Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

I mean we were talking about other stuff but then it bounced to this.

Damn Dwarves, why did they send a non mage? Like it would make more sense to do that. No wonder if failed.

No, I replied to Solarion, I replied to you with other points.

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Bull. That Dwarf was a spy and had no real interest on diplomacy. In fact the elves assumed that he was an ambassador and asked for evidence. Being an ambassador kept that dwarf from being killed on the spot. They suspected him but suspicion was worth nothing. Especially with an ambassador. When we found proof that he was a spy along with the hostile Night Elf, there was nothing more to be said.
Meanwhile the Horde actually sent ambassadors and offered/gave aid. The Alliance sent a spy and a hostile force.


Which is immaterial to the fact he was (to the Blood Elves) an Ambassador. They did not suspect him of being there to spy. The treated him as an Ambassador of the Alliance, and in doing so, kept him tucked away and waiting on bureaucracy, while giving the Horde’s ambassadors tours of the city and the best treatment possible to curry their favor and approval.

My Point was that back then, the Blood Elves had no serious interest in rejoining the Alliance. The dwarven Ambassador’s presence was nothing more than humoring the Alliance and maintaining an image of aloof interest, until such a time that their membership in the Horde was guaranteed. Had the dwarven Ambassador not betrayed them and Alliance not been in their lands, then by the time they were in the Horde I imagine they’d have told him Quel’Thalas was no longer interested in old alliances, and sent him home. Alive. In tact.


Pretty sure they were just fishing for anyone that would give them aid. At first they really didn’t have much of an interest in the Horde either. And Horde had little interest in having them save for Sylvanas and the Forsaken that had ties to Quel’thalas.


Blood of the Highborne seems to suggest otherwise. From what I recall, Kael’thas was very interested in Quel’Thalas joining the Horde, at at the least he approved of it. There didn’t seem to be much consideration in joining the Alliance.

You seem to miss the point.

The Blood Elves indulged the wishes of the ambassador, who requested to see the Arcane Sanctums. They did not “tuck him away” quite the opposit, they were open and willing to adhere to his requests. He was the one who requested to be shown the arcane sanctums, and the Blood Elves obliged as they would with any envoy no doubt.

Stop trying to turn this around and put it on the Blood Elves.

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Dialogue from the Ambassador: "Ah, you must be the <lad/lass> assigned to show me around the Eversong Woods. Took your sweet time getting here, didn’t you? Very well, off we go. Let us not waste one more minute."

‘Took your sweet time getting here, didn’t you.’ Kind of makes it obvious they’d been keeping him waiting, playing delay tactics.

Stop misinterpreting everything I say as an attack on the Blood Elves, maybe?

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Approving the attempt to join the Horde doesn’t mean your sole interest is joining the Horde. The BEs were desperate for aid. They only JUST got a handle on the magic addiction problem to keep more people from turning Wretched. While dealing with both the Scourge left in Quel’thalas and the Trolls. They needed help and they were no longer in a position to be picky about allies. That’s why both Horde and Alliance were there. They invited both to court them.


Mate the one person I saw like your comment was Everien … :roll_eyes: With larger amounts of people in a pool ratio, it’s less likely the whole lot are all of one mindset such as flat-earthers simply because they disagree with your opinions of ignorance.

Also, to repeat myself (Once again) — It’s not explicitly about shadow priests in general, but shadow / void users in regards to the new customs decreed for protecting the Sunwell by Rommath - And how that in turn, extends to elven shadowpriests & void users in general. You consistently ignore events within their chronological order too …

Thus yet, you’re either still trolling, or appear too intellectually challenged to actually read or comprehend what’s been written & discussed; so I’d wager arguing with you is a waste of words since it’s just going to repeat in a persistent loop of your immense ignorance & obese hubris. :person_shrugging:

Although one would want to avoid assumptions, it would make sense to state that Kael’Thas along with many other high ranking elves of leadership - were probably too prideful to rejoin the Alliance at that point in time… Especially since at the time it appeared that the Horde had offered the olive branch first in their troubled times, whereas the Alliance judged, spied & plotted within their kingdom. However it could really be debated up to speculation, although I do believe iirc that there was dialog shared in Silvermoon too, regarding further reasons to why they joined the Horde than the Alliance.

The Forsaken were able to convince the interest of the Horde, much akin to how the Tauren were able to do the same for the Forsaken to the rest of them.

