Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

That guy is not me.

Yeah, he’s just wearing the Exile’s Reach set, just like you whenever you make a new Erevien.

Nah, those forums is dead swamp, filled with fake horders and people who play void elfs unironically, you did not expect me to level up toon past minimum 10 lvl just to shetpost here, don’t you?

I don’t care what your level is. That’s the least of your issues.

Funny to see another blood elf mage here. Times change.

Heh, in turn I would tell you about your mom secret live, but i decided not to step down to your level.

This is getting weird.


Oh dear Sunwell, they’re multiplying…


Part of the reason why I’d love for the core-topic of this thread addressed.
For those of the playerbase that RP.

Sure one could argue RP is the world you make of, but if certain subjects of lore are poked at & rarely addressed or expressed to show otherwise — It tears at the walls of the RP community, who can feel hopeless on the subject(s) & overtime some may even simply want to quit. :pensive:


Sometimes though the opposite is true about revealing every detail in game. When some subjects are finally addressed and it goes against a persons personal RP they had for years because info on said subject was scarce? It can destroy years of RP and make people frustrated

It’s definitely a double edged sword on what should or should not be completely fleshed out

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This isn’t actually a problem though?

People get way too invested in their headcanons and treat these kinds of universes as their own. They’re not. It’s not a double edged sword at all.

Answers matter more than headcanons.
We should never have basic information and story progression be held back because people cannot - or refuse to - adapt.

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If you’re not a roleplayer, then you don’t understand how certain information can absolutely destroy people’s roleplay that they had for years. Shadowlands is a prime example of information doing way more harm than good.

NOBODY liked the new information that came out concerning the afterlife and how it worked. Blizz even had to retcon ancestor worship back into the game during the orc heritage armor quest line.

But sure, people can adapt, but that doesn’t mean we have to lie down and just accept their trash decisions


Given how much lore & story Shadowlands destroyed in an attempt to push its own narrative, I’d wager they could use some fleshing out of lore.

That’s why I precisely why I said if it’s rarely addressed then it more or less a middle finger to the players as a “Who knows? Just shut up and accept it.” @ their lazy or incompetent writing.

Vapyr summed it up rather well:

Which to a certain degree, I feel you have the wisdom to understand such -

Exactly – why this thread was made. :grin:

I’d at least like a response or addressment to be made on the subject, even if it’s a casual dialog between various leadership characters, like Lor’themar & Rommath.


I guess people are missing my point. Not everything needs an answer and we should think carefully about demanding answers for every single thing in game. It’s how we ended up with shadowlands and the lore ultimately suffered for it.

In the end, you might not like the answers that blizz gives us

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I get that, but at the same time: It should be taken within particular context — Because using that as a general statement for any plothole or damaging statement made in lore would be a cop out.

In some cases, Blizzard have already provided answers in a sense that people already don’t like — Whether to those answers, or to the questions opened up by various story content made: Providing context, clarification or addressing it to the degree that patches up confusion & curiosity @ the complexities of that former answer or content, could help the community and overall lore in the longer run.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m not against having things answered, and I agree that there things that we do desperately need answers to.

For me, it boils down to lack of trust of the current writing team is all. They do great with small scale stuff, like the BfA quest zones and the orc heritage armor quest, I just don’t trust them to handle the bigger issues that they’ve a history of dropping the ball on


That — I can understand :100: percent completely.

I’d love the Blood Elf Shadowpriests subject addressed more directly given it’s not substantially large enough to cause a shattering change to the cosmology within the lore, however I’d wager not small enough either to be simply brushed aside.

I didn’t mind BFA, despite some obvious grizzles that most the playerbase were outraged about - However Shadowlands, is what crossed the line for me.

Retconning lore books of the WoW universe that I, along with heaps of other players had purchased & most had thoroughly enjoyed, all to be turned to ash for a villain & cheap shallow story that was trash – was like Blizzard had essentially gargled acid and spat in our faces.

Then to gloat about the superiority of their plan and ‘advance weaving of story’ – Like it had been planned all along … I’d never felt so disrespected as a customer & consumer of product. Blizzard may had as well just laughed at our faces, when they took our money and gave us faux knowledge on their own content in exchange.

People state that Blizzard want to re-establish trust with the playerbase from what was lost with Shadowlands? Respecting the lore – Would be a good start… Ironically, disrespecting Shadowlands lore – Would be a good start too, given it kind of reverses damage made to stories & characters that were beloved.

I will say however – Ultimately I feel Dragonflight is a good move on the right path.


I’m still sort of mad about how blizz handled the Chronicle books. They basically tricked us into buying the books only to say later that they aren’t beholden to them.

Now I just appreciate them for the fantastic art in them :smiley_cat:

On that, I agree. If they continue this good trend they been on lately, I think they can earn SOME of the trust back that they lost over the last few years

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I’ll never not be mad about that.
The fact their biggest advertising statement to those books was that they were ‘Absolute Canon’ and ‘Not to be changed’ to stem the ire, confusion and rage of the playerbase that were sick & tired of retcons and various plot-holes that made the storyline a mess — When Shadowlands retconned a load of it, and they then applied the copout BS excuse: “Oh haha, yeahno we lied uh - N-nah, ummmm that was from the TITANS perspective… Y-Yeah! Not the truth. Silly players.”Essentially declared Blizzard as false advertisers.

People lost faith in Blizzard for a lot of reasons in regards to violating their trust. The lore department of players, is no exception. For the above reason especially.

Filling up wedges & divides in the playerbase with various lore damage made by Shadowlands, or stuff created within BFA content (Eg. Topic of this thread) – Would be a good way to proceeding to mend that broken trust.


Ironically enough the only thing the books are good for now is enjoying the art within them. It kind of defeats the purpose of the books though