Blood elf druid

dude blood elves and nightborne love nature just as much as night elves. you play on a role playing server and you don’t know this…

Sure they do. My point being a druid entails being a filthy animal that poops everywhere, which goes against both nightborne and blood elf societal norms. Sure it might be normal for other horde races to poop in the street, but not blood elves or nightborne.

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before the third war there was high elf druids. but since the scourge killed most elves there was only a handful of them left I wouldn’t be surprised if they might come back. a dev confirmed awhile ago that the blood elf botanists are druids.


Well, some of the players who are average/thin build decent looking in real life might not want to play as fat, big, short, or ugly races like all the non BE options

Just what are you saying with this?

Void elves too ^^

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You know what they say, void elves and tentacles go together like Apple pie and tentacles. If void elves should get a tentacle Displacer beast form lol to make things even with the pointy lynx eared felines

Aren’t they called Nightelves?

God that would be awesome. Voidform bears.


Yep, I have wanted a blood elf druid forever.


Shadowlands would be a great time to reintroduce druidism to the blood elves with Ardenweld. Being able to speak with a possible wild god/loa that the blood elves had once drawn power from, or even communing with the old spirits of the blood elves who practiced druidism before the scourge invasion.

Like I said above there are many ways Blizzard could add in blood elf druidism and it’s long overdue. I’d also support human druids.


death to class restrictions.


I would main a Blood Elf druid and never look back.


i kind surprise that blizzard want to give void elf death knight. I felt that won’t work with lore since they have void whisper at them. I think blood elf druid should be doingable as well as nightbore. void elf demon hunter possible

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Heck yeah! Cant wait for BElf Druids.


Id play Alliance more if I could be this. Id delete my NElf instantly.

The marks and eyes should be blue given they’re high elves.

They should be based on the eye color you pick at the barbershop. For that lil bit extra uniqueness.

Horde has not elf everything except paladins and that’s only by one or two I believe. The shaman disparity is huge

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BE Druids and Shamans, I’d be complete :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: