Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Judt because they aren’t welcome accoeding to Rommath doesn’t mean they no longer exist.



If you can make it, it’s canon. Plain as that.

He’s been right about so much else in this setting that it’d probably be to Azeroth’s benefit if these two things were synonymous.


Most of us had established this over a year ago in the thread.

Most of everyone was more or less settled on overall idea that there’s hidden shadow & void users amongst their kind — Similarly to how warlocks use to be established amongst many races.

  • However despite all that, Doness just decided to stir the pot by reviving the thread after it had been silent for 11 months :face_exhaling:

… Him and others also keep projecting: “But in Burning Crusade …” as if BCs expansion & lore had come out after Legion / BFA + the intro of Void Elves :joy:

Anyway, as I stated —

My prime intent & goal of this thread was simply for Blizzard to address that dilemma & stigma more directly — particularly to how they view void users amongst their own kind with the existence of void elves now (and those who weren’t transformed but exiled, studying alongside them).

That would be a first. Blizzard has never done it for ANY class or race… why should the Voids get special treatment when the core races have never been addressed?

I can think of many other races where Void usage is addressed. the Forsaken, for one.

  • Class – They literally addressed warlock users for the Draenei in the Warlock questline.
  • Race – They even had a questline towards embracing the Eredar amongst their people.

“why should the voids get special treatment when the core races have never been addressed?” — They have been.

That being said, I’m mostly wanting the Blood Elves who are using the void to be addressed — Not the void elves … Heck, a simple line of dialog or a ‘click to read’ thing would suffice. I’m not asking for a huge extravagant story or questline – but just for it to be addressed more directly. That’s it.

There isn’t a conflict in lore here for blood elf shadow priests. Shadow priests are not beings of the void, ans even holy priests know shadow spells (anduin can mind control). They don’t pose a danger to the sun well by just being near there. There is nothing that suggests that being shadow priest gets you banned, like i cited, not even alleria is fully banned from silvermoon, and she is a different creature altogether.

Neither were those they exiled when they were banished …

Aside from Rommath directly stating it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • “This is why I demanded that Umbric and his radicals be exiled. ANYONE who treats with the Void is a danger to the Sunwell!”

And in before you rattle: “Yes but they’re void elves” — THIS :clap: WAS :clap: BEFORE :clap: They were even transformed into Void Elves … The factor being is that Rommath exiled them because anyone who treats with the void are a danger to the Sunwell & thus their kingdom (in his eyes, at least).

Last I checked, despite Shadowpriests not being so much defined as “beings of the void” – They most certainly dabble and ‘treat’ with it …

Umbric and his radicals were exiled, they were also digging deeper than any shadow priest, hence they ended up where they were, It is clear their research in silvermoon was specially dangerous.

And anyone who treats with the void can still be a danger to the sunwell, in many ways, but this doesnt mean he is calling an exile rule on all void users, otherwise he would have to just say flock off to half the horde as well from visiting silver moon.

Warlocks and void users are an inherit danger, that is clear in lore, but there is a degree of acceptance.

Yes, but as per the statement made by Rommath – He merely indicated that anyone who so much as treats with the void, is a danger … He didn’t say “Oh only those who deeply dive into it are a danger” – He said anyone who treats with the void.

We can speculate around the bush all day, but until they give something more direct – It’s simply going to stay that way; henceforth to why I said my overall intent of this thread was for it to be addressed more-so. Whether that’s a single line of dialog, or a click to read NPC script – or even a tome or something upon a table.


Yes, he said anyone that trears with the void is a danger to the sunwell, but he only said to exile umbric and his group of radicals, two different lines.

Only umbric’s group got the boot, despite anyone that messes with the void being a danger, is what i’m trying to get at.

He said: “this is WHY I demanded Umbric and his radicals be exiled” – It was the reason … That’s what I’m trying to get at.

As for “Only Umbric’s group got the boot” — No, they didn’t … We actually don’t know if others have been exiled in the past or not for treating with the void, because they’ve never stated such.

The line is there just to create thenplothook for umbric, is not a deep statement that void users aren’t allowed in silvermoon.

Again, your whole original premise is flawed there.

We dont know if there is a degree of tolerance or not, but never in wow has a spec been non canon while the general class is allowed. If alleria can walk around silvermoon with supervision, simple shadow priests could (and this is just speculation) probably roam free without getting close to the sun well, or there is a degree of void usage that is allowed, even if all of them have an inherit danger to it.

There is also a last year interview that is not related at all to this subject but basically confirm that any choice in the character creation is plausible by lore.

Not really.
As I stated earlier →

With the lack-thereof knowledge, we could beat around the bush in this discussion all day.

I don’t see this conversation going anywhere, so lets simply agree to disagree. :person_shrugging:

Completely agree for this. Am I the only one who actually kind of likes this lore development? Like an elf who has infused themselves with void energy would obviously be a threat to the sunwell, they’re like a beacon. But people like your average shadowpriest probably aren’t all that dangerous to blood elf society? There is a major difference in the way in the way the two interact with and use the void.

Plus the idea of shadowpriest being this shady, underground element in Quel’thalas practicing their magics in the, heh, shadows is way more interesting to me.

In my humble opinion I don’t think it’s bad lore, and I don’t hate the void elves.

What Rommath is exiling them for is working with the forbidden texts of the arch traitor Dar’ Ken who betrayed Quel’thelas to Arthas because he was not content with his allotment of Sunwell energy. Your standard shadow priest has no truck with this material.

So, I’m pretty sure I have a hot take here, please don’t hurt me.

But I think maybe you might be being a bit reductive as well…?
It’s true that the blood elves have never shied away from the darker side of magic use. They abused a naruu and bent the light to their will, and as you say fel crystals were seen all over Quel’thalas for everyone to see.

However I think we would do well to remember why this is the case. The blood elves did this not out of a sense of pride, but desperation. It was a direct result from the destruction of the sunwell. A people desperate to stave off the effects of magical addiction that they could no longer sate without the sunwell. This is not pride, this is a low point of the blood elf people.

So, the idea that a group of people, who’s very existence threatens the sunwell if they are to close to it, might be viewed as a threat to the greater blood elf society isn’t that off base. A people who’s very existence is a constant reminder of those dark days after the destruction of the sunwell.

It may have been an overreaction on Lor’themar’s part, but the basis for what he did is very sound.

That’s not stated. He indicated that he exiled them because they’re a danger to the Sunwell. Not because “the traitor” had workings with it before.


Shadowpriest quite literally have spells & abilities called:

  • Void Eruption
  • Void Form
  • Void Bolt
  • Void Torrent

Their spec description in the talents, quite LITERALLY reads as:

“Uses sinister Shadow magic and terrifying Void magic to eradicate enemies.”

Shadowpriest has a MASSIVE truck with void material lmao, you’re bloody delusional if you think otherwise. :joy: