Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

My apologies, I misunderstood what you’d meant. The mana draining technique both caused and resolved a lot of problems for the Blood Elves.

It’s cool but you are right. It did both. It was a band-aid solution to get some able bodies up and going. It stabilized things but it came with its own problems that showed up later. But at least in that short term a major problem was getting resolved and they could start getting on their feet.


You’re so addicted to the bandwagon fallacy that you can’t hold an actual conversation.
“huehuehue ratio!! i can’t be wrong because people like me!!”

people like kanye west, too.


Not what I said, but hey – Choose to interpret it, as you will. :+1: :+1:
… I see that you also continue to gloss over key points made once more too, further emphasising my points made earlier; so cheers. :point_right: :point_right:

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Alas, poor Quel’Lithien.

All the elves at the lodge became wretched after Ranger Lord Hawkspear found an item of seductive energy.[3]


Back on the topic of dealing with various controversial specs / classes in various races – So far good solutions would be:

  • Dialog
  • Context provided directly by Blizzard.
  • Questlines to assist justifying and making it more resolutely clear on various terms & lore.

On another note — Having spell visuals for various class-race combos as a start (Like water-visuals for Kul’Tirans, Light visuals for Blood Elves & Lightforged, Shadow visuals for Void Elves & Mag’har) for unconventional spells, before extending it to other races via shared knowledge would be great for further player customisation too, along with helping benefit the RP community with their race’s respective class play in-game :slight_smile:
(Could also open the way to some really cool cinematics in the future).

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Yes and I love him for that. If he didn’t eat the villain bat then he might have been the best Horde leader we had. I hope Shadowlands wasn’t his final story. He deserves a second chance.

If they have the hoards of anima returning from the maw back to the overall Shadowlands, along with a large portion of titan energy from Azeroth herself & other energies the Mawsworn used to push their advances rising to the surface of the greater realms — You could probably use that as a reason to revive certain souls back into the realm of reality (I mean, beings have returned from the realm of death with less power in the WoW universe – So it’s hardly far fetched).

You could have one of those returned beings be Kael’Thas. Have him announce he became a good friend of ‘The Accuser’ and became known as one of two titles – The Dreadhunter from hunting Dreadlords, and ‘The flame of Penance’ - Stating like a phoenix, certain souls are the be reborn in their own ashes to arise a new akin to his own journey.

Have him hand himself in before Lor’themar & Rommath to interrogate his mind for any signs of doubt against his word of all this, only to reveal he’s telling the truth and have him state he would like to act as an advisor in his new chance at life - As redemption for his own people, and in turn may provide redemption for those who need it. Give some heroic scene via a questline where he saves a whole city or something – So it can at least absolve him of various crimes in his former life.

I know you’d want him to “Rule as leader” or “Rule the Horde” – But lets be real, the chances of that happening on quick-return would be slim. The above would be the best case scenario, as from there you could snowball it to opening up greater opportunities.

… Upon that –

You could potentially use all sorts of returned beings from death as a focus point for teaching various magics or advising spell techniques to their respective cultures / races / kingdoms, for unlocking new visuals. :slight_smile:

You could unleash a massive world of questing, lore and interesting content too. :grin:
Imagine deceased beings from Draenor (The Original / Outland) returning to Azeroth, in their uncorrupted & healthy state. The possibilities would be vast.

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Given the history of Blood Elves, BE shadow priest make about as much sense as (given the history of Night Elves) NE mages.

I feel, deep down, that if we can hold the line of NE mages, we can keep some lore in the class restrictions. If not, it will be clear that, every time Blizz wants a little splash, we will see another restriction lifted until they don’t exist anymore.

All I can say is we got the last laugh on whoever said that. With any luck fully blown high elves will be added someday.

I don’t see it happening in WoW’s lifetime. Not unless Blizzard merges Blood Elves and Void Elves into a single Pandaren-Neutral race and calls it High Elves, but that’d honestly be a little weak unless you could choose to change your racial name tag in-game to Blood Elf or High Elf.

They at least gave explanation & dialog for justifying that.
They did address Night Elf mages – Which was a good thing (Although, many people are unaware of such). They even had the decency to have provided foreshadowing prior to being released. :slight_smile:


I have played WoW long enough to laugh at the faces of people who said “x will never happen”.

WoW tokens? classic servers? Demon Hunters(warlocks players said it would never be added because they had metamorphosis, well Blizzard had a nasty surprise for them)? And now all the class/race options being opened up to everyone. Yeah, at this point I feel like high elves are more of a question of when and not if.

Is it possible Blizzard adds High Elves as an Alliance Allied Race/Core Race? Sure, absolutely. I just don’t find it plausible at this point, not when Void Elves were given a lot of customization for players to play pretend.

I don’t think Blizzard will add it as a core race.

I except it would be added in the vein of sub race/extra customization. Think night elf black eye. Add a quest where the void/high elves under Alleria/Vereesa finally come together, decide to build a new nation together and then give void elves the ability to change their name plate to high elf(change all their void themed racial to arcane theme ones that function the same) and boom, high elves.

At the very best, I could see them being made into a singular neutral race (like Pandaren) as ‘Elves of Quel’Thalas’ and given the option via NPC to dictate what title you want to ride with the mouse-over your character.

Although whether or not Silvermoon / Quel’Thalas itself would be neutral, or remain Horde affiliated but simply have the races choose their affiliations, would be another story …

I have to agree. Blizzard had ever reason to go as far as they were willing and you got Void Elves. That also undercut the pressure. Since then, the odds have done nothing but drop.

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The only way I can see High Elves happening is part of a quid pro quo for something just as big for the Horde. And frankly, the only Alliance race I can see Blizzard giving to the Horde are a faction of humans. This is highly unlikely (and I appear to be in the minority about how desirable this is) but I think I would probably lead to High Elves.

But the fact is Blizzard, IMO, sees this all as undermining PvP. And PvP sell subscriptions. And Blizzard wants money.

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Oh please, if PVP was ever a determining factor we wouldn’t have cross faction guilds.

Or they just get the fel elves. We get the arcane and shadow elves(high/void elves) they get the light/fel focused ones(blood and fel elves) perfectly balance. An elf customization for an elf customization.

Besides, we already paid for our getting void elves by not getting a more unique race like the vulpera.