Blood elf, tauren or zandalari paladin?

Which race has the best animations/lore?/ I’m leaning blood elf because of the glowy eyes, but tauren look great in armor. Zandalari I don’t really know much about.

Eh, it’s up for grabs. The Tauren have some decent lore, and the High Elves have a lot of lore, especially the Blood Elf faction. However…

As I, Old Zul, coined years ago…

Once you go troll, you never reroll.


Zandalari have the best Paladin mount. And some very fun racials.

Id choose Zandalari, but that’s just me.


Zandalari or Tauren. I’d personally go with Tauren, but read into the lore of both and see which one you like best, maybe?


I race changed my Paladin from Blood Elf to Zandalari and I don’t regret it :slight_smile:

Zandalar forever! :wink:


I love the Horde Paladin races but their lore is lacking.

Belves turned their back on the Light when the Scourge killed their people instead of using the Light to get revenge. They kidnapped a naaru and sucked it dry until the Sunwell was “healed.”

Tauren prayed to An’she for the Light. That’s it.

Zandalari Prelates were first seen in the Throne of Thunder. Not much was said about them. With BfA and the release of the Zandalari, we know they are holy warriors that get the Light from their loa. They served Rezan but he’s dead, I guess, so we’re not sure where they’re getting the Light from now :woman_shrugging:

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Zandalari or Belf.
Tauren look a bit silly on some animations, and they were shoehorned into being paladins, at best. They’re actually supposed to be sun druids, but yeah.

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No they’re not, they’re Paladins. That sun druid crap is speculation and there’s no lore in the game that supports it. Also, the sun druid angle was completely put to bed when they joined the Paladin order in Legion.

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All three are really cool but it’s just a matter of preference. I don’t really like playing BEEG characters and belves are the smallest paladins Hordeside, plus I do legit love the Blood Elf lore, so that’s why they’ve stayed my pick, but if you like standing out more in a crowd as a pally then Tauren are a great choice, and Zandalari still have that new car smell.

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Zandalari = blood elf > tauren > the rest > male humans


Uh, yeah… so anyway, they call on the Sun for their Light. And, are meant to be the opposite of the Night Elf’s worshipping the moon. They are not the same as human paladins any more than Zandalari are the same as human or tauren paladins.


I mean, if game mechnics are the same as lore, then:

In the lore hundreds of thousands of us all sleep in the same tiny inn each night.

All humanoids on the Horde and Alliance can merge and “run directly through” each other with no collision.

It’s canonical lore, obviously, that Azerothians cannot remove their underwear.

The only people alive in the entire world of Azeroth are only the players and NPC’s we see.

In the lore, apparently, it only takes ships in Azeroth the length of a load screen to travel the entire distance of the ocean. Same with zeppelins.

In the lore, no one on Azeroth sleeps and most of them stand in the same place, rain or shine, for years at a time, never moving, changing their clothes, or aging.

In the lore, your character has died hundreds of times and hundreds of your skeletons are buried all around the planet.

In the lore Azerothians all have names, titles, and guild names that float over their heads.

And so forth. Anyway, OP, the Tauren Sunwalkers, Zandalari Prelates AND the BE all get their powers from different sources in different ways, even if the spells and class names are the same in game. It’s only like that so that Blizz does not have to balance all kinds of new classes and make a lot of new animations and more. Instead it’s interchangeable. Like say a Tauren Sunwalker/Human Paladin or a Zandalari Dinomancer/Night Elf druid. In the game they will be labled the same, but in the lore they are WAY different.


I keep trying a Tauren paladin, but they seem so clunky. Because their model is so large, they seem to move slowly. BE paladins are fun, but I have to say I’m very much enjoying my Zandalari.

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What is all this? Were you trying to tell me something?

I have both a blood elf and a zandalari paladin. I would prefer my zandalari over my BE save for 1 thing. The zandalari no boots.

Small issue I know, but I don’t like going barefoot and breaks up some good mogs. But I like zandalari animations over BE.


Literally named “Sunwalkers”, and unlike the blood elves, taurens do have a sun deity, An’she. It was way more likely that their paladins were druids that revered her, instead of being actual paladins like humans or blood elves, the latter being adapted from the humans. But in Legion were just thrown into the bag with the rest of the paladin orders, because tauren paladins would probably feel offended (and rightly so) that their race-class combination wasn’t there.


Oh, must have replied to the wrong person. There was a guy (likely trolling) that had said that because of Legion class halls that a tauren paladin and a human paladin were somehow the same or something lol Basically, he just did not know that tauren Sunwalkers are not the same as a human (or he might have been trolling).

Like, he’s one of those illogical/irrational people that think game mechanics = lore, so I was showing him how there is no way it works like that lol Can you imagine?


Blood elves are beautiful with great animations. Zandalari are new and shiny, but still like blood elf animations a little better, though I do really like how the zandalari hold the weapons vertically.

Tauren palidan animations just don’t feel that impactful though, they are big and a bit clunky

Right so where do you get sun druid?

I already said that.

Like I said, speculation.

They use the Light. Click on a class trainer next time you’re in Thunderbluff. They talk about the sun’s Light.

No they were put there because they’re Paladins. Druids have a connection to the Emerald Dream and care about the balance of nature. Sunwalkers don’t have a connection and don’t care about the balance of nature anymore then any other tauren.

Ah yes the old “if someone is saying something I don’t like, they’re obviously trolling” angle. :roll_eyes:

No, people can say whatever they want. OH you WERE the guy. Yeah, if you are not trolling, then you are legit the type of person that thinks that in the lore a Gnome Warrior and a Tauren Warrior would be equals since they have the same stats in the video game lol Hilarious.


Nothing like cherrypicking random sentences, lol.
Can we get a male tauren paladin here? k, thx.