Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

No, im not angry, just annoyed that people cant remember a simple concept of dont poke prod and annoy other people if you dont want them talking back, like you are doing right now. This thread was done but you just HAD to go run your mouth about me.

You must be real fun always talking crap about other people, I feel sorry for those around you that have to constantly listen to it. Take other peoples advice, quit talking to or about other people if you dont want a response.

Just the ones that get annoyed with simple suggestions. So, like, 5 of you here on the forums. Most people just get discussion, but since most of your posts are just disagreeing, here we are. I’ll stop when you’re no longer entertaining.

So are you just a troll looking for something to do because the rest of your life is empty… yeah I think we all got it.

The talent art is incredibly confusing. Blood gets a Human DK with red eyes that looks like Doctor Strange, Unholy gets an Undead DK with blue eyes, but Frost gets… a dragon?

Talent art is just talent art. Paladin talent are used to just be landscapes.

Its just a background at this point so its not a grey boring window with some talents strewn across it.

For BOS :wink:

Just bored at the end of the day. Not trolling, either. Just enjoying the meltdown for yet another aesthetic you despise, while i have conversations with rational people.


It should have been the Lich King casting Howling Blast or Obliterate :frowning:


Light necromancy is new and in my mind is a bit of a emergency lore edit to fix the issue that came from the story having been rewritten rapidly before the beginning of shadowlands. Blizzard may decide to lean into it, but I expect that it’ll be largely memory-holed.

I definitely think the dark ranger options should be a thing for DKs. It’d be nice is DKs got a couple different color options honestly, towards specs

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I would pay them 25$ for a race change

DK’s arent dark rangers though and if you are an elf and a DK you are already a Darkfallen.

Different eye colors for death knights make no sense.

okay and lightforged draeneis can be death knights ?? lore is out of the window. what if i wanna roleplay as a darkfallen elf? is that out of the picture just b/c i wanna play dk too?

The talent tree art work for death knights have red, green, or blue eyes for the different specs so idk why it can’t be an option

Death Knight Elves are already Darkfallen. Roleplay away.

Darkfallen doesnt mean red eyes. Blood Queen Lana’thel has black eyes, shes a Darkfallen, the Knights in that wing have blue eyes, the Blood Princes have yellow and DK elves have blue. They are all Darkfallen. All DK elves are Darkfallen, but not all Darkfallen are DK’s.

Can you please give it a rest?

It’s literally a request for eye colour options, this topic doesn’t need 500+ replies on a forum thread.

If it makes you feel happier, you can pretend it’s an illusion enchantment on a piece of jewelry or a spell cast by a DK’s mage friend.

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If it makes you feel happier just go play an elf warrior with red eyes and a DK transmog, Dont go around attempting to change something that you neither understand or care about.

Shut up, Kelliste.


you whine about people trashing other people yet every comment you have left here makes you look like a salty tool.

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And you making a post trashing another person calling them a salty tool really helps your side. Way to help add evidence to my side that the DK community is filled with a bunch of toxic people that shouldnt get anything.