Blood elf matches more with the human centered animations and paladin horse class mounts. Zandalari look cool and theme wise they are cool. Tauren has cool lore but bad animations.
- Blood elf because they fit better with spells, theme armor sets, class mounts.
2… Zandalari. Are very cool model wise but have a harder chance finding there type of mogs( mogs being human/vrykul centric).
- Tauren have great lore but struggle to find sunwalker mogs (even npcs use different armor types for them) and spells are human centric.
I have zandalari but I hope they expamd xmog to other armor types to make mogging much more fun and close to the racial identity. For example the zandalari heritage armor looks so much like leather. Which would be good for tauren and troll paladin sets.
3. Tauren
Tauren are getting the best heritage armor yet next patch
Tauren imo 
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Why would you want to be a dumb elf when you can look good in plate armor and have a sick racial?
Edit: I swear upon Uther, you people who necro threads are degenerates in the Light’s name.
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If you are only just considering levelling one, personally I would say Zandalari.
Probably the best aesthetical race of the three mentioned, they also have quite a bit of lore behind them.
I think they are all good options though depending on what kind of character you like.
Obviously if you are more of a fan of slender models a Tauren isn’t going to be the one for you, but the same works vice-versa.
It might be worth looking at WoWhead and just chucking a few cool armour sets you like on in the dressing room and seeing how it looks on the different races. See if any jump out.
Edit: Ahh gahd, there were so many new replies I didn’t even realise it was a necro…Geez…
Blood elves for the blood knight lore alone. Plus those sweet sweet mogs not that blizz normalised weapon size
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Omg I just rolled Paladin and how male blood elf hold pole arms in combat is Annoying to me. I LOVE the twirl they do for CS though. 
Zandalari = blood elf > tauren > the rest > male humans
Well if you are going to be like that then I will just have to correct you and state the obvious. Male Human Paladins = Male Tauren Paladins > the rest > female paladins. Your PC SJW BS doesn’t need to bleed into a fantasy game… In reality racials is what makes a race stronger than others in certain content. If you don’t do that content to the TOP level then it doesn’t matter.
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We have found our Necromancers! Now if only Blizzard would make them playable in game.


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Nani what what?
Should I feel honored this guy committed necromancy in my honor?
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I feel like there’s only one right choice here…
Tauren look neat as sunwalkers or whatever.
Male Taurens as Paladin or Warrior… they look terrible in the other classes. Female Taurens as Druid, Priest or Hunter. Can’t believe that such a peaceful nature loving race can play Warlock.
I wish the us forums locked threads after 30 days like the eu forums
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