Blood elf druid

i think it be great lore to introduce blood elf druid for few reason first they land need be heal second the area need be update so does exodus area. i think instead add more race maybe exception of San’dalyn lead by Ka’el add druid for blood elf and even give void elf demon hunter or night elf paladin moon knights.

it might fit with shadowlands too

I’d say it’s closer to:

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I’m unsure as to why Blizzard just won’t open more classes to more races. Nobody likes being limited in choice, especially when they were all about customizing your character this expansion.
They don’t even need to create more forms for Druids. They can literally just recolour and implement creatures that already exist.
You can pull a bunch of undead models for Undead, robo-animals for Gnomes, etc.


or improve exsist designs i like more form for moonkin the chicken form isn’t really attracted

flight for could be a dragonhawk

you think after legion and other expansion the druid and other class would need to expand they ranks to include new races because of the lost of life

i agree :smiley: High Botanist Freywinn exists

People talking about how it doesn’t work lorewise, and I just don’t get it. I love the history of all the races quite a bit, but when you play a Tauren, you aren’t playing the entire culture, when you play a blood elf you aren’t playing the entire culture. You are playing an individual, and there is no reason why a blood elf can’t break away from the traditions of their culture to study under druids, just as there is no reason an individual Tauren can’t decide that they want to study arcane, or that they want to study fel magic or something. You play an individual, individuals make choices, cultures are not monoliths.