Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

I think the only faction swap that would work would be man’ari and that is a super tough sell.

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For a serious answer, I don’t know if there’s anything that could be added that wouldn’t cause more resentment than excitement. High elf as a separate option sounds like a huge waste to me, especially when void elves can now have the look. Plus, anything the horde got in return would probably seen as unfair, and it’d be really hard to argue against that when you consider how popular vulpera turned out to be compared to, say, mechagnomes.

Unless the horde got something equally crappy, I guess. Like withered Nightborne?

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You will be shown your potential next to humans and you will like it.


We already are.
Almost every expansion.

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There might be a market for Blightcaller Humans (Forsaken who look the way Nathanos/Derek Proudmoore did/do), and with that it wouldn’t be hard to just throw in the normal living customizations. Not like the Horde hasn’t worked with human pirates in the past, after all.

PvP is an excuse. When’s the last time we got a new battleground? Ashran? Even Warfronts weren’t PvP. Citing silhouettes in PvP has become their go to excuse for anything they know will be unpopular among players (removal of Warlock’s Observer pet, for example, because they feel their new Felhounds are too good not to be everywhere).

Pwahahaha, i can’t believe, that there is someone who is actually doing history revisionism in video game, trying excuse the WoW’s angry mustache man. But then again, you are void elf, so it make sense.

I think this is whistling in the dark. We have been asking for cross factions guilds and Blizzard resisted until they felt it wouldn’t endanger PVP. If they was High Elves that casually the would have done it already.

You can believe what you want, no skin off my nose. But I think you are just setting yourself up for more disappointment.

Another customization options for undead wouldn’t even be in the same zip code. Listing some trivial thing you don’t care about isn’t going get Blizzard to change the line they drew last time.

What we got was the PvP flag that they were trying to lure people into PvP with.

PvP isn’t an excuse for Blizzard, it is a source or revenue. There are players who do nothing else. Blizzard knows this. You can ignore it if you want, but Blizzard won’t.

Or you know Blizzard will change their mind. I mean, if you told me or a good chunk of players that we would have lightforged draenei warlocks a few years ago, you would probably be rediculed/people will say it will never happen and yet voila, in a few more weeks we will have it.

neutral plot is owned by the alliance and we can’t do anyhting about it. And human potential is a meme because no race is allowed to be good if you ain’t generic rip offs.

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Personally I find ‘HuMaN PoTenTiAl’ — Rather over-used, and over-rated. :roll_eyes:

The one of few times I actually don’t mind human-spotlight, is when there’s a human integrating themselves within another race’s society and the human’s adapted to their architecture & culture, other than vise-versa.

Although on the topic with the spell-animation questlines I mentioned earlier, aside from giving light & void visuals to the respective races on the right wave-lengths with them, you could also use Kul’Tiran lore to teach water-visuals to humans for various spells. I’d be a lil jealous for my non-human races (aside from maybe shaman of each race being an exception) however, I’d say its a fair call.

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They gave Druid focus to the Thornspeakers and shaman focus to the Tidesages. Especially that girl who built the ship for Anduin. Basically almost all classes ae now represented by humans these days. And it will get only worse if Golden and Danuser have their way.

You’re the one who suggested Humans for the Horde. I was just trying to provide an example of how they could go about that.

There are players who do nothing but RP, and they’re actually a source of revenue as they’ll be the ones buying cosmetics and mounts and pets off of the cash shop, and maintaining their subscriptions during content droughts, or through the ruin or over-buffing of various specs that ruin PvE/PvP comps.

I honestly feel like Blizzard doesn’t care about PvP anymore. Mythic Dungeon races have become more of an E-Sport for them than PvP.


All I can say is good luck with that.

Blizzard has been steadily removing race/class restrictions for years. Anyone who thinks there won’t come a time when they don’t exist at all is fooling themselves.

The problem is that Nathanos isn’t human. He is undead.

Now Alterac humans would fit. Or maybe they have rebels against something Turalyon did.

Now I’m not saying it will happen. Almost no chance, but it would be a bridge that crossing it would, IMO, put high elves in play.

When Blizz gave the Alliance a “void-tainted” splinter of the BEs, they gave the Horde a splinter of “arcane-tainted” NEs. They won’t out-and-out give the Alliance a Horde race without out-and-out giving the Horde an Alliance race.

Blizzard often does things in spurts. They revamped how PvP worked, and maybe they are waiting for a new idea, or maybe it did what they want.

But the bottom line is that some players give Blizzard money to play PvP. Blizzard will always protect their money.

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Was, and yes. That’s a bit like saying the Nightborne weren’t Kaldorei, they were Highborne.

I suppose the greater point to take here is also that High Elves are already on the Alliance, whereas there are no (living) Humans on the Horde.

In the end, I don’t see High Elves as a separate race as something that’s going to happen, or at least, anytime soon. At best Blizzard might merge Blood Elves and Void Elves into a single race and let people pick their racial title and racial skills. I think the faction barrier would have to fall considerably more before they reach that point though.


Why do people keep bring the character I play into it? but I play her as a high elf if you want to be specific.

It’s just Erevien. He role plays a lot when he answers. He actually thinks people are the avatars they post under


Damn I wish I was an elf irl, would live in the forests and leave 2023 damn…


That sounds so nice right now :smiley_cat: