Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Those are all game terms. Lorth’mar’s actions are politically motivated. He does not want Dar’ken’s teachings to gain a hold, even more he feels that Alleria is a political danger to his government in addition to being a threat to the Sunwell.

It was Rommath, not Lor’themar – That enacted the decree.
And again — Dar’Khan Drathir was NOT mentioned by Rommath.

It’s only referenced through Umbric’s later studies after he was exiled, to which he could understand to partially why the void was so reviled by Rommath – but it wasn’t the core issue … The prime factor is, that they were exiled due to the void holding a significantly threatening presence to the Sunwell, due to its state of being sparked by the pure-core of a Naaru.

The scorching take is that the blood elves should be stricter on dark magics in general after their dalliance with fel nearly destroyed their race, rotted their beloved prince’s brain, and spurred him to defile the heart of their culture in an effort to kill the world; but as fan reactions to the shifts in blood elf, orc, Forsaken, and now goblin racial sensibilities attest, race-wide development of any kind will be met with resistance if it strays too far from overfond preconceptions. Even those twenty years outdated and shaky in the first place.

… you can probably guess where I fall on the topic, but it’s an interesting one. There’s merit on both sides. It’s not much of a World of Warcraft if every race is condemned to circle its allotted drain forever, but if a poster of Spike’s cheekbones wet with the blood of the innocent sold you on Buffy you might feel a little cheated when the flipbook morphs him into a progressively cuddlier anti-hero.

Rommath made a demand and Lor’themar acquiesced to it. He made two other demands (bar Alleria from the Sunwell, arrest Alleria as a saboteur) that Lor’themar didn’t acquiesce to. This isn’t TBC anymore, Rommath can’t invoke Kael’s authority to go over Theron’s head.


Making shadow priests use anything even named ‘void’ was a silly idea from the beginning.

Just ‘shadow’ would be fine, that could be differentiated from the ‘void’ even if ‘shadow’ is derived from ‘void’.

Like how ‘steam’ is just evaporated ‘water’, shadow is just a very diluted form of void, and thus poses no threat.

That is how I still view Shadow Priests though.

They just use a very diluted and more harmless form, as opposed to Void Elves who have been turned into vessels of straight up void energies.

Pure… unfiltered void.

I mean Aethas did that in MoP with taking the Divine Bell with a small team, without his knowledge. :eyes:

That being said too, Lor’themar seemed like he wasn’t sure what Rommath’s problem was with Alleria when she wanted to see the Sunwell. If he had, he wouldn’t have permitted it – Given her void embraced nature.

Putting aside that Aethas never greenlit or was a part of the whole divine bell thing, as per Jaina’s own words.

Lor’themar also did not have any authority over the Sunreavers.
The Sunreavers was a Kirin’tor faction, not a Horde faction. Neither Lor’themar nor Garrosh had any real authority over the faction.

As opposed to what many people appearantly believe because people are silly.

They’re a Horde aligned faction just as the Silver Covenant is Alliance.

Kirin’tor aligned.

They are hosting the Horde in Dalaran during WOTLK, and they are doing neutral operations, but they are not the instruments of the Horde warchief. The Blood Elves in the Sunreavers, do not answer to Lor’themar and they do not answer to Rommath, Aethas and Rommath made that very much clear in the story ‘In the Shadow of the Sun’

And considering that Aethas’ entire purpose for establishing the Sunreavers, was to pull the Blood Elves out of the Horde and into the Kirin’tor, just cements it further. Both Sunreaver and Silver Covenant are Kirin’tor branches, they answer to the Kirin’tor leadership. That is why they do not, as groups, operate in favor of one or the other faction when they are warring.

It is why Khadgar was responsible for Vereesa in Suramar, and not Tyrande.

I really do not understand, why people think that either the Sunreavers or the Silver Covenant helping either faction in a neutral operation against the scourge in WOTLK, means that they are under the branch of either faction. And just because of a game mechanic too?

No, they are branches of the Kirin’tor, and there is nothing to suggest otherwise. They are under orders of the Kirin’tor.

Well, everything should be past tense, the Sunreavers, atleast I think is gone.

Actions speak louder than words. The Sunreavers participation in getting the Divine Bell
into the hands of the Horde WarChief pretty much cements them as Horde partisans operating under a cloak of plausible deniability.

There are no ‘Sunreavers’

I have yet to actually see any facts related to this. It is what Jaina may believe. But so far, what we know is.

  1. The operation was spearheaded by Fanlyr Silverthorn, who is a reliquary member.
  2. The portals used are maintained by Silvermoon magi.

Could a Sunreaver have been involved? Possibly… do we see that Sunreaver be involved? Not at all.

One big thing though, the Blood Elves named ‘Silvermoon magi’ are wearing Sunreaver tabards. Which means one of two things - they are Silvermoon magi who infiltrated the Sunreavers to get hands on the stuff needed to by pass Jaina’s lockdown. Or they are former Sunreavers who left the Kirin’tor but on their way out they brought with them the tools needed.

Either way, it does not point to direct Sunreaver organisation planning. And out of Jaina’s own mouth, it was not greenlit by Aethas, nor did he know of it beforehand. At worst she discovered he became aware of it, but chose not to do anything about it.

Which is still a surprisingly direct accusation, as if she watched some kind of camera that follows Aethas everywhere so she knows exactly what he did. I mean, from all the evidence the Alliance could gather, the only fact they could actually reach is that Sunreaver tools have been used. But to know such a small detail as “You turned a blind eye” that is a very specific accusation to throw out there. I would have expected a “You abused our neutrality to help the Horde” that would have been a more sensible accusation considering the evidence the Alliance found.

But thus far, the Sunreavers as an organisation was not involved, and it is more likely that they have been scapegoated - because at the end of the day, it was Garrosh’ plan to create a rift between the Alliance and the Blood Elves when Lor’themar and Varian was talking.

Yeah, I’ve got into that conversation with Zerde before – but thought not to derail into that whole argument again. :joy:

Honestly I’d like to close this whole thread, I came to terms with it over a year ago. lol

I feel like it is just one of those things where blizzard either screwed up big time. Or people are just intentionally confused.

And you never really know, because blizzard is also extremely inconsistent with their writing, not to mention the long time it takes to fix certain bugs. Their storytelling is also terrible.

Writing a story that is so ambiguous is not good if you are not a very skilled writer… so I implore blizzard to just stick to writing a simplistic good vs evil story. Stop trying to make it grey and nuanced, you suck at it. They had one success with it, and that was Garrosh’s war on the Alliance back in Cataclysm. That crap was grey and nuanced as duck, and it made sense. But after that they just screwed up big time.

Aethas had nothing to do with it.
If you have to tell lies to float your argument, your argument sinks.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m not telling lies to float my argument? … When you don’t comprehend the sentence, your reply stinks.

I wasn’t referring to Aethas involvement with the void ordeal, I meant the concept of invoking authority to go over Lor’Themar’s head — Which Aethas did. It’s not lies, it’s fact. lol

  • They even reference it @ the Isle of Thunder scenario when Lor’Themar gestures back to Jaina that the Sunreavers knew nothing of the Divine Bell theft, to which you see the emote: ‘Aethas Sunreaver shifts uncomfortably

The mana-bomb & destruction of Theramore wasn’t orchestrated by the Sunreavers as a faction or Aethas — but the Divine Bell was. Albeit as stated in the past, it was significantly small team & most of the Sunreavers were unaware of the plot (hence their dialog of confusion when evacuating them in the Purge of Dalaran).

Aethas was threatened. He wasn’t involved in or behind the bell theft.


If Aethas wasn’t involved they wouldn’t have had put the emote in the scenario in the fist place … Anyway regardless of whether or not Aethas was specifically involved, there were still Sunreavers who had made a move over the head Lor’themar – That much is undisputable. Henceforth my overall point still stands. :person_shrugging:

Aethas feels guilty because he couldn’t stop it.


He WAS most definitely involved. He however preserved Lorthe’mar’s plausible deniability by acting completely behind his back. Lorthemar would pass a Truthsayer beccause he was telling the truth as he knew it.

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How was he involved, Drahliana?

If he felt guilty because he couldn’t stop it — and not guilty because he did in fact hold involvement, he wouldn’t had needed to shift uncomfortably. There was also no indication or dialog indicating he would had stopped it.

  • Additionally, shortly before the theft of the bell — Aethas was seen in Silvermoon helping Garrosh’s campaign in unravelling the Korune Device to harness the powers of the sha. Albeit he cautioned against using the sha, disapproving such methods as he saw similarities of Kael’thas using sinister powers of such proportions to his disposal.
  • Next to him, Rommath expressed his caution stating that he did not agree with Aethas’ thoughts on the “neutrility” of the Kirin’Tor (to which later on, was shown for good reason – a little foreshadowing).

:clap: Also again, regardless of Aethas – There were still Sunreavers with authority who went over Lor’themar’s head.

The Sunreavers being excused for Thalen Songweaver is fine, since he was simply one individual and openly expressed his loyalties were more to Garrosh than the Sunreavers (heck, he even assists Garrosh escape his trial) — The Divine Bell theft however, had a handful more Sunreavers though that could not be overlooked so easily - Given that Aethas is the acting leader of them, he holds a degree of responsibility nevertheless of his direct involvement.

Personally speaking, I’m against the Purge of Dalaran and on the Sunreavers side. Jaina and even MORE so: the Silver Covenant especially – Did go too far. However that’s not to say that Aethas holds any responsibility to the situation that unfolded.