However if you’re simply talking about initial engagements, then from what I recall - Yes you would be relatively correct.

I have always had these conversations.

… From what I can understand of this letter, whoever wrote this did not cause the malfunction, but rather was sent here as a spy to observe the results of it.

You misconstrued something, I corrected. As is seen, the dwarf was sent specifically to observe the results of a malfunctioning arcane sanctum, the documents also had a lot of scribbling detailing the arcane sanctums and strategic buildings in Eversong Woods.

You are trying to say that the Blood Elves hid him away, I am telling you that he requested to see specific things.

Whatever you state in the end is redundant. You said they tried to tuck him away, they did not.

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Blood of the Highborne did state that Lor’themar would have to inform Kael about the negotiations with Horde & Alliance. So Kael have probably greenlit the idea of joining the Horde, should the Alliance not be possible. Blood of the Highborne hints to the letter given to the Blood Elf player at the end of the quests in Ghostlands, that has to be handed to the Warchief.

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Well, this part isn’t not entirely true.

People were exiled from Quel’Thalas before BC. The lodge in the Hinterlands was populated by those exiled for not draining mana from living beings. Thus, they’d acquired the means to handle their addiction well before BC. After all, the Quel’Lithien High Elves had been around since Vanilla at the least.

Likewise, it was not a lack of mana which causes Blood/High Elves to become Wretched, but an excess of mana. High Elves were able to give up magic altogether cold turkey and not become Wretched (the Hinterlands Lodge).

And they kept him waiting. On purpose. Without much interest in hurrying anything along.

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Keep in mind – Sentinel spies were sent to Quel’Thalas by the night elves in order to spy on the activities of the blood elves and sabotage them. And the one who was assisting them with knowledge on those sanctums was that very same dwarf - Prospector Anvilward.

He gathered information such as detailed maps of different strategic buildings in Eversong Woods or a diagram of an arcane sanctum sketched in good detail, accompanied with numerous notes, and delivered the secret documents to the night elves, who sabotaged a sanctum with the knowledge obtained. I’m not sure if you’re referring to the dwarf as innocent or not, or simply providing more detail to those events but if the former – I wouldn’t necessarily state that’s the case.

Also going with the Horde would had been more strategic for their kingdom, with closer reinforcements nearby via the Forsaken than any Alliance kingdom. The aid of the Forsaken along with the sabotaging of the arcane sanctums in Quel’Thalas from the Night Elves only solidified the blood elves agreeable partnerships with the Horde.

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Just because some could do that doesn’t mean that all could do that. It was a problem for the nation or what was left of it. It it weren’t a problem they wouldn’t have had the knowledge of mana draining be be brought back. A group is not representative of an entire nation. No chances could be taken at the time and they had to try and get things back to a normal level.


That’s a fair point to make too.
Like if cold-turkey had the result to handle the addiction without becoming wretched – But was not guaranteed, as a nation you wouldn’t want to take that risk. Also if I recall correctly, despite them having ‘a handle on the addiction’ - It was still there, biting at their mind.

If there leadership told them to suck it up & buckle down, there would had been a LOT more succumbing to becoming wretched amongst their people – And after losing so much to the Scourge, that’d be the last thing you’d want.

Like legit, if the Silver Covenant & Vareesa Windrunner were to seize control of Silvermoon & Quel’Thalas, it’d just straight up be:


Going Cold Turkey was FAR from an ideal solution. I was simply trying to explain Wretched aren’t a result of a lack of mana, but an excess.

Likewise, those elves whom didn’t drain mana were typically useless. Draining mana was the only way to be healthy enough to be of any use, at least, for the majority of the elves.


I never said what the cause of the turning was. I only said that the mana addiction was a major problem that led to people turning Wretched. One that, at the time of BC, they only JUST got a handle on.


It is all a response to Solarion’s earlier claim that the Blood Elves intentionally hid the Dwarf away and were not interested in actually being diplomatic with him, when it is obvious that the reverse was true. The Blood Elves did everything to indulge and be diplomatic with the Ironforge envoy, but he proved to be a spy sent for nefarious reasons.

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Ah, fair enough.

At best, I’d wager the Blood Elves were cautious at best. Rightly so, given events & circumstances that surrounded them and that of which they had faced in the past (Being betrayed even by one of their own to allow Arthas & the scourge in).

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