Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

Kel’Thuzad called Doness, he wants his necromancy tome back. :joy:

Also yes, I mentioned warlocks too →

Like the Blood Elf warlocks, shadowpriests, and spellcasters who channel or harness shadowy magics or the void itself…

Yeah and it’s wrong to claim Blood Elf Warlocks aren’t canon, since we’ve seen plenty.

Unless stated otherwise, every player choice in the character selection screen is supported by canon, and every spec as well.

Blood elf warlocks are just like any other type of warlock—They do not bring up they destroy peoples souls and summon demons for fun and profit. Most of them would be passing themselves off as just common mages in polite society.

Shadow Priests are canonically old god cultists per Legion’s description, so… they would be hiding what they are as well. Umbirc’s sect was exiled because they were very public about their research and refused to quit (or say they quit and go underground).

I meant solely those of them who use the void.
Any who treat with the void aren’t welcome amongst them, remember?

  • Warlocks could also at least RP it as they’ve forsaken that asset upon such edicts & relied on their other means of utility.

Spriests are moreso to be unwelcome though, because they’re much more direct to tapping into the powers of the void far more than warlocks are.

It wasn’t just Umbric’s sect though, its still to be any who treat with the void. It’s part of why Rommath was so vehemently against Alleria’s visitation.

Also – as per above, the rule wasn’t implemented because they were “very public about their research” — It’s because:

  • It was once studied heavily by Dar’Khan Drathir,
  • and most importantly – The presence of the void posed a threat to the Sunwell.

Thus they implemented the decree that ALL who treat with the void are unwelcome.

Okay, we’ve been seeing them use Voidwalkers since TBC. There’s an entire quest chain about it.

Yes, it is illegal. But people do illegal things all the time. As I said, Shadow priests would be hiding what they are, not simply disappear from existence. I mean… they would of already been hiding what sort of entities they traffic with.

Few people are friends of the friends of the Void.

It is more an issue that Blizzard never made city guards or NPCs respond negatively to that sort of ‘evil’ magic like they do in other RPGs, so people just presume everyone is cool with it.

Yes well, you see — TBC? Yeah, that expansion came before BFA :slight_smile:

So, the expansions – In order, go:

  • Classic
  • The Burning Crusade
  • Wrath of the Lich King
  • Cataclysm
  • Mists of Pandaria
  • Warlords of Draenor
  • Legion
  • :diamonds: Battle for Azeroth :diamonds:
  • Shadowlands
  • Dragonflight

Now you know the order! :smiley:
The decree was imposed around the time of ‘Battle for Azeroth’ timeline – which came far AFTER the expansion of TBC. :dracthyr_nod:

Yeah that was discussed earlier in the thread which I acknowledged.

I came to terms with a handful of loopholes & round-about matters to the situation discussed in this thread, but Doness decided to raise this thread from the dead — after it had been silent for almost a year. :upside_down_face:

I’m trying to say, it’s unlikely all Warlocks would suddenly leave Silvermoon after TBC, and we were never shown such a thing before.

Like I said, it’s mostly just the void aspect of them – and as I also said:

Warlocks could also at least RP it as they’ve forsaken that asset upon such edicts & relied on their other means of utility.

However the primary issue being discussed was Belf Shadowpriests … Hence the name of the thread. :upside_down_face:

You can’t just give up the Void as a Warlock. You wouldn’t be anything close to a Warlock. We would’ve also heard about the Blood Elf Warlocks mass leaving the Void earlier on, if it actually happened

This dev says Warlocks are Void users

He talks about it about 30 seconds in.

“The biggest implications for players familiar with our lore are Lightforged Draenei, that’s the big one. And then obviously, because all of Warlocks’ powers are predicated upon kind of Fel and Void usage, how does that jive?”

Yeah and I’m saying both make equal sense.

What I meant was, that warlocks are rather heavy handed into other dark & malicious magics too (eg. the fel) and so forth, not so much merely the void as their only prime pillar.

Also as I said →

The edict & outruling of treating with void amongst Sin’dorei was in BFA … You haven’t had much significant warlock or shadowpriest roles amongst the Blood Elves since then.

  • Additionally, any void content related to elves now is most likely going to be shoehorned to the Void Elves now :person_shrugging: Whether you like it or not.

When I made this thread about a year ago, my prime intent was for Blizzard to give more direct acknowledgement & address the lore dilemma for Blood Elven shadow / void users — perhaps with some dialog referencing those class-race combos & the powers they use + address why they’re not exiled, instead of just leaving it to rot in the wind.

You said Blood Elf Warlocks could’ve simply abandoned the Void. I gave proof if how unlikely, if not impossible, that was.

At the end of Legion, actually.

We also heard nothing about those roles being totally abandoned.

We know Alleria can still, with some supervision, still go around the streets of Quel’thalas, she is just forbidden to be around the sun well specifically, i dont believe any shadow priest would have the effect she had on the sun well.

Moreso reason to why they should at least address them in lore.
Hence why I originally mentioned them in the creation thread text.

Same difference as little happened between the end of Legion to the start of BFA.

Lorewise however, it’s hinted that the allied-races were sought out due to the faction war & needing more allies.

Yes :clap: There :clap: was :clap:

  • Any who treat with the void are not welcome”Rommath

That’s a pretty broad statement.

Additionally, like I mentioned – I’d also like the matters to be addressed, because as stated: The void-related lore in elf content is more likely to be regarded to the void elves … Save except perhaps the Blood Elves using the light to combat the void, and their Paladin Blood Knights to deal with threats here & there.

We don’t know that.
Where is that stated?

She was literally exiled wholly in the Nightborne / Void Elf recruitment questline. lol

Recent short story focusing on her.

She went to visit Arator and she was allowed under supervision, she also was invited to lor’themar’s wedding

You said they aren’t canon.

Shadowpriests have canonically been entering the Sunwell since TBC.
We witness blood elves bathing in the Sunwell in the Quel’Delar quest.
We personally take Quel’Delar – a sword crafted out of OLD GOD BLOOD – to the Sunwell to purify it.

Void Elves are so void that their entire bodies and souls are corrupted and changed. They have old god tumors growing out of their heads. Saying all shadowpriests are like void elves is like saying all explosions are like nuclear bombs.

Aussie is wrong.

Wrong, there are still Blood Elf Shadow priest npcs to this day, Umbric’s crime was going too deep into the abyss to the point where it tainted him and his followers.
also rommath’s opinion of void casters is rommath’s opinion, not blood elf law

Well then, I stand corrected. :sweat_smile:

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Although as you said – Under supervision.

  • From a story perspective: I’d wager she would want to establish good connections with Quel’Thalas too with the faction-tensions dying down and perhaps wanting mend bridges for those of her people who stand with the Alliance … At least far more than Vereesa and her racist Silver Covenant goons would.

I wonder how it’ll play out in Midnight – albeit as I said, I just hope they don’t shoehorn the whole storyline & void-content all to the Windrunners & Void Elves … :person_shrugging: I suppose we’ll see.

Yes, I meant onward.
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Did you not read the thread & the comments already discussed, or did you just look at the title & comment? …

Same applies to you Dreadmoore.
Read the thread :upside_down_face:

Grand Magister Rommath: This is why I demanded that Umbric and his radicals be exiled. ANYONE who treats with the Void is a danger to the Sunwell!

:point_up: This statement was made in the Nightborne / Void Elf recruitment … Well & truly AFTER the expansion of TBC.

You’re wrong.
They were exiled before going too deep into the abyss and PRIOR to being “tainted”

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