Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

You asked for horde priests not how much of an importance they have. Also I am on the boat that sorley rejects Calia even being a part of the Horde at all I don’t want to be associeated with her in any way.

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And? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
That doesn’t automatically mean they’re against having any faith whatsoever. lol

You do realise they can have both right?

  • Especially in a fantasy game where various religion literally invokes obvious power & knowledge to advance both “logic and science” — Take a good look at the Draenei for instance (Lightforged especially) lol

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Plus there’s the factor everything else I mentioned in my former comment; the Blood Elves are now very heavily light-focussed in their societal doctrine, that’s canon whether you like it or not. :dracthyr_nod:

That’s what I was more or less implying, I didn’t think I had to spell it out so directly. Hence the two statements of mine, key lining the word ‘relevance’ →

  1. I’d love more priest recognition and relevance in lore
  1. I’d love to get some priest recognition & relevance amongst the Sin’dorei (Blood Elves) … Preferably WITHOUT them simply turning into paladins overtime or being corrupted. :joy:

Old gods telling you lies.

Guess all your friends really did abandon you, huh?

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I mean, I can unleash a void form — Flinging a dozen void bolts at my enemies upon its activation; as I weave that very void & shadow to my will … I’d say she’s pretty on point :yum:

shadow’s been shooting void stuff for time immemorial.
yet only void elves are void elves.

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Sure buddy.

I’ll tell the other void elves of the Belf shadow-priest society that you said hello. :slight_smile:

You can tell them and the rest of your imaginary friends that I said hi.

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Xal’atath isn’t imaginary. :heart:
As much as she have convinced you otherwise.
… Plus I’d take her word far over yours :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Reading comprehension.
Though to be clear, yes she hecking is.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night bud.

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you don’t think xalatath is imaginary

Any race can use shadow magic.

Void Elves are permanently changed into void beings on a physical and biological level, how is that not hard to grasp.

Just like you have many races using light, but only the lightforged draenei are changed on a physical and biological level by the light.

Blood elf shadow priests are just that, blood elves.

Void Elves are the closest thing the Void has to Lightforging, without actually abandoning your flesh and becoming a vaguely humanoid monster embodying Nihilistic Entropic Madness.

Shadow priests are just kinda kooky old god priests.

The void pipeline is interesting.

You have old gods and the curse of flesh, that well, gives flesh to things, but the higher level seems to transcend physical form into the void, like void lords and ethereals.

Yeah, they seem to be trying to mark a clear hierarchical distiction between Old God fleshy lovecraftian void, and a higher tier of cosmic “the timeless darkness between stars that waits to consume them” cosmic void.

Do you remember how LONG it’s been since MOP was current?

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I don’t think blood elves have a problem with any magic. Void elves got the shaft becuase their teachings are from the archtraitor himself.

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You still can’t prove they’re not canon.

Well I do :100: agree… it does need to be address at some point in the lore and/or story.

To be fair aesthetically the Shadow Priest, Death Knight and Warlocks Shadow Type of magic are looking more and more differently.

Shadow Priest - Spells and casting VFX animations are looking more and more sci-fi Cosmic Horror or Cosmic Void of space in nature.
Warlocks - Probably my most favorite VFX with affliction spell look more and more Firie like darkness flames with flickers of Fel in it.
Death Knight - Spells and VFX with Shadow are looking more and more related to Death.

Even if some of those damage type cross over to these classes with some abilities or spells…

I’m in love with the affliction warlock VFX, just wish it was more visual than just putting dots… hopefully hero talents will help! :grin:

Still it reminds me this episode of X-men 97… I was literally enthralled with the visual of Madeline fiery looking powers, I was like: “I want my Warlock shadow spells to look LIKE THAT, heck even my Fel or Shadowflame too if I could!!!”

https: //

Also we need some sexy NPC representation of Warlocks like this Goblin Queen… I saw a cool looking female Void elf, sipping tea while her Voidwalker fighted off the invaders with multiple Void Portals open shooting void projectiles in the Alleria intro quest pre-patch…that would fit this sexy role perfectly. IMO

Although, knowing Blizz they probably make reference to her as a LITERAL Goblin race queen! lol :rofl: