Well I was talking about players, Deathknights specifically. The Nathrezim don’t enter into the context of this conversation. You also knew that so don’t lecture anyone about ‘being disingenuous‘ please and thank you. Maybe you used that point in the hope nobody would notice? Pretty baffling. Now that I’ve cleared that up properly, you are welcome to do better.
They are absolutely important to the conversation because they set a precedence that going to and from the shadowlands doesnt do anything. We went to and from the firelands and that didnt do anything either. There is nothing special about the players but Blizzard trying to create some single player story within an mmo for some odd reason.
No one would notice what exactly? Im saying you are being disingenuous because you are absolutely being disingenuous. There is no way that you didnt see that original quote where I said “players no, but the nathrezim have” to where you could sincerely say that im saying nathrezim = players. Its a bunch of bs nonsense and you know it and this is why the DK forums is a cesspool.
That would be a pretty cool customization. Hell, one of our power sources is blood magic so why not. More personal customization is near always a good thing.
I suggestrd this as well. Could have green for those who dwell deep into unholy magic. Red for blood, and even add a frosty white for frost. They could think of a lot of reasons.
Green feels like it’s used in a bunch of other areas too. Maybe a purply color or something?
Well if you look at dh eye colors they get a purple option.
Wait, they do?! I’ve missed that. Gotta go change my DH eyes now. Not a fan of fel’s lime zest green >:P
Yea i know i used it when i turned my dh tats purple for a bit.
I changed my mog to a dk themed one and boy do I wish I could have the same look on my actual dk.
Thank you for your comment. Its feedback like this that shows the developers how people feel about this topic
I think this would be a great addition and only adds more while taking away nothing. Further customization seems to be a trend so lets keep it going! Eyes please! Would love to see many more options as well, but this would be a great start.
What about 5th generation DKs?
Would the necromancy need to be so attuned to frost magic over proper necromantic/blood magic?
What about light necromancy?
I don’t really care about the lore, i just want Red Eyes because im a Blood DK and it looks cooler.
Lololol. You’re such a downer. Most of your posts are just disagreeing with suggestions. This is why people trash you. Just let one go every now and then, know-it-all. Also, way to immediately prove someone’s point.
5th generation? Theres no one to create them anymore so if there was a 5th it would probably be completely different and just similar in name. Like the difference between 1st and 3rd generation DK’s they only really share a name.
Then people need to make better suggestions that is consistent with the lore.
Prove what point? Its absolutely hilarious that you guys keep saying I prove points yet never show how or explain anything, its like a buzz word it doesnt mean anything if you dont back it up. But let me guess, you dont have to back it up do you? I dont know why this thread was brought back up either, it was dead and has been for almost a month.
If you guys want red eyes go play an elf warrior of some sort with a DK transmog.
You proved that you come in to crap on optional ideas you don’t like, by being the post right after someone said you’d be here to crap on the idea. You literally did exactly what they said you would do before you even joined the conversation, proving their point.
Also, need to look up all the retcons this game has. That is no longer an arguement. Since you’re in disagreement with the subject (and just about everyone in here), it’s up to you to prove it’s a bad idea.
Eye colours for DKs! Don’t care how they do it.
THEN DONT TALK ABOUT ME. Wow what a innovative idea. The red eye thing has been played out and Blizzard said blue eyes, no customization unless it makes sense. Red eyes dont make sense end of story.
Yes, retcons are an argument because they shouldnt exist.
It makes absolutely no sense, therefore its a bad idea within an MMORPG. Hell people dont even know what Darkfallen means, and it doesnt mean red eye undead elf. It just means undead elf and Death Knight elves are the only Darkfallen you could play until now.
I’m kinda confused why the ingame talent screen when you go to select your spec has a blood DK with red eyes and an unholy DK with green eyes.
Lol, so angry. You must be fun if video games get you this riled. I feel the seethe.