Blood elf druid

Arcane addicts dont get to bond with nature.


Why? The best race is already available to be druidsā€¦Zandalari.

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Noā€¦ theyā€™ve become closer to the Light. Like Draenei. Thatā€™s nothing to do with Wild Gods or the Emerald Dream.

The Sunwell was reignited with the heart of a Naaru. Itā€™s Arcane and Light magic.


I mean from a lore perspective, I donā€™t think it makes sense. Night elves are the only elves that can be druids and thatā€™s because theyā€™re nature based(and have been always).

But from a game perspective, I think all races could be all classes in a way that can at least partially make sense.

Some forms I think would be cool with nelf druids.

Feral - Lynx form.
Flight - Dragonhawk

Edit: Belf druidsā€¦

Choosing a race would be trivial if we give all classes to every races in this game

And seriously, the Alliance needs more druids now that Horde has outnumbered them. There is this npc faction alongside the wildhammer dwarves who has the potential to be druids, and their relations with the Night Elves seem to have warmed up through these years

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^^ This, yes please!

I care. And if Goblins can be Shaman for mercantile reasons we should certainly be able to for scientific ones.


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Iā€™d play a Gnome Shaman. :fortune_cookie:

lol you know thatā€™s not going to happen.

Ahhhā€¦ my dream is Blood Elf Shamanā€¦

Why would we give a desired class to the most played race?

I am all for more restrictions on BEs.

BEs now have to be as fat as Kul Tirans.
BEs can only play Paladain and are forced to ONLY play as Lawful Good. There are no choices other than to follow someone like Baine.


If the only thing that makes choosing a race trivial are classes then thatā€™s pretty bad.

Zandalari arent real druids. Theyā€™re loa slaves.


Necro a thread for a stupid request. Shame.

  1. Lorewise Blood Elves scorned Druidism as a lowborne practice from the Night Elves.

  2. Thematically they donā€™t fit the theme of the race.

  3. Gameplaywise, Blood Elves are already overplayed, the most played race by a wide margin. We really donā€™t need more of them running around.

  4. They can play already 10 classes, TEN, arenā€™t TEN classes enough for you? You need ELEVEN? One is exclusive to them in the faction and the other is only available to only 2 races in the faction. Seriously, why you need more privileges?


If Night Elves can be Mages, Blood Elves can definitely be Druids.

Also thereā€™s nothing even remotely exciting about Shadowlands. Blood Elf Druids would help build hype.

If by encouraging more players to leave in droves as we enter World of Elfcraft, than sure. It would build a lot of hype.

Look, I play Blood Elves too. Their an interesting race, but they do not need more customization or classes. They already overtake all other races in the bleeding game, they do not need handouts or incentives. Blood Elves rejected Druidism and see Elementals are nothing more than pawns, they have no reason to pursue either vocation.


High elf druids were cannon till they retconned them to be mages that made stones in the starting zone. But we had botanists since BC, there is lore they did artificially changed the trees with arcane magic. Astromancy is something they also have which is hugely represented in the balance tree. The balance druids make them and nightborne fit well with druidism. The sun and moon magic especially.

No reason to be all testy because youā€™re jealous of how successful Blood Elves are. :hugs:

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Zandalari were druids before your race evolved down from us. :slightly_smiling_face: