actually worship the sun in the lore, no matter what happens in the video game.

It was not. They are still Sun worshippers. So, now do you see? Just because something is a game mechanic does not make it lore any more than something that is not a game mechanic doesn’t.


“they use the light, therefore, they’re paladins”.
Just as Zandalari do, and they’re called prelates, that don’t believe in the Light.
Just as Night elves do, and they’re called moon priestesses/priests, that don’t believe in the Light.
Just as blood elves once did, called blood knights, that just siphoned light energy from a naaru, that didn’t believe in the light, until Velen came along.


That’s what I said in my first post. Why do you keep repeating my words back to me?

Never said they weren’t.



I knew you were just trolling. There’s no way you actually believe the stuff you said.


I didn’t say that.

They get the Light from their loa. They’re holy warriors.

How do you know they don’t believe in the Light? Different races get the Light from different sources. Priest use the Light and nelves are Priests. The Light is just a form of magic just like arcane, void, etc.

LOL what? Blood Knights were Paladins before they siphoned the Light from a naaru. The reason they had to siphon the Light is because they turned their back on it. So, they had to have it to turn their back on it…

No I’m not trolling. You need to visit more forums if you think this is trolling.

Well, if you are not trolling, then due to your lack of comprehension, I won’t be able to explain to you how you are incorrect.


Lore wise, Blood Elves make the most sense, though it would have been better had they remained how they were in TBC.


Blood Elf paladins are the best paladins

I can comprehend normal conversations just fine but you keep talking nonsense. I mean, you brought up gnome and tauren Warriors which have nothing to do with anything. You’re rambling.

The old blood knights had the best lore, but both Zandalari and Tauren look great especially in plate. One thing I don’t understand about the Zandalari prelates is where they were for all of 8.0 and most of 8.1? The first time we see them is at Rastakhan’s funeral. An order of those would’ve been handy to have in the fight against G’huun’s blood troll army and the Alliance.

I understand zero about Tauren Sunwalkers, are there any documents devoted to their origins and lore? Seems like they just kinda came out of nowhere.


Human male paladin.

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They kind of did. Tauren Priest and Paladins worship An’she and they get the Light from him. That’s about it.

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honestly, if you want to tick off a bunch of pvpers, go zandalari, there racial is annoying…
specially in arenas, since there racial heal does not get reduced there.

You said that Sunwalkers are no longer sun worshipers because they joined the paladin order.

So, I tried showing you examples of how things that happen in WoW due to mechanics, neither undo the lore nor change it.

You said you could not understand.

I tried a last time by showing you that, even though in the game a tauren warrior and a gnomish one both have the same identical stats- in the lore, they do not. In a “Real-life Azeroth” setting, the 1300lbs tree trunk wielding tauren warrior is much stronger and with far greater stamina that the two and a half foot tall 40lbs gnomish warrior.

I tried to show you that just because the game has something the same, in the lore, it is not the same.

In other words, if you are still following me, the sun druids aka Sunwalkers, are not paladins even though on the game screen it says so and even though they went to the paladin class hall. See?

If you are still with me, the classes in WoW can incorporate or even be totally different in the lore. So a Sunwalker is not the same as a Paladin, but in the game it is. Or a tauren Spirit Walker is not the same as a tauren priest, yet in the game they are.

So, again, no rambling, you are incorrect in thinking that the tauren sunwalkers are not longer existing in the lore just because in the game they were in a “Class Hall” because they had to be put somewhere, and that they are labled paladin because that’s a video game class in the programming, so Blizzard did not have to make an actual entire tauren only class called Sunwalker that are sun druids.

Now that has to be clear to you.


I mean, i never saw a single post where Tovi said sunwalkers do not worship the sun , so :man_shrugging:t2:

Are you ok? who is the one really confused here?


Scroll up to post 7. He said "That sun druid crap is speculation and there’s no lore in the game that supports it. Also, the sun druid angle was completely put to bed when they joined the Paladin order in Legion.

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