Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Shadow Priests are not socially acceptable anyways, no more than warlocks or other shady types of evil magic are. I think as players we get desensitized to how messed up most of those classes actually are. I am sure there are shadow priests among the Sin’dorei—But they have the common sense to be quiet about their socially unacceptable activities.

Umbric and Co were very very open about their research intentions, and they got chucked out over it. The real oddity there is more the Alliance accepted them in so readily given the influence the church should have over their politics.

The threat of war made them open to any possible ally is my personal understanding.

Also Alleria vouching for them.

It makes more sense if you think of the velves as being highly arrogant morons like I do

It makes more sense when you look at what they were doing and who developed the rituals (and thought it was too much, even for him)

Rommath was 100% right, especially considering without a deus ex machina, said elves would just be dead (or hoping they were…). The sunwell was relit, there wasn’t a need for it.


Deus Ex machina and mcguffins is how the alliance always wins and it is getting boring and bad if you think about it.

I wish the story reflected that instead of being all:
"The first mortals* to master the void!

*Please ignore all forms of shadow priests and warlocks."


They were literally my artifact weapon when assaulting the Legion.

She and your artifact are fictional.

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And water is wet.
Son, we’re talking about lore of a fantasy game.
Get your head in the game, lol