Did you play the Warcraft RTS games? Goblins have been aiding the Horde, in whatever incarnation you want to discuss, since the Second War.
Magical prowess? That’s it? Tauren & Trolls brought us the Druids and the Loa; Orcs brought us the Elements; the Forsaken brought us Magic, Alchemy, and Shadow; Goblins brought us Commerce & Technology.
We already had Magic, but I do suppose every little bit helps. Even if it’s from deformed Trolls.
I did, which is why I know that there’s a clear distinction between the Horde during the second war and the one that formed after the Third.
And goblins didn’t bring that in game until Cataclysm
And again, you’re trying to minize that contirbution while claiming to know the lore when we’re talking about war with a faction that contains humans, the Jack of all trades due to their “hUMan POtenTal!”.
“A little bit”, you’re ignoring the fact that we’re talking about the hipster mages here, the race that literally taught humans “How to Mage”.
Are we going back to the stupid “blood elves aren’t true Horde” crap? What year is this?
p.s. Blood Elves brought a lot to the table. They had three very strong orders: the Mages, the Farstriders and the Blood Knights. If you want to talk about a useless race, let’s go with Pandas. Did we really need Monks and booze? Meh.
Horde = Blood/High Elves. That’s a fact.
Sorry you’re having problems with it.
We’re the most popular played race in the Horde…so we kind of outnumber anyone who doesn’t think we belong.
We need more Druid races overall, but the last thing we need is more blood elves; they are already like 20% of the population. Nightborne I could see. We’ve been asking for Dwarven Druids forever. And both the Vullera and Mechagnomes were ideal for alternative Druid lore and forms just like KT/Zandalari but I guess Blizz got lazy.
The only specc that wouldn’t fit thematically would be resto. Bear and cat would be fine with models similar to zoids tv show. Balance could be some sort of bird/gundam form. Idk what they would do with resto though.
Im down. The thing that keeps me from a horde druid is that literally only Taurens and Trolls can be them.
Like seriously! Even giving Vulpera druid would be great at this point!
Dont like trolls? Tauren, dont like both? screwed
Alliance on the other hand get NE, KT, And worgen. 3 very different races
YES GOD YES PLEASE!!! catform is a lynx and normal bear form, travel form is hawk strider flightform is dragon hawk moonkin form is well a moonkin not anything odd. aquatic form sea lion
I have another idea. Why not allow the most popular horde race Blood Elves to play every class? For those that prefer humanoid characters they can relate to in real life. Example. I think it’s very bad your forced into troll or tauren if you want to play a Druid. I only like blood elves and I’m forced into orcs, trolls, and tauren on my druid and shaman.
The alliance could allow humans and night elves to play every class since they are both popular. This might also help the faction imbalance. I think this solution would make the almost everyone happy without completely destroying the lore. What do you think?
Edit: checked one site that says 19.5% of horde are BE, and 26% of alliance are human + night elves combined.
What if they made a fully customizable druid model, with fur colors, mane styles, chest fur, ankle fur, tail fur, trinkets, feathers, braids, stripes, spots and or roseetes and allowed people to have one fully customizable druid model template or their default? A nose and claw sharpness slider as well could be really cool. They look hooves!