Blood elf druid

Yes please. And thank you.

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Not jealous. Just hate seeing an Alliance race on the Horde.

I mean skinny humans for shallow players should have stayed where they belong.


rather see nightborne druids

but if they give us more allied races night fae would be great as neutral or horde for druids. the only thing i hate about being horde is i like night eld druid better than troll

Yes! Elvish Druids for the Horde.

Please, Blizz… PLEASE!


Only if ally gets lion and eagle themed druids or cougar forms and the wild hammer get saber toothed goat forms lol

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I just don’t believe that…because there is nothing ‘alliance’ about high/blood elves. We’re Horde so I think you’re kind of behind the times…like how many years has Silvermoon been Horde aligned now?

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No. No void elf paladins, no draenei warlocks, no Lightforged demon hunters, none of that, ever. These limitations are there for a reason; most of the time that a race can’t be a certain class, it’s because said class goes against their societal standards or is simply a biological impossibility. Even if all races got all classes, they’d have to exclude demon hunters, which wouldn’t sit well for the few dozen people who want to play a void elf or nightborne as one or the five people who want to play a vulpera as one.

Also this. Blood elves already dominate 8 of the 10 classes they have access to, give them shaman and druids and watch them make up at least 10% of both classes overnight.


Dwarves and Zanda trolls have the same number without an exclusive class. So your argument for too much class availability falls short.

Blood elves have many avenues of druidism should Blizzard ever decide to allow them to become them.

  • They used to practice druidism
  • The Ar’candor tree from Suramar is a great segway into arcane & nature balance
  • The Reliquary have been seeking knowledge to break arcane addiction so discovering past blood elves link in druidism from Ardenweld would be possible
  • The Reliquary has also been investigating Zandalari loas and could discover a dragonhawk loa

Many MANY avenues are possible and it’s long overdue. I’d also say the same for human druids.

Just cause the young un come in and change the game doesn’t mean we all have to like it. I still know a LOT of players who don’t like the BEs on Horde side.

Horde were the primitive, tribal, monster races. There is NOTHING Hordelike about Blood Elves.

Poncy elves and their pretty cities riding birds? That screams Alliance. Where are their mud huts with pointy bones sticking out? Where is their fierce trial by combat lifestyle?


Your racial leader goes Alliance in 8.3. Sit down :joy:

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And your racial leader already tried to go Alliance but even they wouldn’t accept you because you are TOO Alliance…

No one wants elves. Admit it.


You know that was shopped, right?


Less than a decade.

By comparison, Goblins have been aiding the Horde on and off since the Second War, with one Cartel “going official” in Cataclysm. So in the grand scheme of things, Blood Elves have contributed very little since joining.

Well, aside from all the mana addicts roaming Orgrimmar looking to jank the next passerby for their fix. Thanks for those, by the way.


So you deny that Baine sits in Stormwind’s Throne room, giving Anduin advice?

Lor’themar pulled out of the deal after Jaina had another mental breakdown. Then Varian scolded her for it :sunglasses:


Diplomat FOR the Horde.

Stops trying to join the Alliance and leave the Horde?



You do know that the Horde during the Second war was not the same that had Trolls, Tauren and Forsaken, right?

Yeah, except magical prowess, which against a race that apparently has the potential of being anything, kind of helps a lot.

What’s with all these people stuck in 2006? You had over 10 years to get over all this, guys.

At least he never appeared as Alliance flagged.

Anyway… on topic, because I have no idea why is this in a thread about belves druids…

They’d be neat, but I doubt they will happen even if it wouldn’t be a first if they made tweaks to old concept such as they did with Goblins being able to be shamans.

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I play Blood Elves myself, I am “over it” as you say.

The difference between me and what appears to be many other Blood Elf players, is that I actually know my lore. I don’t let my enjoyment of playing an Elf become an obsession as it has for so many others.

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But then why do you act as if the goblins assisting the old Orcish Horde somewhat adds to them being associated with the current one?

I mean, if you had mentioned Gazlowe, sure, but come on.

But you seem to be trigger happy when it comes to dismissing their contribution.

And yes, this is Midare.

As you said, Gazlowe. I didn’t think I would have to spell it out for you.

… exactly what, contribution is that?

Except that he was nowhere to be found during the Second war, which is the period you mentioned. He only appeared for the first time after the Third and during the founding of Durotar.