Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

The tell is him shifting behind the Regent’s back when the latter is being called out by Jaina and claiming, probably honestly that he did not know.

However I just did the Throne of Thunder scenarios again and it should be noted that when our favorite Shado Pan calls everyone out it’s Lor’themar who takes the initiative and has his people stand down first.


Thank you for admitting that you have not actually consumed the story in total.


There were no handful of Sunreavers though, that is the problem.

The Blood Elves who held the portal open may have worn Sunreaver tabards. But they were called ‘Silvermoon magi’ specifically.

And the operation was spearheaded by a Reliquary member, and not even a Sunreaver member.

All in all, there is more of an indication of the Sunreavers being scapegoated by Blood Elven Garrosh loyalists. And the fact that Garrosh did involve the Blood Elves intentionally in order to create a rift between them and the Alliance, only adds credibility to the idea that the Sunreavers was scapegoated.

And Jaina’s directly accusation: “You turned a blind eye” as an answer to Aethas’: “I did nothing” suggests that he was not directly involved, otherwise Jaina would have mentioned that instead, but he did discover the operation and decided not to do anything about it.

And we know from a dev that was were supposed to be discovered by Aethas, and him being threatened to keep his mouth shut.

He did lie to Lor’themar, but the operation was not greenlit by Aethas and it was not a ‘handful of Sunreavers’.

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Yes, and that Reliquary member Fanlyr Silverthorn, even direct states in the quest ‘Insertion’ when beginning the mission towards infiltrating Darnassus:

  • "Furthermore, the Sunreavers of Dalaran are risking their neutrality by assisting the Horde with this operation."


Quest Completion Text: ‘Insertion’
Location: Teldrassil

So yes, it in fact was involved with the Sunreavers.

I am well aware.
But we still do not see any Sunreaver involvement.
We don’t even know if they count the ‘Silvermoon magi’ as Sunreavers, because they are wearing Sunreaver tabards.

Fact of the matter is, we do not actually see Sunreaver involvement, and everything simply points to no Sunreaver involvement, but instead heavy scapegoating. Garrosh loyalists did everything to make it look like the Sunreavers were actually involved.

Void elves were just a mistake. They feel like a last minute rushed addition. Blizzard probably originally planned on Argus Krokul being the allied race since that’s the faction you needed exalted with to unlock them.

The whole “The first people to master the void” makes no sense because:

  1. They got corrupted by it.
  2. There were already shadow priests and warlocks in the lore who used it without being corrupted.

The plot involving the blood elves also makes no sense because blood elves have warlocks and shadow priests and it was never a problem, then suddenly they’re banishing elves for “mastering” the void. It makes no sense.


I literally provided evidence against that.
… And sourced it too.

I think the point is, we don’t see any actual Sunweavers involved in the scenario though. It’s Silvermoon Magi with Sunweaver tabards on. Likely blizz confused the two groups

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They’re not the first to “master the void”.

They’re elves changed by the void and are in nature of the void, much like lightforged draenei are beings of light.

The fact that we have alleria’s whole plotline in the audio drama and also in 7.3, and the fact that they play the opposite role of the LFD makes me think they were intended sinxe the start, requiring argussian reach REP was likely just because it had to be a legion rep.

There is a fundamental difference between being someone that uses a certain type of magic compared to being infused and having that magic as part of yourself.

The fact the alliance even got access to Silvermoon gives off a very bad vibe.


Yeah, that’s true.

Oh 100%

I’m kind of scared a lot of the elven narrative & important parts in the major plots of the story will be shoehorned into the Windrunners, Void Elves and Silver Covenant – with the Blood Elves mostly acting as background characters, or merely participating but not really engaging to a significant extent or anything cinematic worth.

… That or human potential will come & save the day. lol


Exactly, that is my entire issue with it.
No character named ‘Sunreaver’ is involved anywhere, and we don’t know if it is a bug, if it is just blizzard being silly, or if it is intentional.

Because knowing blizzard, all of the three above could apply. There is evidence to suggest all of them.

One thing that makes me point to the last though, is that it was also Garrosh’s goal to create a rift between the Blood Elves and the Alliance, because he figured out that Lor’themar was in talks with Varian. So he needed someone related to the Alliance to hurt Blood Elves on the grounds of nothing. So the whole ‘Sunreavers did it’ was a setup, the organisation literally seems, as it stands, to have been scapegoated in order to rile up Jaina and drive the Blood Elves away from the Alliance.

I wish blizzard stopped being intentionally vague, and stopped being so inconsistent. It would make following the story so much easier.

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:skull_and_crossbones: :sparkles: :raised_hands: :sparkles: :skull_and_crossbones:
{Necromances thread with void-magics}

So with the new personalised stories Xal’atath provides to your characters → Xal’atath has said that I’m a kindred spirit who has already succumbed to the void

:star_struck: SENPAI HAS NOTICED ME! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:thinking: Additionally, going off her statement — I guess I’m a void elf in disguise? lol
Xal’atath thus confirms it → Belf-Shadowpriests ARE in fact void-elves.

Guess we’ve merely been banished from Quel’Thalas by Rommath; yet hiding amongst our people & still fighting by their side along with the Horde? :person_shrugging:

Don’t give them bad ideas. I am already afraid on this. Blood elves being sidelined in their own homeland Just so the alliance elves can feel extra justified.

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I think you mean: GOOD ideas*

I mean shadowpriests amongst the Blood Elves being ‘Void Elves’ and still classifying themselves as Blood elves and fighting amongst their kin, still aligned with the Horde — Ultimately sounds like a good idea for bringing forward inclusive storylines to both the Alliance AND the Horde, coming into midnight. :grin:

  • More-so if we get a Horde priest character that has relevance with the void as much as Alleria does, although that’s probably wishing for too much (Because as we know, the Alliance are hogs with main-characters holding extreme relevance to cosmic forces).
  • Honestly, I’d love more priest recognition and relevance in lore, especially amongst the Sin’dorei.

Ultimately however, I’d much prefer a PRIEST main-character help us wrap up the story of Xal’atath alongside the players and not a HUNTER (Alleria) – Particularly given the relevance Xal’atath holds to priest players.


Sorry, thought you were replying to my most RECENT comment – as for the comment you’re actually replying towards: Yeah lets hope they don’t shove more human potential down our throats either :joy: Wouldn’t mind seeing our Draenei boi Velen come back to shine though :fist:

I can name a few on that.

Those who actually get relevance & that of significance to the story I mean.
At the moment (for Horde) at most you have:

  • the undead priest Alonsus Faol
  • and arguably the ‘undead’ priest Calia Menethil

— but as i said, I’d love to get some priest recognition & relevance amongst the Sin’dorei (Blood Elves) … Preferably WITHOUT them simply turning into paladins overtime or being corrupted. :joy: lol

Blood elves don’t have a real religion. Never had. The blood Knights are rather new compared to all other blood elf groups.

For the whole Horde we have

  • Talanji
  • Tahu Sagewind
  • Seer Nakha
  • and Zabra Hexx
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That’s simply not true.

They follow the light in the same regard the Draenei do now.

  • It’s been emphasised MULTIPLE times throughout the story & lore since the end of Burning Crusade.

As to prior to that — Originally Blood elves had followed the light in the same relevant regard humans did in a sense – However with the invasion of the scourge & decimation of their kingdom and people, their faith was shattered … After that their priests and paladins outright STOLE the power of the light from the Naaru to use it, until they ultimately turned a new leaf.

Well :clap:

  • Talanji - Had “relevance” in BFA, but since then? Pfft. lol
    … Also Shadowlands essentially pooled the loa more into the boat of wild-gods and said there’s essentially no difference — Not even afterlife (their followers getting a unique afterlife in correlation to the loa they followed? Retconned) … So her priestly connections with the loa is pretty worthless.
  • Tahu Sagewind + Seer Nakha + Zabra HexxWho? :thinking: (Sarcasm)
    They’ve had jack squat relevance in any main-core lore features or cosmologies of expansions.

NONE of these have relevantly great recognition and relevance in lore.
Merely token-filler characters to the class – at best.

If you’re gonna sit there and tell me that someone like Tahu Sagewind + friends are just as notable to the lore as say: Thrall, Tirion Fordring, Alleria, Anduin, Gul’dan, Velen and Illidan — Then I’m going to widen my eyes & have to start agreeing with a lot of other people you’ve argued with on the forums before, that say you’re delusional.

They are a magic based society just like the Nightborne. They don’t need religion when they have logic and science on their side.