The Ashen Court was a non-guild Discord community for discussion, coordination, and networking around Sin’dorei and Quel’Thalas-based RP on Wyrmrest Accord that was open from July 2022 to August 2024. The Discord has been retired, but we hope to see you in Quel’Thalas!
We’re looking to make Silvermoon Sundays the casual night when folks all go to Silvermoon at the same time to find their walk-up RP.
I’m planning on hanging out there for a bit on one of my characters tonight, and hopefully if you’re into RP in Silvermoon, you’ll stop by too, Reader!
Is this for Sin’dorei only or are those of other races that might frequent Silvermoon welcome as well? I’ve recently returned to WoW rp and this fella is part of the Reliquary, so I’ve thought about bringing him by the Silvermoon rp scene.
I do believe the goal is to help Silvermoon City be active again. If your character frequents SMC, then I believe they would be most welcome! 
Axiann is right – the server is for anybody who’s interested in RP that’s located in Quel’Thalas and/or centered on Sin’dorei cultural themes, whether they’re playing a Sin’dorei character or not. You’re certainly welcome to join!
It’s about to be Sunday, and on Sunday, some of us will be dedicating some time to enjoying an evening in Silvermoon City. Come by if you’d like to hang out in Silvermoon and catch someone for walk-up RP!
The time frame as it’s listed on the server calendar is 6pm to 8pm server time, but last week I believe some people stuck around later than that.
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Is this just for in game RP? I main Alliance on Aggramar these days but I’ll always be a blood elf at heart.
Hello! That depends on what you mean.
Currently, the only ‘event’ we’ve started holding is Silvermoon Sundays (though more are to come), which is an initiative for in-game RP. However, the overall purpose of the server is to help people connect for Sin’dorei RP in general, and there’s no rule that it has to be in-game only. Discord-based RP is something a lot of people do, and some of those who’ve already filtered into the server might be included, not to mention others who come in future. If you wanted to come and see whether you could find non-in-game RP through the server, that would be fine.
There isn’t currently an area for Discord RP in the Ashen Court server itself. There actually was one early on when I was working on it, though I didn’t keep it. I’d be open to adding it back if there’s interest.
All that aside, if the idea appeals to you, you could make a blood elf alt on WrA to check out the RP scene with.
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Giving this thread a nudge back up; we’ve had good luck with finding folks for Silvermoon Sundays - once with adding an IC food cart and once just being a walk-up opportunity.
Come join us for more. I’ll be posting a Farstrider event for early September shortly!
Farstrider event post will be live later tonight; posting from this character because this computer won’t let me swap characters for some reason.
I hope I can make it for Silvermoon Sundays soon!
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I intended to post much earlier than this to mention that the Songbird Eatery food cart will be open this evening in the Court of the Sun (near the gate to Farstrider Square) from 5 pm to 7 pm server.
Our plan is for the Eatery to open on the last Thursday evening of every month; we might open it on Sundays now and again, as well.
It’s Silvermoon Sunday!
We’ve expanded the “scheduled” timeframe to 5-9pm server/pacific. This is drop-in, drop-out – don’t worry about it if you can’t come at the beginning or can’t stay the whole time.
This is great! Looking forward to stopping by!
Still doing our Silvermoon Sundays and had a few other Thalassian cultural events too.
Bumping the thread!
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In forum news, the first post has been edited and reformatted with some more information.
In in-game news, the Songbird Eatery food cart will be open tomorrow night, Thursday, September 29, from 5pm to 7pm server/Pacific! You can find us in SMC in the Court of the Sun, at the carts near the gate to Farstrider Square.
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Songbird Eatery is open! We’ll be here until about 7pm server time.
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Songbird Eatery is open once again! We’ll be in the Court of the Sun until 8pm server/pacific time. Come pick up some Thalassian food!
Planning on making it out this week!
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