Blood elf druid

void elf paladin called them voidguard or void knight drawn on void to doing what light does for paladins.

Congrats on making the most ridiculous post on the front page


let me make point about the void a void elf who could use the void as paladin use the light. the void is different for light, the forsaken use the shadow to heal as holy priests

There is already a Blood Elf druid in the Botanica.

Blood Elves can steal magic. Itā€™s how they got Paladin. They stole the Light; they can steal Nature.


Blood elf druid

flight form is a peacock
travel form would be a unicorn
bear form has pink fur and a heart shaped tattoo on its stomach
swim form is a stick


You forgot where cat form is just Edward Cullen in a cat suit rofl

naw naw theyd look more like this

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Uhh, yā€™all left night elf society because you didnā€™t like nature magic

Itā€™s a little late to be druids


they could always kidnap a few worgens and ā€œmotivateā€ them to share the secret how they became druids


Maybe, but Blood elves and Nightborne pretty much have no ties to nature magic anymore because they abandoned it in favor of arcane magic

I donā€™t even think they have the capacity to be a druid because theyā€™re so strongly tied to the arcane


true but neither are gilneans they only gained the power of druid magic thru an ancient ritual that bestowed the power upon them surely they could use the same rites to manage it even if it is slightly different from theirs


Peacock like the Pandaren Phoenix? Heck yes.
Mana wyrm for travel.
Unicorn tank, and itā€™s a buff quarterhorse-shaped unicorn.

Things can change in lore, the game progresses forward. Blood Elves didnā€™t have yellow eyes until recently because of the reigniting of the Sunwell. Updating Silvermoon and Eversong could be a great opportunity to introduce Blood Elves back to druidism healing the tainted scar thatā€™s been blighting their lands for so long. I think they would turn back to nature magic to try to fix their lands instead of just being like ā€œoh well, we only do arcane, guess its just gonna stay ruined.ā€

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and every time they get hit, they complain about breaking a nail.

either that or screams like Kate Capshaw constantly did in temple of doom when she turned her hand over and sees that big bug on it after noticing she had in fact broken one

Just wait until they find out they put their mouth on what they bite, even if itā€™s a ogreā€™s unwashed butt loincloth and swimming through the sewage drainage canals!

he is not a real druid, he is a botanist, he use arcane magic to emulate

and he is dead, he was enemy, and had nothing to do with current b lood elves

the naaru let then have it as a master plan, they can steal magic but they can simple become druid by stealing nature magic, its not simple, it need several steps and training, if it was that easy everybody would be one, even goblin to gain profit, its nonsense

there is no need for the lore to be changed for the bad in that way

same way there is no need to c hange the lore with goblins druids

Blood elves are not a nature attuned race, they donā€™t use nature magic, and are already too many classes, and are already the most playable one, they donā€™t need more shenanigans to make then even more playable, deal with what they already have

its passed several years since that dude, if they rly want anything to do with their barbaric counsins way they would already have done

are you high? elves the most egocentric and pedantic race, they would never go back to old ways, they will stay with the arcane forever.

they have other to fix their lands, allies, they donā€™t need to go to druidism

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Agreed. Iā€™d drop my Nelves in a hot minute if they allowed Belf Druids.

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honestly class/racial restrictions suck


yet the smelly druid hippies can be mages? thats not fair and the blood elves arent addicted to magic anymore