Blood Elf Druid feels the same as Blood Elf Shaman. The High Elves may respect the power some shaman and druids have. But culturally they view the Druidic and Shamanistic practices as “beneath them” at best and barbaric at worst.
They should have their own form of Druidic magic based on eversong lore, nature magic entwined with runestones. We don’t want them to be Night Elf or Tauren Druids we want them to be blood elf druids. Even if you disagree with it they have their own method of preserving their forest. It gives a different angle which is kind of the point.
ROFL no. Druids care about the balance of nature, which means you don’t alter a forest to not go through its natural seasonal cycle.
I typically agree with your posts Rosen, but on this subject I cannot take any counter arguments against belf druids seriously. All rules went out the window when tauren became rogues and draenei were allowed to be eredari. Honestly, once a moving box freezer became able to stealth, all lore related rules became obsolete.
All you’re telling me is they mastered Druidic magic. We don’t want them to be night elf druids, they are blood elf druids. It can be a point of conflict if anything which is what this game used to be about…
You are just describing a potential conflict that Night Elf Druids would have with Blood Elf Druids. Personally I think it’s a captivating angle about the ethical concerns relating to manipulating nature.
I never said one word about nelf druids so I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Btw, caring about the balance of nature is someone that all playable druids care about.
This is why paladins got homogenized into being like taurens. The idea that all classes must be uniform across races.
Nah a BE druid’s cat form would be a Siamese cat.
Bird flight form would be a peacock
Guardian form would be would be the wolf guy from “Bad Guys”. lol
There’s nothing forcing all Blood Elves into a peg hole. Times change.
There’s no reason why not. They’ve said they’ll eventually open up all races to all classes, just going to take time.
We are of the same mindset! It would make sense for them to have the ability to be druids.
Let the denizens of Eversong Woods finally heal the Scorched Grove and embrace the natural beauty - both fauna and flora - that they revere so much alongside Belore, and mend their lands.
I think druid is low-hanging fruit for Thalassian elves in general and I hope we can see it in the future.
Good question. I think this would have to be expanded and there are several angles they could go with it. Runebear since runes are used in their lore. Dire Lynx is also an option for a different take.
We have so many race/class combo’s now that make absolutely no sense whatsoever that you can’t really argue against suggestions for more.
Druids and to a lesser degree shaman will be the last ones to come though just because of the need for art assets.
pls blood elf droods
You don’t really need to care about the environment to be a Druid. Look at Staghelm, who created a new World Tree because he wanted immortality back. Look at Naralex, who destroyed a perfectly functioning ecosystem to return the land to what he thought it should be.
Meh. Still think belf druids are silly and I don’t wanna see that. Pure honesty here.
Consider however…
red lynx form with gold jewelry. So fancy.
Anyway I think it could work but they need to bring in some glyphs to help cosmetically. Right now druids are EXTREMELY Night Elf themed in their spell effects, gear, etc.
Even if they aren’t druids, the Horde have been connected to the Cenarion Circle for a long time. Enough for a group of Blood Elves to take practice and develop their own ways, especially with the very direct objective to heal their homeland.
We’ve seen way “worse” lore bends to accomodate other class combos and even races.